The UK and Australia are taking significant steps toward requiring mandatory biometric digital IDs for people to use the internet, under the guise of supposedly “protecting children”
by Edward Ulrich, December 31, 2024

Image from BigStockPhoto.
Both the UK and Australia will soon be requiring biometric ago verification for users of many social media platforms by utilizing systems such as AI facial recognition, purportedly in order to ensure that younger users do not have access to those platforms.
Such concepts of limiting access to information is often accepted by well-meaning people who don’t realize the ramifications of what it will mean, where the global elite are intending to eventually use it as an excuse to implement a system that will track everyone’s online activity and limit viewing important information that the political Establishment doesn’t want to be seen.
In a manner that is typical of how leftists often think, parents who are particularly supportive of the agenda want “Big Brother” to police what their children do online rather than taking responsibility and doing what is the most effective by teaching their kids proper discernment in the first place. Most kids would figure out how to circumvent such systems if they want to do so anyway, while the rest of the citizens will be stuck with needing to live under the repressive limitations of the new system.
This issue is another example of how a supposed “conservative revival” is being implemented only in cases of when the elite can deceptively exploit it for their own purposes— such as how some U.S. states have rolled back regulations to allow the open carrying of guns in public rather than only allowing the more appropriate concealed carry regulations, (link) and how the Supreme Court’s recent ruling to start allowing religion in public schools has enabled the implementation of Islamic prayer rooms and after-school Satan clubs in schools.
This is also another example of how the British Commonwealth countries have a significant additional layer of tyranny that the U.S. does not have. The biometric ID agenda will also likely be implemented in the EU soon as well. (See this documentary that explains the repressive anti-freedom configuration of the EU.)
(Remember also that Australian politicians were recently attempting to sue Elon Musk to globally remove content from Twitter because they did not want it to be seen.)
I feel sympathy for the people living in countries that are subjected to such tyranny. The U.S. has problems also but it is more free than any other country. See this documentary that explains why that is the case. (Note also that the political Establishment does not want Europeans and Australians to be aware of the information in that documentary, where it does whatever it can to create confusion about the matter. See this article about that issue.)
About Australia’s “Online Safety Amendment Bill 2024” which bans the availability of many social media platforms for children under the age of 16
Note that most of this information is from this Life Site News article, found via Infowars.
Australia has passed a social media ban for children under the age of 16, which may initially sound like a good idea, however serious issues exist with doing so due to the bill being a step toward creating an online surveillance system for all Australians, similar to the situation in Communist China.
On November 28 the Australian Senate passed the “Online Safety Amendment Bill 2024” with a 34-19 vote, making it the world’s first social media ban for children.
The bill threatens social media companies with fines up to 50 million AUD (32 million USD) if they fail to comply with verifying the age of their users. The bill does not give details about how the age verification will work, and it will not start to be enforced until the end of 2025.
Technically the bill was approved under the condition that social media platforms must not force their users to give them their personal data, including information from government-issued IDs, which seems to rule out the possibility of the use of Digital IDs for now. However those are apparently false assurances that are intended to placate the public in the meantime, according to other information being put out by the government.
Supporters of the bill have said that the system will use biometric methods such as facial scans to verify the age of its users, (link) which would mean that social media companies would collect the biometric data of all their users in Australia.
Also an explanatory memorandum put out by the Australian government (link) attempts to create an impression that the system would not be invasive due to supposed “robust” privacy protections, while at the same time it explains that “compliance with the minimum age obligation” will likely require platforms “to implement systems and procedures to monitor and respond to age-restricted users circumventing age assurance.” This means that social media companies will likely need to continually monitor a user while they are using the platform, such as by repeatedly doing face scans to ensure that the user is still the same and at least 16 years old.
The bill does not mention which companies will be affected by the age restriction, but the Communications Minister Michelle Rowland said that TikTok, Instagram, X, Reddit, Facebook, and Snapchat will likely be included, while YouTube will be excluded due to its “educational purposes.” (link)
About Australia’s draconian recent “Misinformation and Disinformation Bill” and other recent attempts at censorship
Australia was also recently attempting to pass a ridiculous bill that would have forced social media companies to remove information that the government deems as being “reasonably verifiable as false” or “misinformation and disinformation” whenever government officials wish to do so. (link and link) And Australian politicians were recently attempting to sue Elon Musk to remove content from Twitter at a global level because they did not want it to be seen. (link)
The UK’s “Online Safety Act” will soon require online platforms to perform biometric age verification of their users, where companies who don’t comply will be required to pay massive fines and their executives could even be imprisoned
Following is a summary of this article on the website, which has been found on
The UK’s communications regulator Ofcom is preparing to announce in January requirements that online platforms will have to meet to enforce age verification, which will apparently involve some sort of facial recognition judging by statements made by Ofcom’s Online Safety Policy Director Jon Higham.
The agenda is a result of the country’s online censorship law called the Online Safety Act.
Higham said in an interview that companies behind the platforms will be required to implement technology that is highly accurate and effective, where he mentioned facial age estimation for guessing if a user is a child or an adult. He didn’t go into details, but he is likely referring to existing systems that have users take “selfies” where AI is used to analyze the person’s face to assess their age, which is touted as being a less privacy-invasive way of determining a user’s age than having to submit a government-issued ID to websites.
Tech companies who are found to be in violation of the Online Safety act’s rules will be required to pay massive fines of up to 10 percent of their global sales revenue, and if the infractions continue their executives could spend up to two years in prison.