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Various News: June 10, 2024

[Update: I made a joke about this article comparing closing the beaches to the Jaws movie, however I didn’t read the article carefully enough and I didn’t realize that people were in fact seriously injured.]

The United Methodist Church lost over one million members in a single day over its “LGBT Affirmation”  (link) — [See this article that explains how churches have been infiltrated by the political Establishment.]

The Biden DOJ indicted a doctor who exposed transgender child mutilation at a Texas hospital  (link)

Joe Biden addressed “transgender children” in his White House “LGBTQI+ proclamation,” asserting that his administration is protecting them from “discrimination”  (link)

Poland’s new leftist government is now promoting drag queens on public TV  (link)

A bar owner in Idaho is saying he is experiencing major retaliation after announcing a “Heterosexual Awesomeness Month” at his establishment  (link)

Philadelphia just set the largest “drag queen story time” Guinness world record  (link)

A ridiculous letter to the editor: “A lifeguard who can’t tolerate the LGBTQ+ Pride flag shouldn’t be a lifeguard”  (link)

Navy SEALs are being ridiculed for promoting LGBT “pride” on social media: “Our enemies are laughing at us”  (link)

The world’s largest children’s books publisher Scholastic has released a ‘LGBTQIAAP2S+’ guide targeting K-12 children  (link)

A California bill will force teachers to hide children’s gender confusion from their parents  (link)

A group of 26 nurses in the UK have filed a lawsuit against the National Health Service (NHS) for siding with a transgender employee who allegedly harassed female staff in the women’s changing room  (link)

The San Fransisco “Pride” parade has denied Israel a float, but it OK’ed a Palestinian one  (link)

The “RuPaul’s Drag Race” show glorifies “top surgery”  (link)

Three teenagers in Spokane, Washington were arrested this week after they rode scooters over a freshly-painted “LGBT mural” at a roadway intersection  (link) — [They are facing serious penalties for doing so.]

Spanish officials transferred a “trans woman” murderer to a women’s facility  (link)

A Melbourne, Australia elementary school has a “queer club”  (link)

A Utah lawsuit is alleging that TikTok acts as “virtual strip club,” allowing adults to pay kids to expose themselves  (link)

See an Oregon police officer tell a father that it is legal for a grown man to expose himself to his two-year-old son  (link) — [Just because such such gross nudity is allowed, it can’t mean that assaulting people while being nude is exempt from the law!  Would the cop also not charge a pedophile who raped a kid if he was naked while he did it?  I think the cop was just lazy or corrupt or he just wasn’t bright enough to figure out what he should charge the perpetrator with. Or perhaps he is some sort of an activist intending to make people angry about the laws in Oregon.]

Trump is vowing to fire generals in the Military who push wokeness  (link) — [But he’s not going to get rid of open homosexuality in the military, however.]


Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the Bill Gates-funded World Health Organization declared “we need to strategize to really push back” against so-called “anti-vaxxers”  (link)

Fauci is trashing the conservative media, ridiculously claiming the unvaccinated were responsible for 200,000 to 300,000 additional COVID deaths  (link)

A study by researchers from Oxford, Leeds, Harvard, and Bristol shows 100% of Myocarditis in kids is from the COVID shots, while effectiveness data of the shots shows no benefits for kids  (link)


Biden’s recent “action on the border” isn’t going to stop the mass release of migrants into the U.S.  (link)

Biden’s new immigration order will normalize two million migrant entries yearly  (link)

Hundreds of illegal migrants protested in Times Square to protest Biden’s supposed “border crackdown”  (link) — [They are not even in the country legally and I’d bet many of them don’t even know how to speak English.  I think the language barrier is one of the worst aspects of the situation, although there are many other issues also.  It is interesting that the political Establishment never stressed teaching English in Latin American schools decades ago since they always had the NAU integration in their plans.  See this article explaining the harmful immigration agendas that are being implemented.]

Illegal immigrants being offered an array of taxpayer funded benefits, enticing more to come  (link) — “There have been more than 7 million migrant crossings during the Biden administration”

The U.S. Border Patrol has been apprehending more than 2,600 migrants a day in just three sectors  (link) — “During Fiscal Year 23, agents apprehended an average of more than 6,780 migrants per day. So far this fiscal year, agents apprehended approximately 6,715 migrants per day.” — [Remember “apprehending” simply means taking them in for processing, where most are given court dates that are years in the future, and then they are released into the U.S.]

Two Queens NY, police officers were shot by a 19-year-old Venezuelan illegal immigrant  (link)

A gunman who shot two NYPD cops is revealed to be migrant who recently crossed into the US via Eagle Pass  (link)

An illegal alien is facing 80 years to life in prison for the attempted murder of two NYC cops  (link)

20% Of NYC’s hotels have been converted into shelters for illegal aliens, and not a single one has been converted back into a traditional hotel  (link)

President Joe Biden is saying his supposed “border shutdown” is needed to address shrinking support for migration and to preserve the 1950s narrative that America is a “Nation of Immigrants”  (link)

Corporate media on soaring housing costs: “Don’t mention mass migration”  (link)

Smugglers are using social media to lure Turkish migrants for easy entry into the US  (link)

Denver Democrats are picking illegal aliens for jobs that are needed by Americans  (link)

A North Carolina School administrator is equating a teen saying “illegal alien” to the “N-word”  (link)

Donald Trump is saying Biden’s migration is “flat-out economic warfare” against Americans  (link) — [But he didn’t actually do much about the problem while he was in office, and then he threw the election to Biden.]

A New York City man has caught the first known case of a form of a sexually transmitted ringworm in the U.S.  (link)

An Obama ambassador is claiming that illegal migrants will flee to Canada if Trump is elected  (link) — [Trump likely won’t actually do anything about the situation other than slow the flow.]

Nearly 80 illegals were pulled from trucks and a stash house in Texas during smuggling busts over three days  (link)


Unarmed social workers will now be responding to 911 calls in Boston  (link) — [This communist agenda has been the whole point of BLM’s fraudulent “defund the police” shtick.  A significant purpose of the “community police” is to provide services to the incoming illegal migrants.]

The Republican Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie told Tucker Carlson that every GOP member of Congress has an “AIPAC Babysitter”  (link) — [But remember Freemasonry is the most significant mechanism for the Establishment’s control over the politicians.]

California’s first Muslim senator is ensuring to keep the state a sanctuary for sexual abuse  (link) — “In California, it’s okay to shoplift or solicit sex from a minor.  Both are misdemeanors which means that they’re hardly even worth prosecuting.”

See a horrifying video of a madman firing randomly at cars in LA, killing a father of four  (link) — [This is why it is important for more people to carry a gun in their bag.  It would certainly be useful in a situation like that.]

Disinformation article: “The Kansas Supreme Court has ruled that voting is not a fundamental right. What’s next for voters?”  (link) — [This is a typical way that the political Establishment attempts to create support for fraudulent voting policies.]

A Chicago teen mob attacked a pregnant couple, resulting in the loss of their unborn baby  (link)

President Biden has been defecating on himself in public and the Deep State is about to remove him  (link)

Boston’s insane leftist mayor is saying criminals should not be prosecuted for theft, and the city’s gang registry should be abolished  (link) — [The New England states are just as bad as on the West Coast.]

An Ex-Food Network chef was finally booted from his NYC apartment after using loopholes to avoid paying his rent for over four years, depriving the owner of over $145,000 in rent payments  (link) — “He [also] previously failed to pay $46,200 in rent on an apartment he lived on Concord Street in Downtown Brooklyn from 2012 to 2015, according to court records.” — [Just because something is technically legal doesn’t mean it is necessarily ethical.  I hope the owner will be able to sue the city to get the money back due to the bad laws about that matter.]

The world’s largest math education organization is injecting identity politics, telling teachers to “regularly and intentionally integrate more equity, justice, and culturally centered mathematics education” in every math lesson  (link)

A sniper in Florida killed a bank robber that was holding hostages by shooting through a computer monitor that was in the way  (link)

An insane father in New Jersey dodged a murder charge after killing his son by forcing him to run on a treadmill  (link) — [Also see this video about it.]

The Virginia home that exploded in December was actually detonated on purpose by its owner who died inside  (link)

The St Louis couple who stood up to BLM rioters invading their gated neighborhood have officially had their convictions overturned and their guns returned  (link)

An obese woman was awarded the title of Miss Alabama  (link)

A CEO of a school district DEI training company called “Epoch Education” says the American flag is becoming a “hate” symbol, and employees who resist CRT should be fired  (link) — [People should be thankful to live in Florida that pushes back against that garbage.]

A West African and Caribbean restaurant in St. Louis, Missouri decided to only allow men 35 years old and up or women 30 years old and up to enter past 7 PM due to the unruly nature of its late-night crowds  (link) — [That’s old for a lower limit! That area must be in bad shape.]

Jeff Bezos donated $30 Million to fund fake meat and other “sustainable proteins”  (link)

A $165 million luxury apartment building is set to open for the Los Angeles homeless population  (link)

Jay Leno is railing against the light treatment for catalytic converter thieves after the murder of the “General Hospital” star Johnny Wactor  (link) - “It is also a huge inconvenience for car owners hit by these thieves. For one thing, it is illegal to remove a converter and a missing device can result in a big fine, so car owners are obligated to replace them when they are stolen.  But the repairs can cost them thousands of dollars.  Worse, it may take many months to get the job done because there have been so many thefts that repair places have long waiting lists, not to mention a backorder for the parts.”

Democrats are fear mongering to try to push through a bill that forces the availability of contraception everywhere  (link) — “This bill infringes on the parental rights and religious liberties of some Americans and lets the federal government force religious institutions and schools, even public elementary schools, to offer contraception like condoms to little kids. … ‘With this bill, the devil is in the details.  It requires taxpayers to bail out profit-driven abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood, where expectant mothers are sold abortions 97% of the time,” … ‘It could even go so far as to create a ‘right’ to abortion drugs. It’s clear the Democrats’ priority is not helping women, but helping the abortion lobby that spends millions to get them elected.’”

The restaurant Rubio’s Coastal Grill abruptly shut down 48 restaurants in California, citing rising business costs  (link)

See a woman in Minnesota chase after a mother bear who was chasing her German Shepard  (link)

Costco is kicking non-members out of its food courts due to it being priced as a loss leader to attract customers  (link)

A couple found a safe containing $100,000 while magnet fishing in Queens, NY  (link)

A Bill Gates-connected firm is planing to release a “climate change VACCINE”  (link)

A woman in Florida recorded a huge 5-foot Asian water monitor lizard  (link)

A fossil-hunting diver on the Florida coast discovered a Mastadon tusk  (link)

Trump told Fox News that Israel needs to “finish the job” in Gaza and pledged to restore the Israel Lobby’s power over Congress if elected  (link)

The 34 counts of “falsifying business records” that Trump was indicted for are for “legal expenses” that were diverted to the Stormy Daniels as “hush money”  (link)

A B-52 Bomber crew was given an award for being able to pull their plane out of life-threatening catastrophic failures in Nevada  (link) — “All the systems kicked off at once, and the aircraft went completely dark, engines flamed out, and controlling the aircraft became a battle.”

Breitbart’s Steve Bannon has been ordered by a federal judge on Thursday to report to prison by July 1 to begin serving his four-month sentence for contempt of Congress  (link) — [The Babylon Bee is saying that he is looking forward to a hot shower, a shave, and clean clothes.  (I do appreciate Bannon and the Brietbart outlet, I hope things will be ok with that.)]

The Babylon Bee: The White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is saying that Biden nailed a 360 Kickflip McTwist on the White House half pipe  (link)


The 25-year-old Afghan in Germany who stabbed a police officer to death and also brutally stabbed the Islamic critic and politician Michael Stürzenberger lived in the country illegally for years  (link)

A Conservative German politician from the anti-Islamization AFD (Alternative for Germany) Party Heinrich Koch was stabbed in the street by an Afghan Muslim; it is the second time in a week that a conservative politician has been nearly murdered by a Muslim in that city  (link)

An Afghan man in Germany attacked police officers with long blade just days after the Mannheim terror attack  (link)

Establishment media reports are deceptively attempting to create an impression that a cop died in Germany due to being attacked by an “opponent” of Islam, rather than a “proponent” of it  (link)

A Muslim in the UK stabbed a lesbian to death, and attempted to murder her partner also  (link)

Middle East migrants stabbed a Polish soldier to death at the border with Belarus  (link)

Seven Muslims in the UK have been found guilty of child sex oftenses in Rotherham  (link)

A Muslim migrant in Greece raped a French tourist  (link)

A Zambian asylum seeker in France will not serve jail time for sexually assaulting the 13-year-old daughter of his friend  (link)

Three Muslims in France were indicted for plotting a jihad against “people deemed anti-Muslim”  (link)

Tens of thousands of angry Irish citizens took to the streets to protest their government’s policy of mass Muslim immigration  (link)

The UK is planning to build 46,000 houses for Muslims  (link)

Germany has been naturalizing record numbers of migrants  (link)

Pope Francis is comparing migrants to the exodus of ‘people of Israel’ from Egypt  (link)

Private Muslim schools in France have lost their government funding  (link) — “President Emmanuel Macron has undertaken a crackdown on what he calls Islamist separatism and radical Islam in France following deadly jihadist attacks in recent years by foreign and homegrown militants. … The crackdown seeks to limit foreign influence over Muslim institutions in France and tackle what Macron has said is a long-term Islamist plan to take control of the French Republic.”

The migration debate is dominating in Germany ahead of EU elections after a Muslim migrant stabbed a policeman to death  (link) — [The situation is hopeless for Germany until they get out of the European Union.]

Sweden has Introduced its first “stop-and-frisk” zone in crime-ridden areas  (link) — “The ‘stop-and-frisk’ law, which took force in April, allows police to conduct body searches as well as vehicle searches without a warrant or probable cause ‘to the extent necessary to prevent or stop the criminal activity that the zone has been introduced to counteract.’”

Leftists in Europe are saying that the solution to illegal immigration is to make all of them legal  (link)

Muslims in Austria shared execution videos, set up their own Mosque with an ISIS flag, and called for the killing of non-Muslims  (link)

Britain is going to become an Islamic state  (link)


The platform of the new Soros-affiliated woman president of Mexico is pro-abortion, “LGBT”, and “climate change”  (link) — [She is also Jewish while Mexico is overwhelmingly Christian, and it was the most violent election in history where over 30 Mexican politicians were killed and eleven were kidnapped (link).]

A Mexican mayor was killed hours after first woman was elected president  (link)

Israel rescued four hostages that were kidnapped in the Hamas attack on October 7  (link)

The Gaza health ministry is saying the IDF killed at least 274 people in its hostage rescue operation  (link)

An Israeli strike killed at least 33 people at a Gaza school that the military claims was being used by Hamas  (link)

The New York Times is saying Israel tortured and sexually abused Palestinian detainees at an Israeli military base  (link)

Israeli strikes killed 11 overnight in Gaza, including a family of three at a refugee camp  (link)

“Diminished Hamas switches to full insurgent mode in Gaza”  (link)

UN aid workers in Gaza are making women trade sex for food, according to a UN report  (link) — “[I]nsufficient and unreliable aid, distributed under conditions of insecurity that do not allow adequate targeting, expose vulnerable groups to violence, exploitation and abuse, trafficking and forced prostitution, including by aid workers.”

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been threatening to expand the Gaza conflict into Lebanon against Hezbollah  (link) — [Iran, and thus Hezbollah are controlled by the global elite.]

Slovenia has joined Ireland, Spain, and Norway in recognizing a Palestinian state  (link)

Judicial Watch: Of the nearly $3 billion in humanitarian aid that the United States has given to Afghanistan since the 2021 military withdraw, at least $11 million (and likely a lot more) has gone to the Taliban  (link) — “The terrorist group has taken the millions in humanitarian and development assistance intended to help the people of Afghanistan in the form of taxes, fees, import duties, permit charges, licenses, or public utility services.  The Taliban has probably received a much bigger chunk of the humanitarian assistance because the parties involved in the cash giveaway, including federal agencies, the famously corrupt United Nations and handpicked nonprofits, do not bother keeping track.”

Muslims stormed a fishing village in Nigeria, rounded up fishermen and opened fire, murdering 31 of them  (link)

Muslims in Nigeria murdered a farmer who was trying to stop them from raping a 13-year-old girl  (link)

An elderly Christian man in Pakistan was lynched over false blasphemy charges  (link)

Muslim students in Bangladesh brutally beat a Hindu student over accusations that he criticized Muhammad  (link)

The UN’s International Criminal Court (ICC) power grab will put every person on Earth in its crosshairs  (link)

Judicial Watch: The U.S. is paying to combat AI-generated misinformation in Iraq, claiming democracy is at risk  (link)

Russia just referred to the US as ‘an enemy’ for first time since the Cold War  (link)

China landed on the “dark side” of moon to collect rock and soil samples  (link)

The US State Department admits that Biden’s ceasefire plan is “virtually identical” to Hamas proposals  (link)

South Korea is vowing an “unbearable” response after North Korea dumped 15 tons of garbage and feces on it from balloons  (link)

A remote Amazon tribe was connected to the internet, only to wind up getting hooked on porn and social media  (link)

A Swiss school is going to test Bluetooth tracker bracelets on its third and fourth grade students  (link)

A new European study is recommending hiding insect “flour” in popular foods  (link)

Greg Reese video: “The Ritual Regicide of the Romanov Dynasty”  (link) — [That is even much more of a horrible fate than what I previously thought had happened.  The Illuminati who still run he world today did that.]

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