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Did you know that Democrat states used to be depicted as “red” in the media and Republican states used to be “blue,” rather than the opposite as the media calls them now?

 by Edward Ulrich, May 27, 2024

A screenshot from the 1980 election showing the Republicans in blue.

Whenever I hear the terms “red states” and “blue states” I think of how those terms had been manipulated by the media to ensure that Democrats are not referred to as “red” in order for people to not associate them with Communism.

In the past, the media would swap the colors with every election, where the Democrats would be red for example, but starting in the year 2000 they simply stopped changing the colors and left the Republicans being red, for the obvious reason of making sure that people won’t associate Democrats with Communism while the party continues to get more extreme.

Of course it would be much more appropriate for the Democrat states to be depicted as red rather than blue, and in fact that simple difference would help to subconsciously wake people up about the problems that are occurring.

The powerful group the Council on Foreign Relations controls all of the mainstream U.S. media, as this video explains in detail.  So obviously that group was behind the decision.

I learned about that situation in this video where Brannon Howse of World View Weekend was speaking with Trevor Loudon about a leftist plan that is being implemented by the political Establishment that calls for guerrilla warfare in the streets of the U.S. to facilitate the establishment of Communism in the country.

Also see this Smithsonian article that speaks about that matter.
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