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Claims by some European counties saying that they want to roll back the immigration that is occurring there are likely dubious

 by Edward Ulrich, October 30, 2023

I usually agree with what Paul Joseph Watson says, but I disagree with his attitude in this video where he explains that some EU countries are saying that they want to start rolling back some of the out-of-control immigration that has been happening there.

What has been happening in Europe over the past few decades has been a fundamental part of the global elite’s long-term plans, so I don’t believe there would be any significant agendas of rolling that back without it actually needing to be forced to happen by large amounts of people becoming more aware of the real agendas of the elite.

Most non-Europeans are entirely unaware of the catastrophic problems that have been happening on that continent due to the out-of-control Islamic immigration that has been happening there (see this link, and this link), which has been enabled by a news blackout about the topic.

The global elite is apparently feeling that they need to relieve a bit of pressure by putting up a front of claiming “they are going to start doing something about the problem,” however I’m sure that it is only a strategy to placate people while not actually doing anything that would change anything significantly.

An informative source of information about the harmful configuration of the EU is the video “Brexit: The Movie.” (However note that the video ridiculously avoids the immigration issue.)

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