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Compare a recent issue with J.D. Vance to the ridiculous corrupt history of Tim Walz

 by Edward Ulrich, updated September 22, 2024

[Note: September 22, 2024— I have added additional information in the section about J.D. Vance and fixed various typos in the article.]

Image from Wikipedia.

Donald Trump’s running mate J.D. Vance is being criticized in the media for recently making a comment in an interview that seems to be “gaslighting,” however Kamala Harris’ running mate Tim Walz has a shocking corrupt record that most people are not aware of.

This article explains the issue with Vance and also summarizes many of the issues with Walz.


I support Donald Trump and his running mate J.D. Vance over Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim Walz, but I think it is important to always scrutinize politicians on all sides.

J.D. Vance recently made a “gaslighting”-type statement in a CNN interview which has resulted in giving the Establishment media an excuse to attack him, where he said, “[If I have to] create stories [about Haitians eating pets] so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do…”, thus creating an impression that he was admitting that he was intentionally being deceitful about the matter for ulterior motives.  However everything that he and Trump have been saying about the issue is in fact true and verified despite what the media has been attempting to claim about the matter.

This is the full video of the CNN interview containing Vance’s controversial statement.  The statement starts at about 11 minutes into it.  (Also note that the woman interviewing him “acted shocked” by his statement despite the fact that he previously explained the evidence to her in a manner where she could not have interpreted his statement in the way that she was pretending to.)

In the entirely of the first part of the interview Vance explained the evidence and clarified what he meant, but nonetheless his “create stories” statement toward the end of it created a soundbite that is being exploited by the Establishment media where they are presenting him and Trump as being ridiculous and dishonest bigots, including in the monologues of late night show hosts for example.

[Note: I would bet Jimmy Fallon is only begrudgingly doing what he is told to do by the political Establishment as he seems to have a genuinely nice demeanor, as opposed to others such as Steven Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel who both often appear to be under the influence of some sort of drugs while they are speaking.  Perhaps that is because they are also miserable.]

I suppose Vance saying the “created stories” phrase could be interpreted of as a way of additionally tricking the media into talking about the issue, however it mostly just has a negative effect since most people only hear the soundbites that are opposed to him and Trump.

[Note: The following paragraph has been updated on September 22, 2024.]

Additionally it is being widely reported in the media that the Haitian migrants are being attacked such as receiving bomb threats due to Vance and Trump’s claims (link), however the attacks have actually been identified by the authorities as being hoaxes, which the Governor of Ohio Mike DeWine has stated in a breifing: “Thirty-three threats.  Thirty-three hoaxes ... I want to make that very, very clear.  None of these had any validity at all.  We have people, unfortunately, overseas, who are taking these actions ... Some of them are coming from one particular country.”  [Also notice that he said it was “33” hoaxes, where the number 33 is significant to Freemasonry and it is often used in news reports to communicate that Freemasonry is somehow involved, as this video shows.]


Now look at the history of Kamala Harris’ running mate Tim Walz who is currently the governor of Minnesota.

Walz is so corrupt that I’m surprised that even leftists like him, but I suppose nothing should really surprise me about that anymore.

At least according to polls, currently an enormous amount of support exists for Harris and Walz, where for example 77% of African Americans (link) and 72% of Jewish people (link) are said to support them, and 49% of Americans are saying that they support them overall as opposed to 41% being in favor of Trump and Vance. (link)  (But note however that polls can’t be trusted, as this article explains.)

It seems implausible that such a ridiculous person could be chosen as a Presidential running mate, even as a Democrat.  I wonder if he is being planned to be replaced in some sort of an underhanded trick before the election.

Walz is scheduled to debate Vance on October 1, where of course he will be thoroughly defeated.  He actually bailed out of a debate in 2022, which is explained in one of the following points.

Following is a list of issues with Tim Walz:

Why is Walz being called “Tampon Tim”?

This leftist Canadian National Post article bends over backwards to attempt to deceitfully portray Tim Walz’s “Tampon Tim” nickname as being due to his supposedly being compassionate and pragmatic, where it says it is because he “[gave] public school students access to menstrual products, like tampons and pads, for free in Minnesota,” with it attempting to conceal the real reason for the name being because he made them available in the boy’s bathrooms.

Toward the end of the article it finally does mention the issue with the boys bathrooms, but it attempts to create a false perception that it is not actually the case, “The law itself does not mention gender, but rather dictates that the products should be available in bathrooms used by menstruating students,” while not mentioning the fact that Minnesota under Waltz allows transvestite students access to bathrooms of the opposite sex.

“LGBTQ+” issues with Walz

Following is summary of issues from this Infowars article which explains that Tim Walz supports the entire range of the ridiculous “LGBTQ+” agendas, including mandating transvestite surgery for children.

— In May of 2023 Walz signed the “Judiciary and Public Safety bill,” which included the “Take Pride Act” which is a bill that amended the definition of “sexual orientation” in Minnesota, where he signed the law after the phrase “sexual orientation does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult” was removed from it.

— The Judiciary and Public Safety bill was authored by state Representative Leigh Finke, the first transvestite member of the Minnesota House of Representatives.  It defines “sexual orientation” as “to whom someone is, or is perceived as being, emotionally, physically, or sexually attracted to based on sex or gender identity.  A person may be attracted to men, women, both, neither or to people who are genderqueer, androgynous, or have other gender identities.”

— Additionally the Judiciary and Public Safety bill defines “gender identity” as “a person’s inherent sense of being a man, woman, both or neither [which] may or may not correspond to their assigned sex at birth or to their primary or secondary sex characteristics [which is] not necessarily visible to others.”

— Walz also signed an executive order in March of 2023 that safeguards access to so-called “gender affirming health care” for residents of Minnesota and those traveling from other states, where it even allows the courts to have “temporary emergency jurisdiction” during custody disputes that cross state lines if a child is unable to obtain the so-called gender affirming care.  (In other words: “Government mandated transvestite surgery for children.”)

Walz also banned “conversion therapy,” which is a term that can refer to therapies that align a child’s gender identity with their biological sex.

Walz has been a devoted Maoist Communist supporter

Following is a summary of information from this Infowars article which explains that Tim Walz is reported to adore the Chinese Communist government, where he has visited the country 30 times and held various positions of influence related to US-China relations, including setting up a private company that organized annual trips to China until it was dissolved days before Walz entered Congress in 2007.

— A student who accompanied Tim Walz on one of his many trips to Communist China is sounding the alarm that he is a “Maoist to the core,” as reported in the media outlet Alpha News.

— The student traveled with Walz to China in 1995, and spent several weeks with him visiting landmarks in the country.  He said that he was taken aback by how much Walz adored China’s Communist regime, where he would often buy pro-Communist books at street fairs that he would give as gifts.  “It would be like [being] in Germany and buying copies of Mein Kampf,” he said.

— The student additionally said, “I’ve been trying to tell people this for 30 years.  Nobody wanted to listen.  … If there was any doubt about what I’m saying just look at the policies enacted by his administration like the country’s worst abortion law, anti-free speech, the riots.  He’s a Maoist to the core and should not be underestimated.”

— James Comer, who leads the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability had announced in August 2024 an investigation into Walz’s links to Communist China, saying in a press release:

The CCP has sought to destroy the United States through coordinated influence and infiltration campaigns that target every aspect of American life, including our own elected officials.

Americans should be deeply concerned that Governor Walz, Kamala Harris’s vice-presidential running mate, has a longstanding and cozy relationship with China.  Mr. Walz has visited China dozens of times, served as a fellow at a Chinese institution that maintains a devotion to the CCP, and spoke alongside the President of a Chinese organization the State Department exposed as a CCP effort to influence and co-opt local leaders.  FBI briefers recently informed the Committee that the Bureau’s Foreign Influence Task Force investigates CCP activity that is similar to China’s engagement with Governor Walz.  The American people deserve to fully understand how deep Governor Walz’s relationship with China goes.

— The press release then goes on to explain how Walz began organizing school trips to China in the early 1990 which was funded by the Chinese government, and that he set up a private company which organized annual trips to China until it was dissolved days before Walz entered Congress in 2007.

— Walz has visited China an estimated 30 times, and held various positions of influence with regard to US-China relations.

Walz referred to a Hitler-promoting Islamic cleric as a “master teacher” at an event in Minnesota, and his administration had given money to Islamic extremist groups

The following is a summary of information in a Focus on Western Islamism article which explains that Tim Walz has associations with a Hitler-promoting Islamic cleric, his administration had given $100,000 to a group that has been designated as a terrorist organization, and it had given $2 million to a group that has been found to be fundraising for an al Qaeda-linked charity that is sanctioned by the U.S. government.

— Ten days before the start of the Democratic National Convention in August, the Washington Examiner published an article which explains that Tim Walz had on at least five occasions while he was governor hosted an imam named Asad Zaman of the Muslim American Society (MAS) of Minnesota, who has promoted a pro-Adolph Hitler film and is outspoken in making antisemitic social media posts that support Hamas and justify violence against Israel from terror groups.

— The Washington Examiner article also explains that the Walz administration gave $100,000 to the MAS of Minnesota, which has been described by federal prosecutors as being “founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States,” according to court records.  MAS has also been designated by the United Arab Emirates as being a terrorist group in 2014, and it came under fire in the media after a video surfaced online of children at an event at its Philadelphia chapter calling for the murder of Jews.

— A few days after publishing the original article, the Washington Examiner published another article showing footage from a video that was recorded in 2018 where Watz called Zaman a “master teacher” who offered Walz lessons over the time they “spent together.”  The report explains that the footage came after a spokesperson for Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign said in a statement that Walz does not “have a personal relationship” with Asad Zaman.

— Despite Walz’s association with Zaman, the mainstream media is mostly refusing to report about it, however Donald Trump posted a video that mocks Walz about the matter.

— The media is also ignoring another article published by the Washington Examiner which explains that the Walz administration awarded $2 million to a group called the Islamic Association of North America (IANA) that was fundraising for an al Qaeda-linked charity that is sanctioned by the U.S. government.

— The article explains that IANA is “a nationwide umbrella organization with over 35 centers” and offshoots — over a dozen of which are in Minnesota,” and it gives details about the many specific people and organizations that are involved, the various extremist causes that they support, as well how they received money from the Walz administration and what the money was designated for.

— The Focus on Western Islamism article mentioned at the top of this section quotes Dalia Al-Aqidi, a prominent counter-Islamist running as a Republican against U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar in the race for U.S. Representative of Minnesota’s fifth district, who explains:

Walz supports those who are responsible directly or indirectly for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East over the last fifty years, and to him, he thinks he’s doing me a favor.  It’s sick.  … [The Democrat’s obsession with identity politics] leads them to embrace what they see as the leaders of movements who claim to represent a certain group of people.  In the case of his and most of Minnesota’s Democrat outreach to Muslims, they choose Muslim Brotherhood front groups and those who actively support the likes of Hamas, al-Qaeda, and other terrorist groups.

About Waltz’s “stolen valor” of making fraudulent claims about his military service

This FreedomToons video is about Walz’s claiming that he has PTSD from his time in the military, when in fact he was only stationed in Italy.

This Infowars article explains that a video from a hearing in 2008 has surfaced which shows Walz implying the he suffered from PTSD due to deployment in Afghanistan, when in fact he was only posted to Italy with the National Guard.  Additionally it explains that he has been criticized for retiring from the National Guard in order to avoid deployment in an actual war zone in Iraq.

This Infowars article explains that Military veterans have sparked a viral video trend in response to Walz abandoning his platoon prior to its deployment overseas, where they say “This is me not being Tim Walz.”

Walz has been an extreme BLM supporter and enabler

This Infowars article explains that in 2020 Tim Walz allowed BLM and ANTIFA to riot across Minneapolis, where Walz’s wife was such a supporter of the riots that she actually said in an interview that she “kept the windows open as long as I could [to smell the burning tires] because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening.”

Waltz mandated tyrannical and harmful COVID policies

This Infowars article explains that governor Tim Walz ordered police to shoot residents on their porches with paint balls during the COVID pandemic, and he bribed adolescents to get the dangerous COVID vaccines with a $200 visa gift card and a chance to win a $100,000 scholarship.

As governor, Walz mandated that teachers in Minnesota can only be licensed if they affirm homosexuality, transgenderism, and DEI race Marxism philosophy

Minnesota teachers are required to renew their license every five to seven years, and to do so they will be required to show “cultural competency” and “show … evidence of self-reflection and discussion of” topics that include “gender Identity, Including Transgender Students” and “Sexual Orientation.”  Additionally they must show they understand “bias” in themselves and their students related to race, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other cultural Marxist categories.

The following is a summary of information in this article in the Federalist.

— Starting in July 2025, Minnesota will require teacher license applicants to affirm that they agree with transgenderism and DEI race Marxism beliefs.  Without a teaching license people are not able to work in Minnesota public schools or in private schools that require it, including at Universities.

— The Wall Street Journal reported:

Mr. Walz signed the law establishing this initiative in 2023.  The department’s standards and benchmarks, approved in January, require first-graders to ‘identify examples of ethnicity, equality, liberation and systems of power’ and ‘use those examples to construct meanings for those terms.’

Fourth-graders must ‘identify the processes and impacts of colonization and examine how discrimination and the oppression of various racial and ethnic groups have produced resistance movements.’  High-school students are told to ‘develop an analysis of racial capitalism’ and ‘anti-Blackness’ and are taught to view themselves as members of ‘racialized hierarchies’ based on ‘dominant European beauty standards.”

— Following are examples of the specific demands in the regulations that the teachers are required to affirm:

A.  The teacher understands multiple theories of race and ethnicity, including but not limited to racial formation, processes of racialization, and intersectionality.

B.  The teacher understands the definitions of and difference between prejudice, discrimination, bias, and racism.

C.  The teacher understands how ethnocentrism, eurocentrism, deficit-based teaching, and white supremacy undermine pedagogical equity.

D.  The teacher understands that knowledge creation, ways of knowing, and teaching are social and cultural practices shaped by race and ethnicity, often resulting in racially disparate advantages and disadvantages.

E.  The teacher understands the histories and social struggles of historically defined racialized groups, including but not limited to Indigenous people, Black Americans, Latinx Americans, and Asian Americans.

F.  The teacher understands the cultural content, world view, concepts, and perspectives of Minnesota-based American Indian Tribal Nations and communities, including Indigenous histories and languages.

G.  The teacher understands the impact of the intersection of race and ethnicity with other forms of difference, including class, gender, sexuality, religion, national origin, immigration status, language, ability, and age.

— The regulations essentially ban Christians and members of other religions who believe it violates their faith.

— Some Christian universities in the state are saying that they will obey the regulations and some will not.

— A nonprofit organization the Upper Midwest Law Center is attempting to bring a lawsuit on behalf of the teachers, but many teachers are instead saying that they intend to quietly disobey the state commands and sue only when the state finds and punishes them, rather than taking part in a lawsuit that would fix the problem before it even starts.

— From the article:

Walz’s first executive order as governor was to install a “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” or DEI, council.  Former Minnesota state legislator Allen Quist notes that “The radical Walz administration Department of Human Rights has also forced school districts to report student discipline by race and require equal outcomes (equity) in discipline.  The results have been horrific chaos and violence.”

During Walz’s governorship, student achievement in Minnesota has gone from among the best in the nation to declining more sharply than anywhere else in the nation, according to the Minneapolis-based Center for the American Experiment.  The most recent scores show Minnesota fourth graders dipping below the national average in reading for the first time ever recorded on the well-respected Nation’s Report Card.

Research has found for decades that there is no link between teacher certification and student achievement.  People who enter teaching with a degree other than in education tend to have significantly higher personal and student academic performance.

Waltz and Harris have been gaslighting by talking about racial food stereotypes and making a dishonest statement about cooking and gardening

This Infowars article explains that Walz posted a video of him speaking with Kamala Harris where he said that he makes “white guy tacos” where he “doesn’t put any flavor in it,” however it is shown that he once actually won an award for a “Turkey Taco Tot Hotdish” recipe that includes green chilies, a whole bottle of taco sauce, and chili powder.

In the same video Harris says, “I’m the first vice president, I believe, who has ever grown chili peppers,” however that is also untrue as many other vice presidents have been avid gardeners, including the first two vice Presidents such as John Adams and Thomas Jefferson who specifically grew peppers.

Walz has been exposed for making many false claims while campaigning in the past, including saying that he was given an award by the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce

This Washington Free Beacon article explains issues with Tim Walz making dishonest claims during his political campaigns that stretch back almost two decades, including saying that he “was named the Outstanding Young Nebraskan by the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce for his service in the education, military, and small business communities.”  The report also mentions that he claimed that he is a “retired command sergeant major”; he claimed that his children were conceived via in vitro fertilization; he claimed that he was associated with a Harvard-affiliated program; and he claimed that he had earned the title of “Nebraska Citizen-Soldier of the Year.”

Babies who survive botched abortions die on the operating table in Minnesota due to Walz’s policies

This Infowars article explains that data from the Minnesota Department of Health shows that at least eight babies who survived abortions in the state were left to die, with the number likely being much higher due to the fact that Minnesota stopped keeping track of born-alive babies due to efforts by Walz, along with Walz repealing a bipartisan measure in Minnesota in 2023 that would have required efforts to be made to preserve the “life and health” of such babies.

Waltz wants people to have no right to free speech if the government deems it to be “misinformation” or “hate speech”

This Infowars article explains that Tim Walz said in an MSNBC discussion in December 2022 that people saying “mail-in ballots aren’t legal” represent “voter intimidation” and thus they shouldn’t be allowed first amendment rights, and he went on to say “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech ... especially around our democracy.”

Walz skipped out on a 2022 debate

This Infowars article explains that Dr. Scott Jensen, a former opponent of Democrat Tim Walz, is warning Donald Trump’s running mate J.D. Vance that Walz might bail on an upcoming debate since the same thing happened to him, saying “Be careful, Tim Walz knows a thing or two about not showing up to debates.”

Jensen said that he had previously debated Walz twice, where Walz agreed to the second debate only after requesting no audience and for it not to be aired in the Twin Cities metro area by the local media outlet.

However, Walz skipped out on a planned third debate just days later, where Jensen instead answered questions given to him by the moderators with Walz not being present, which can be seen at this link.

Shockingly Walz somehow still won the election despite that and despite how corrupt he is.
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