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Various News: June 20, 2024

Greg Reese Infowars video: Illegal immigrants are being housed and trained at “sanctuary campus” U.S. universities, where they are being immersed in “woke” culture  (link)

Vigilantes caught a 25-year-old Ecuadorian illegal migrant who is wanted for the rape of a 13-year-old girl at a park in Queens, New York, then they tied him up and beat him up while waiting for the police to arrive  (link) — [According to the report the vigilantes were other migrants.  From the news report it seems pretty likely that it was him who did it, however vigilante justice in the U.S. is almost always inappropriate and unnecessary, since (at least still for the time being) appropriate justice would have most likely been served in that case.

The situation is different in other parts of the world such as in Europe however, where rapists and murderers are usually sentenced to only a few years in a “country club prison.”]

An investigation shows that the Biden Administration has been delivering migrant children to addresses of houses that are abandoned  (link)

A Biden official is admitting that unaccompanied migrant juveniles aren’t being given criminal background checks  (link)

Allegedly a Salvadorian illegal immigrant fled to the U.S. after killing a woman, then attacked a mother and her young daughter in a home invasion in Los Angeles, then killed a woman who was walking in Maryland six months later which he was just arrested for  (link)

Eight illegal aliens suspected to be Islamic terrorists have been arrested in New York, Philadelphia & Los Angeles  (link)

Five Somalis have been convicted in Minneapolis for embezzling $250 million that was intended to feed hungry children  (link)

Judicial Watch: The financial Impact of illegal immigration on the U.S. public education system is staggering  (link)

The Seattle police are hiring illegal immigrants with DACA status as cops  (link) — [Seattle police has always been complicit with corrupt establishment agendas.]

Migrants are continuing to stream into the Boston airport as more than 100 are sleeping on the floor  (link)

See a smuggler jump from a moving truck to a waiting jet ski into Mexico during a wild pursuit in Texas  (link) — [He left behind an expensive new truck, the article says it may have been stolen.]

Migrants from countries such as China, Iran, Yemen and Nepal are reported to be illegally crossing the border into California during all hours of the day, where the CA National Guard has not been seen for the past week  (link)

Senators are demanding answers from DHS Chief Mayorkas over the backdoor “mass amnesty” scheme for illegal aliens  (link)

A Border Patrol agent told CNN that he is required to allow illegal border crossings or lose his job  (link)

The feds have seized tons of meth, cocaine, and fentanyl in May at California border crossings  (link)

A CBS News poll is saying that a majority of U.S. Hispanics now support mass deportation of migrants living in the country illegally  (link) — [Despite what he has been saying, Trump almost certainly isn’t going to deport anybody, except perhaps for a few token migrants who commit crimes.  He didn’t actually do much of anything about the immigration problem when he was in office, and then he threw the election to Biden.  His focus on a “border wall” was a distraction, the real cause of the problem has always been the policies that allow and require the accommodation of the migrants, which has been inviting them to come in the first place.  Also the policy of birthright citizenship should be eliminated, as most other countries have done.  Such empty threats of deportation by Trump are only going to encourage many women migrants to get pregnant to increase their chances of staying.  See this article about the immigration issue.]

The New York Times is saying that Trump “strikingly softened” his tone on immigration in a private meeting with top CEOs  (link)

Top House Republicans are criticizing President Biden’s new executive order that’s expected to shield as many as 500,000 illegal immigrants from deportation  (link) — [Most Republicans don’t actually want to do much about the problem but they claim that they do.]


“No cruising” signs that were installed in a California neighborhood in the 1990’s to counter an issue of gay men driving back and forth looking for “dates” have been removed as being “homophobic”  (link)

“LGBT Pride Month” is not about celebrating, it’s about asserting dominance over the culture  (link)

Support for homosexual marriage is declining in the U.S. as more Americans are waking up to the “LGBT” agenda  (link)

An Oregon high-school track and field coach was fired for questioning the state’s inclusion of male athletes in female sports  (link)

DeSantis is vowing to appeal a Democrat judge’s ruling against a ban on sex changes for children  (link)

A trio of teenagers from Spokane, Washington who rode their scooters on a giant LGBT flag mural are facing felony charges and ten years in prison  (link)

A Federal Appeals Court ruled against a Massachusetts middle school student who wore an “only two genders” t-shirt  (link)

San Francisco has becomes one of the first major U.S. cities to declare “sanctuary” status for transvestites  (link)

See a “gender studies scholar” tell a lesbian at a San Francisco lecture that she should “stay at home” if she doesn’t want to see penises in women only spaces, causing the other lesbians in the audience to loudly cheer  (link) — [Note the video contains some profanity.]

Trump is saying he will end “gender insanity” in schools (link) — [But he won’t fix most of the “LGBTQ+” problems except for the most outrageously ridiculous ones.  He is actually trying to appeal to gay voters.]

See how Reuters is attempting to portray the situation of courts blocking Biden’s insane transvestite agendas  (link)

UK police are threatening to investigate social media users for “hate speech” for pointing out that a missing transvestite is a male  (link) — [The English Commonwealth countries are horribly tyrannical.  The U.S. is the only free country in the world, even though it has a lot of problems also.]

Thailand is going to be the first Southeast Asian nation to legalize same-sex marriage  (link)

Babylon Bee satire: A man in Washington was arrested for urinating on new “pride” urinals  (link)


A new report is saying that COVID shots have a 200x higher risk of brain clots than other vaccines  (link)

Up to 40 million doses of an untested Bird Flu vaccine are being shipped to the EU, being designed for a disease that does not exist  (link)

The Canadian military saw an 800% spike in vaccine injuries following the COVID vaccine rollout  (link)

An appeals court ruled in favor of doctors who sued medical boards that censored them during the COVID lockdown  (link)

The Supreme Court has decided not to change the availability of “morning after pills”  (link) — [Currently anyone can have the pills mailed to them after they take part in an online interview, which has been the situation since the COVID lockdown.  The much safer option would be to require that the pills are taken in the presence of a doctor, as was previously the case.]


A NYC homeless man has pled guilty to following and forcing his way into an Asian woman’s apartment, then raping and killing her by stabbing her over 40 times  (link)

A bus was hijacked with a victim being killed during a hostage crisis in Atlanta  (link)

An elderly woman was knocked unconscious by two men fighting at the LAX airport  (link)

A crazed Georgia man accused of attacking a pregnant woman is a repeat offender in the Atlanta area  (link)

L.A. bus drivers are saying the current safety measures are not protecting them from violent attacks (link)

Louisiana has become the first state to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public school classrooms  (link) — [That is completely inappropriate, doing that is going to set a precedent for more Islamic prayer rooms to be put into public schools all over the country, which is actually what the Establishment’s real agenda is (along with the spread of “after school Satan clubs.”)  The separation of church and state is a fundamental tenant of any free society.  If people want to have their religion be a part of their school, they should go to a private school that caters to it.]

Wikipedia’s editors have appropriately voted to declare the Anti-Defamation League “generally unreliable” about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, adding it to a list of banned and partially banned sources  (link)

The Southern Poverty Law Center is branding the response of conservatives to the woke culture takeover as “Christian supremacy” and “ethnocide”  (link)

The SPLC laid off a quarter of its staff, despite having nearly a billion dollars in reserves  (link)

A San Fransisco firefighter was brutally attacked by a co-worker, but was fired due to reporting the attack while the attacker kept his job because he is black  (link)

See an Establishment video claim that Trump supposedly made a “mind-blowing number of lies” in a recent speech  (link) — [I disagree with many of the claims made in the video, but Trump often does exaggerate and communicates in a ridiculous way, which causes his supporters to not bother defending him from being attacked in such a manner.]

A Texas Democrat candidate has been charged with sending racist messages to himself  (link)

Fox News: “Adults who skipped college urge high school grads to follow suit, say rewards are ‘immeasurable’”  (link) — [I agree that it is true that going to college is a waste of money for many types of professions.  But I’ve been seeing many conservative outlets saying that healthy-minded people should avoid going to college only because of the toxic “woke” agendas on campuses, however that will only clear the way for more “gender studies major”-types to graduate into administrative positions in society (where their tuition will also likely eventually be paid for by taxpayers.)

It is simple to debunk the ridiculous “woke agendas” in the universities, the media outlets should be advocating to do that instead.

See this video of a KGB defector Yuri Bezmonov explaining how universities are being infiltrated with harmful leftist ideologies.]

See a Zionist “Karen” lash out at orthodox Jews in New York who are criticizing Israel  (link) — [If she isn’t serious she is a good actor.  In any event many Jews are frightened of criticizing Israel no matter how frustrated they may be with what the Israeli government is doing.  The political Establishment exploits that fear by intentionally causing and organizing antisemitism as a strategy (link).]

Literal Hamas supporters who assaulted law enforcement and vandalized monuments with hate speech walked away without a single arrest, while kids doing “doughnuts” over a “Pride” crosswalk were arrested and are facing serious charges  (link)

An anti-Israel mob chanting “long live intifada” lit flares outside of an NYC exhibit that memorializes October 7th Nova Music Festival victims  (link)

“Nine things I saw at the Pro-Hamas White House rally”  (link) — [Most of such protests about the Gaza conflict are controlled opposition.]

Masked anti-Israel protesters took over a NYC subway car and told “Zionists” to identify themselves and get out  (link)

See Gaza protesters deface subways cars in NYC  (link)

See video of Gaza protesters in NYC chanting antisemitic chants such as “Iran you make us proud”  (link)

New York is considering banning wearing face masks at protests  (link) — [Antifa-types usually wear masks when they riot.]

Leftist employees at a coffee shop in Philadelphia voted to unionize, causing all of the stores to close one week later  (link)

The self-driving technology in Elon Musk’s cars are a ridiculous menace to road safety  (link) — [Such technology would not be safe even a hundred years from now, yet they are allowing it on the roadways anyway.]

The actor George Clooney’s foundation is submitting requests to initiate criminal proceedings and secret arrest warrants against journalists whose reporting is favorable to Russia in European countries that have laws against “war propaganda”  (link)

Judicial Watch has received U.S. Secret Service records from the DHS that reveal details about several incidents where Secret Service personnel were attacked and bitten by Biden’s dog Commander  (link)

The U.S. Department of Defense has given a lab-grown meat company $500 million in U.S. tax dollars, seeking a contract to serve U.S. service members fake meat in the name of “reducing the military’s carbon footprint”  (link) — “The experimental product, not food, is created in a science lab using animal cells and chemicals.”

Unsold Tesla cars are piling up around the world  (link)

A Muslim Student Association speaker at the University of Illinois Chicago denounced the U.S. and democracy, describing them as a “cancer,” while advocating for the adoption of Islam as the “new way of life” for humanity  (link)

A new study by the the American Medical Association says firemen, construction workers and others who worked at 9/11’s Ground Zero face a significantly increased risk of dementia  (link)

The political Establishment is again trying to claim that running your air conditioner is destroying to planet  (link)

The political Establishment is claiming that “rising seas due to global warming” are causing septic tanks in the southern U.S. to leak  (link)

Elon Musk is calling for the scrapping of electronic voting machines, warning they are at high risk of being hacked and manipulated  (link) — [The voting standards must also be federalized, as this website explains.]

A poll about concerns of parents of schoolchildren didn’t give an option of “lack of discipline”  (link) — [See the image of the poll results further down on the page.  I don’t think a lack of discipline is the biggest issue in most schools, but in particularly dysfunctional areas it can be the biggest problem.  I think alternative schools should exist in such areas where they focus on discipline above all, but it is important that only students who actually want to attend those schools are allowed to do so, where they would be sent back to the normal public schools if they cause problems, etc..  The normal public schools should be fixed also but the political Establishment is going to fight against that since they have purposely engineered the current dysfunctional state of those schools in the first place.  See this article about that concept.]

A Senate committee snuck a provision into the NDAA allowing women to be drafted into the military  (link)

Protestors in LA are demanding a safer city following the murder of the “General Hospital” actor Johnny Wactor  (link)

A former Google employee is saying Google Maps lacks a “scenic route” option because of DEI  (link)

Joe Biden’s secret service agent was robbed at gunpoint in Orange Country, CA  (link)

A massive brawl broke out at a Los Angeles high school graduation for students on probation  (link)

The former Trump-appointed US ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman is demanding that Americans be imprisoned for “antisemitism”  (link)

The competitive eating champion Joey Chestnut will miss the annual Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Competition in New York for the first time in more than 15 years, because he violated his agreement with the Frankfurter company by signing up to represent a company that makes vegan hot dogs  (link) — [However the “Impossible Foods” brand uses GMO “frankenfood” ingredients that most vegans avoid like the plague.]

A massive 6.5-inch Megalodon tooth was unearthed in South Carolina by a family of fossil hunters  (link)

A Pennsylvania waste processing company is saying it has collected over $10 million worth of discarded coins  (link)

The country music singer George Strait has set a new record for the largest single ticketed concert in the US  (link)


Muslim mothers walked with their children through a Jewish neighborhood in Toronto carrying pictures of swastikas  (link)

A threatening masked mob patroled the streets of Jewish neighborhoods in Toronto, harassing local Jews outside their homes  (link)

A serial arsonist Sudanese migrant in France won’t be deported despite burning down 16 apartments, multiple cars, part of a church, and seriously injuring a student  (link)

An Afghan migrant stabbed a Ukrainian refugee woman in a Frankfurt Germany park, leaving her seriously wounded  (link)

Five were stabbed in an Afghan neighborhood in France in an alleged “score settling” attack  (link)

See a Rwandan migrant demolish a car in Poland  (link)

Violent protests erupted in France where leftist Islamofascist rioters set fires and trashed property and businesses due to the election of the conservative, anti-Islamization National Rally (RN) party, led by Marie Le Pen  (link)

One-third of primary school children in Vienna are Muslims, overtaking Catholics as the largest religious group  (link)

Law firms in the UK are being told to stop hosting work socials at pubs in order to accommodate Muslim staff  (link)

Hundreds of thousands of leftists in France are protesting against the surging populist national party  (link) — [Don’t expect the wave of populist parties to do much, however.  The countries need to get out of the European Union, and electronic vote counting must be eliminated.  It might even be too late even if those things do happen.

Most Europeans are very naive about politics.  The harmful political Establishment is frightened of them learning what the term “right wing” actually means, so their media has been constantly telling them that it means “racism and bigotry.”  See this article that explains the real meaning of “left wing” and “right wing.”]

A BBC investigation is saying that at least 40 migrants have died due to the actions of the Greek coast guard in fifteen incidents across a three year period between May 2020 and 2023  (link) — [The migrants usually puncture their rafts as soon as coast guard vessels approach them in order to ensure that they are picked up.  Of course I don’t think they should be harmed, but they should be brought back to their country of origin; or a new safe country could be established for them where they could be sent to, such as on the North Coast of Africa or into the Sahara Desert which is empty, and where much construction could happen to comfortably accommodate them while also creating jobs.]


See Raymond Ibrahim explain the dishonest pro-Islam bias in historical academia  (link)

An Italian ANTIFA member who was imprisoned for brutally beating up innocent civilians in Hungary has been elected to the European Parliament, meaning she will likely get immunity and be released from house arrest!  (link)

Currently only 9% of Palestinians think Hamas committed war crimes, while 67% support the October 7th atrocities  (link)

A report from the UN Security Council is reporting that al-Qaeda is having a resurgence in Afghanistan under the ruling Taliban, where they are setting up eight new training camps alongside five “madrasas” which are Islamic educational institutions  (link)

Muslims in the Congo murdered over 60 Christians for refusing to convert to Islam  (link)

Four Iowa college instructors were stabbed during the day en route to a temple in China  (link)

Watch the Russian St. Petersburg Church Choir sing an insane song about destroying the “enemy” U.S. with atomic weapons from submarines (link) — [They are saying that they will do it all for “three rubles.” (The video was made five years ago.)]

Vladimir Putin Signed a law to build Russian-Chinese base on the moon  (link) — [It is another space race with the Ruskies in the lead.]

A video shows two Russian jet fighters intercepting a US drone  (link)

The computer chip maker Intel is halting construction of a $25 billion plant in Israel  (link)

Australia’s “Ministry of Truth” is censoring a report about a primary school “queer club” in Melbourne  (link) — [The English Commonwealth countries such as Australia and Canada are horribly tyrannical.]

China does not allow people posting content on the internet that depicts Chinese people as being either too poor or too rich  (link) — [China is controlled by the same global elite who control all of the rest of the world.  It is a model for the upcoming New World Order, but it is a different “flavor” of tyranny than what is being implemented in the West.]

Pope Francis received around 100 establishment comedians from 15 countries for a private audience, including Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and Whoopi Goldberg, telling them that their jokes “make God smile”  (link)

Hundreds of discrepancies were found with the electronic voting machines in Puerto Rico’s primaries  (link) — [All of the Dominion (previously Diebold) vote counting machines everywhere are fraudulent, and they have been for decades.  That also includes ones that only count paper ballots.]

The UK Labour party leader Keir Starmer said if he is elected to PM he will outlaw anti-Islam statements made in person or online  (link) — “The comments from Starmer, who is widely predicted to become Britain’s next prime minister in a little over two weeks time, suggest that his potential government would look to build upon his party’s history of undermining free speech in the UK. … For example, … the Labour government introduced the draconian Communications Act of 2003, which criminalised statements deemed to be ‘grossly offensive’ or intentionally causing ‘annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another.’  The legislation has been used to arrest thousands of Britons for posts online. … The increasingly urban woke left-wing party has adopted the widely contested All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) definition of Islamophobia ...”

The Australian version of the TV show “60 Minutes” is explaining that many of the pro-Palestine protests are infiltrated by an Islamic terrorist organization  (link)

“Princess Kate Makes Public Return After Cancer Diagnosis for Trooping of the Colour”  (link) — [I wonder if she actually even had cancer at all.

There is a theory that consuming “nitrilosides” is a cure for cancer, which is naturally contained in wheatgrass juice, apple seeds, bitter almonds, and apricot kernels, as this article explains.

I was chronically ill a few years ago where my body was almost entirely incapacitated with muscle aches over a period of weeks due to having some sort of a serious internal infection, which I think was cancer.  I cured myself by first flushing the “inflammation” out by drinking large amounts of water to temporarily ease the body aches, and then I eliminated whatever the source of the infection was by drinking an entire large tray’s worth of home-grown wheatgrass juice every day over a period of a few weeks.

(Chronic inflammation is when your bloodstream becomes overloaded with dead white blood cells due to it fighting some sort of infection.  When inflammation causes muscle aches it is because the dead white blood cells are accumulating in your muscles.  Such muscle aches feel like you just finished running a marathon, or even worse.  Some people give themselves blood tests to determine the amount of inflammation in their body to gauge their overall health.  Vegans usually have the least inflammation.)]

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