Europe is being overrun with Islam due to out-of-control immigration and rapidly declining birth rates
by Edward Ulrich, December 31, 2024

The information in this graphic is from Wikipedia. Note that its statistics are from 2010— fifteen years ago, before the massive amounts of immigration that has been happening since then!
The number of babies born in the EU has dropped to a record low last year, which has been a decline of 5.5% since the previous year. The number of births last year was the lowest in the EU countries since such data was first collected in 1961.
Most Europeans are not adequately informed about the issue of declining birth rates, due to the political Establishment intending for such a decline to happen in order for native Europeans to be replaced by incoming populations— especially to be replaced by Muslims. See this article for details about that matter.
Also see these articles about the issue:
December 3, 2024 RT article: “EU reports dramatic fall in birth rate” (link) — “The number of babies born in the EU states fell to a record low last year, according to the latest data from the bloc’s statistical office (Eurostat). Despite this, the total population has been on the rise due to mass immigration.”
December 12, 2024 Raymond Ibrahim article: “Baby Muhammad Takes Over Much of Europe” (link) — “‘Muhammad’ is now the most popular name for newborn baby boys in England and Wales, according to a report released on December 5 by the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics. … This is to say nothing of other Arabic/Muslim names, which are also topping the charts for newborn babies. … In Germany, about 20% of the population is set to be Muslim by 2050; Austria too.”
June 8, 2024 Raymond Ibrahim article: “Vienna: A Case Study of the ‘Great Replacement’” (link) — “Whoever doubts the merits of the ‘great replacement theory’ — which holds that global ‘elites’ are replacing white, Christian populations with nonwhite, non-Christian (especially Muslim) populations — should take a good look at Austria.”
VIDEO: The Welsh government in the UK has been trying to attract migrants by making welcome videos featuring young teenage girls (link) — [This is rather old news that I posted on a Various News article earlier this year, but it is so outrageous that I think I should mention it again here.]
Native Europeans need to become more aware that they should be having larger families
This issue with the declining birth rates could be improved if more native Europeans would become aware of the problem, leading to them consciously deciding to have larger families.
For example, people who are already having families who know that they will do a good job of it should choose to have twice as many kids or more, where if they were initially planning on only having two kids they could have four instead.
Also such women could make it a point to become pregnant again soon after giving birth, so the labor-intensive aspects of raising infants wouldn’t be as drawn out. For example if they didn’t take a year off between having children the diapers phases would be over in half the number of years.
I think many Europeans are choosing not to have more than only one or two children due to being exposed to a lifetime of propaganda telling them that “white people are bad,” and some are perhaps concerned that people would think they are somehow “racist” for having additional children.
Europeans are also often very naive about believing climate change propaganda, (link) where they have been told that having too many children will cause the ice caps to melt, for example.
School children in Europe should also be given three month vacations from school each year as kids receive in the U.S., instead of only a few weeks! Europeans are robbed of their childhoods with their intensive schooling, leading to many deciding to have their “childhood” later in life and not have kids.