News of Interest.TV

Grey Wolves are being released into rural Colorado despite residents being very opposed to the agenda

 by Edward Ulrich, November 21, 2023

Image from Flickr.

This is a summary an article written in 2022 that explains how Colorado voters had approved a ballot measure to re-introduce grey wolves into the state, which is type of agenda know as “rewilding.”  It explains that the wolves are going to cause problems for the people that are living in the rural areas where the people also voted against the initiative; how such rewilding agendas are implemented with ulterior motives; how past agendas of rewilding grizzly bears in other states has had bad consequences; and it also mentions that the (homosexual) Colorado governor and his husband are now advocating to place vicious wolverines into the conservative rural areas of the state as well.

“Rewilding” is an agenda of re-introducing species into an area where they had previously lived before being removed due to human settlement.

Some rewilding efforts in the past have been benign and arguably beneficial such as the reintroduction of moose into Colorado many decades ago, but now the rewilding agenda has devolved into a cynical game of bait-and-switch, where now dangerous predators are being put into areas with no concern for public safety or the safety of livestock, with the rationale being that the animal’s “historic range” takes precedence over the people who are now living there.

Wyoming and Montana had reintroduced wolves and grizzly bears into their states decades ago, which has now become a big problem due to those animals expanding into residential areas that are far from where they were initially introduced.  Those states are now allowing the wolves to be culled, however grizzlies are listed as a federally protected species despite their exploding numbers due to legal maneuvers by green extremists, which is resulting in an alarming uptick in mauling deaths, injuries, and near-misses due to their encroachment.

The governors of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana have petitioned the Biden administration to delist grizzlies since their numbers no longer qualify them for that designation, however their requests have fallen on deaf ears.

When animals are reintroduced, a flood of regulations and red tape accompany them, and in fact the regulations are the actual motivation for bringing the animals back in the first place.  For example Colorado is only a marginal habitat for the Canadian Lynx, and their reintroduction is being weaponized by extremists to fight ski resort expansion and restrict motorized access to the Rio Grande National Forest.

Colorado ranchers who are living where the grey wolves will be reintroduced will only have the right to “haze” or hassle wolves that will be preying on their livestock.

The Colorado governor Jared Polis and his animal-activist husband are also now advocating to place vicious wolverines to rural areas of Colorado (one of which recently killed 18 sheep in a single attack in Utah.)

[Note: It is ridiculous that the governor Polis and his husband are actually advocating for the reintroduction of wolverines, which are vicious animals, especially because they would be put into conservative areas of the state that certainly do not support them.

Many parts of that state are conservative, such as Colorado Springs, yet somehow a gay governor that has a husband was able to be elected.  I think his election is very suspect since the voting machines used are fraudulent.]

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