News of Interest.TV

Various News: May 28, 2024

A U.S. Navy commander is warning that foreign nationals are attempting to penetrate military bases “two or three times a week”  (link)

A federal judge last year upheld a Washington D.C. law that allows illegal aliens to vote in municipal elections, and it also permits non-citizens to run for office  (link)

An academic journal “Electoral Studies” had found that up to a third of all non-citizens in the US are illegally registered to vote  (link)

The US government has been working hand-in-hand with “non Government Organizations” (NGO’s) such as the “Hebrew Immigration Aid Society” that are bringing millions of illegals into the U.S.  (link)

Illegals are staging themselves being robbed in order to fraudulently secure “U-Visas”  (link)

Hundreds of illegals in Chicago are paying to be “robbed” by phony holdup crews to gain favorable immigration status; one of the “robbers” accidentally shot someone during one of the staged events  (link)

The Obama State Department blocked the FBI from arresting people who are illegally in the US that were aiding Iran’s nuke program  (link)

Chinese spies keep getting sweetheart deals rather than prison  (link)

San Diego continues as the number one spot for migrant crossings and releases  (link)

A previously deported illegal alien was arrested for raping a child in Virginia  (link)

An Illegal border crosser was arrested for sexual assault and trafficking of a 12-year-old girl in Wisconsin  (link)

A Mexican illegal was arrested for slamming a work van into school bus, killing a motorcyclist in South Carolina  (link)

An illegal alien was charged in a high-speed DUI crash involving five cars in Florida  (link)

An illegal alien who was shot while attacking a border patrol agent was wanted for murder  (link)

Senate Republicans are again being blamed for “blocking a border security bill” in order to supposedly “campaign on the border chaos”  (link) — [It is true that they are not doing anything significant about the problem, however.  But their reasons are simply because almost all of them want open borders just like the Democrats do.]

An illegal alien living for free in Rochester, NY is saying on the local TV news that she is still not happy  (link)

Watch: Mexican authorities tow dozens of US-bound migrants in a disabled big rig  (link)

A former top California Republican is complaining that migrants are infiltrating his upscale beach town  (link)

An Illegal immigrant From Turkey gave an interview on Fox News explaining he is shocked at how easy it was to cross the border  (link)

See illegals “sick of waiting” for the border patrol hop a Lyft ride in California  (link)

Denver is publishing a how-to guide for turning other cities into taxpayer-funded immigrant sanctuaries  (link)

The Mexican president is now openly saying that North America needs an “EU-style regime”  (link)

Over 30,000 Chinese illegals crossed the border near San Diego since October  (link)


Haitian gangs tragically murdered a Missouri politician’s missionary daughter and her husband while the couple were on the phone with him  (link) — [This article also explains there were concerns about the potential of safely bringing the bodies back to the U.S.]

A woman who was beaten, raped, and left brain dead in California’s Venice Canals has died; See another woman who was nearly killed by the same man give an interview from her hospital bed  (link)

The “General Hospital” actor Johnny Wactor was shot and killed during a car theft in Los Angeles  (link) — [Also see this article showing his fiancée speak out about the crime in the city.  (I think she should have been more specific and hard-hitting with her statements, however.)]

A Christian man who destroyed a Satanic altar in the Iowa capitol took a plea deal to avoid a hate crime charge  (link)

A former Mayoral candidate in Florida was arrested after robbing a Dollar General store at gunpoint  (link) — [It’s pretty frightening that any crackhead with a TikTok account can get into politics no matter how hopelessly unqualified and unstable they are, especially because I want to make sure that fraud is eliminated from the voting process.  (I don’t know if he is actually a crackhead though, I’m just talking in general.)  I think laws should be established that require political candidates to be lawyers to ensure they are competent enough, and to ensure that they even understand what laws and government are.

This ridiculous article is actually suggesting that there are TOO MANY lawyers in politics!  The concept that lawyers are “inherently bad” is ridiculous, and it always originates from corrupt leftist sources.

Remember that stupid phrase, “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”?  I didn’t realize until just now that it was a Shakespeare quote.  I never understood the hype about Shakespeare, I think it as boring as watching paint dry.]

Up to half of UCLA medical students now fail basic tests of medical competence due to “woke” admissions policies  (link) — [That is disturbing to know.  Meanwhile the only thing Californians seem motivated to do anything about is to ban plastic bags at grocery stores.

(HOWEVER I strongly disagree with such articles ridiculously posting pictures of random black people that unfairly implies that those specific individuals are unqualified, also including this Brietbart article talking about the issue.  How could the people making those articles not be aware of the obvious issues with doing that?)]

“Trump Makes Inroads with Arab Americans, Muslims as They Abandon Biden”  (link) — [The article says that many Muslims think that Trump would have handled the Israel-Hamas conflict better, however he is just as pro-Israel as Biden, if not even more so.  For example, this recent article explains that Trump is vowing to “crush pro-Palestinian protests.”

(But Trump is also responsible for the establishing of Islamic prayer rooms in U.S. public schools due to his agendas of eroding the separation of church and state, so perhaps that is the real reason for his growing support among Muslims.)]

“Woke” leftist Massachusetts snowflakes attending a talk by the great actor Richard Dreyfuss about the “Jaws” movie walked out due to his supposed “sexist, homophobic remarks,” because he criticized transvestite surgery for children among other issues  (link) — [Dreyfus has always been one of the good guys.  In the years past he has also been advocating for the teaching of civics in public schools once again.  New England is a horribly corrupted part of the country, as bad as anywhere in California.]

A Colorado man is facing prison for setting fire to the wrong home and killing its family because he thought they stole his phone  (link)

The Pentagon says Russia launched a space weapon into the path of a U.S. satellite  (link)

A study says daily marijuana use is outpacing daily drinking in the U.S.  (link)

A Seattle man murdered two homeless men with ax while they slept  (link)

“Hollywood Is Rebooting ‘Star Trek’ Film Franchise … Again”  (link) — [I don’t understand why the article is so negative about that.  The most recent Star Trek trilogy with the younger actors playing younger versions of the characters was great, and it was certainly not “failed”!  The actors were all dead ringers for the older ones also, which is a rarity in movies.  In fact I think the recent movies are better than the classic ones.  (And I don't even remember them making Sulu gay as the article mentions, so apparently at least they didn’t push that aspect too much.)  I think the movies they are about to make will be good also as long as they don’t try to make them “woke,” especially because they will be new stories rather than remaking previous ones.]

Joe Biden sounds like a 4-year-old during an exchange with a reporter as the Kenyan president arrived at the White House  (link)

Imagine what would happen if Trump ordered an FBI raid on Obama’s D.C. mansion and authorized the use of “deadly force” as was just done to Trump by the Democrats  (link)

House Republicans are accusing Hunter Biden of repeatedly lying under oath during his deposition  (link)

See video of a car thief crash in front of a horrified news crew while they reported on a local shooting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin  (link)

An American is trapped in Japan because his non-citizen wife can’t enter the U.S. without proof of a COVID-19 vaccination  (link)

A 13th conservative Oregon county has approved a measure to secede and join ‘Greater Idaho’  (link) — [It’s interesting that there are so many conservative parts of Oregon despite being on the West Coast.]

A father ridiculously sent his kids running in front of his wife as she was about to win a race at the finish line  (link)

mRNA Vaccines permanently alter the DNA of the vaccinated and their offspring  (link)

A NYC liquor store owner is facing seven years in prison for accidentally shooting a violent thief who was attacking him (see video)  (link)

A study shows disease causing herbicides are being detected in all pregnant women, with the levels only increasing  (link) — [Soybeans are usually at the top of the list of such toxicity, and soybeans also have other issues if consumed in too large of quantities.  I don’t know of any vegans who regularly eat or drink soybeans since there are so many great alternatives such as almond milk or hemp milk.  I’m surprised that there is still even much of a market for soy milk.  A few times a year or so I might have tofu but that is usually it.  Most tofu is made from non-GMO pesticide-free soybeans anyway.]

The Maryland governor has signed a bill ousting the Hamas-linked CAIR from its state hate crimes monitoring board due to pro-Hamas advocacy  (link) — [They did it because the Maryland director of CAIR called the Hamas terrorists “Freedom Fighters” and compared Israel to Nazi Germany.]

A gang of black women have been looting luxury shops in Pennsylvania and New Jersey malls  (link)

The Colorado Republican Party is calling on parents to pull kids out of public schools over “LGBT” indoctrination  (link) — [That is a ridiculously defeatist strategy, if not even a corrupt one.  They should instead simply do what it takes to fix the problem, which is possible.  (I suppose it could be effective if a large enough proportion of the students were taken out of school in protest, however.)]

Illinois Democrats want to change the term “offender” to “justice-impacted individual”  (link)

The South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is now banned from all South Dakota tribal lands due to her explaining that the Mexican criminal gang MS-13 is operating there  (link) — [I think the whole concept of Indian reservations is no longer a good one, where ownership of the land should be equally distributed to the people in the tribes, and then the areas should simply become part of the U.S.]

See a Texas real estate agent show a “house of horror” that was overtaken by squatters which is no longer habitable  (link)

A police officer in Sturgeon, Missouri shot a small deaf, and blind dog at point-blank range  (link)

The vaccine-advocating film director and star of “Super Size Me” Morgan Spurlock has died of cancer at age 53  (link)

A Black Lives Matter activist lost a lawsuit against the Los Angeles police over a “swatting” hoax response  (link)

Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails  (link)

“Schools that never needed AC are now overheating. Fixes will cost billions”  (link) — [This is more typical ridiculous global warming hype.]

Biden ridiculously claimed during a commencement speech at the United States Military Academy West Point that he turned down an offer to play football at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland  (link)

The new “Mad Max with a girl” movie had the lowest Memorial Day weekend debut in 41 years  (link) — [I wonder what Mel Gibson thinks about no longer being in those movies.  I think he should make another Apocalypto-type movie.]

A lunatic set a straphanger on fire inside a NYC subway before being arrested after fleeing the train, and he had even done it before!  (link)

The ADL is hailing the U.S. State Department for it hosting big tech representatives for a “Symposium to Combat Online Antisemitism”  (link) — “The State Department hosted an event on Thursday bringing every major tech company together along with a representative from Israel to protect one single ethnic group from criticism online.”

See zombies fester in the rot of California’s streets in Newsom’s “national model” for homelessness of California  (link)

All charges have been dropped against New Jersey gym owners who defied the COVID lockdown  (link)

See Pete Buttigieg be called out for falsely claiming that Americans are clamoring to buy electric vehicles  (link)

A top vaccine expert is testifying that vaccines contain cancer-causing ingredients and fragmented DNA  (link)

Biden has canceled more than $7 billion in student debt for 160,000 people who were enrolled in one of his programs  (link)

California voters are apparently only concerned about the kinds of bags that grocery stores are allowed to use  (link)

A Seattle museum shut down after its staff walked out to protest the fact that an art exhibit conflated anti-Zionism with antisemitism  (link) — [I think it is surprising that criticizing Israel is now considered to be socially acceptable even in liberal areas such as that.  However such people are now naively “pro-Islam” instead, due to the political Establishment strategically whitewashing the ideology with the intent to further Islamize the United States.  At least it is very easy to expose the issues with Islam though (link, and link), but it needs to be done before it is too late.]


Watch a Muslim pray in front of a plane cockpit in France, then slug the pilot  (link)

UN-trained troops are being brought into the West under the guise of being migrant refugees  (link)

See a large Islamic prayer session in a park in Malmo, Sweden  (link)

The government of the the Dutch politician Geert Wilders wants to opt out of EU asylum rules  (link) — [I’m skeptical of Wilders, however.  I think he should be primarily focused on getting the Netherlands out of the European Union.]

A Sydney, Australian bakery is promoting Hamas terrorist-themed birthday cakes for children  (link)

The German state succeeded with only less than a third of its planned deportations last year  (link)

An Iraqi teen was arrested in Sweden on suspicion of shooting a Polish national in front of his 12-year-old son  (link)

Hezbollah wants to flood Europe with Syrians who are now in Lebanon  (link)

A Muslim migrant in France who was previously convicted ten times threatened to kill cops, then received only a psychiatric assessment  (link)

Watch a French guy try to convince the Japanese to open their country to migrants as has been happening in France  (link)


A transvestite attacked four girls and two adults in a Massachusetts movie theater stabbing spree  (link)

A Florida priest defended the Eucharist from sacrilege by biting a crazed lesbian who crushed the host and tried to administer the communion to herself  (link)

A transvestite was charged with rape while in custody at a women’s prison in California  (link)

South Carolina has banned gender transition procedures for minors  (link)

American Airlines tried to blame a 9-year-old victim for secretly being recorded by a flight attendant’s iPhone taped to the toilet seat in plane’s lavatory  (link)


Watch security guards at the Cannes Film Festival not allow the actress Massiel Taveras to show the train of her dress that had a picture of Jesus on it  (link)

“Israel faces global outcry over Rafah strike that set tent city ablaze”  (link) — [It seems that by this point Israel has been intentionally attempting to foment antisemitism with its actions, presumably for ulterior motives.  Israel used to get away with its harmful action by at least “appearing on the surface” to be in the right, but now they don’t even seem to be bothering to try to keep up superficial appearances about that.]

Thousands chanted ‘death to America’ at the Iranian president’s funeral  (link)

The Hamas leader Haniyeh attended the Iranian President Raisi’s funeral  (link)

Ireland, Norway, Spain to are set to recognize a “Palestinian State”  (link) — [I don’t have any problem with that, although Israel and the U.S. are very upset about it.  What is Israel planning instead?— To export the Palestinians into the U.S. and build high rises for themselves in Gaza?

Personally I think that entire area should be one country that is not associated with any one particular religion, although I don’t think there is any chance of that happening due to the extreme hostility that has been engineered over the decades.

I think it is ridiculous that Zionists expect to have borders and a “homeland” while many support and even actively take part in destroying the borders in the U.S. and Europe, for example with organizations such as “The Hebrew Immigration Aid Society.”]

Muslims in Pakistan murdered a Christian, vandalized churches and set homes on fire due to allegations of a Qur’an desecration  (link)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son shared a video of a IDF soldier threatening the Israeli Defense Minister with a military coup if the war in Gaza isn’t expanded  (link) — [A lot of Zionists are hawkish in such a crazy manner.]

Dozens have been killed and wounded in Rafah, as Hamas fired missiles at Tel Aviv for the first time in months  (link)

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