A Summary of Potential Abuses by ”HAARP” Type Ionosphere Altering Installations
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Evidence of Earthquakes Being Created by HAARP and Other Methods
Can Earthquakes be Artificially Created?
Holes in Heaven: Clip— Potential for Creating Earthquakes Using HAARP
This clip of excerpts from the documentary “Holes in Heaven” explains potential for HAARP-type ionospheric installations to be used to intentionally cause earthquakes. A science called “tomography” involves beaming power into the ground in order to find the composition of layers beneath the surface of the Earth, and it is explained that if such energy is beamed at the proper strength and frequency it could be used to create earthquakes.
See this clip’s individual video page for a summarized written description of the information it contains.
Support the filmmakers by purchasing this video.
View the entire documentary online.
This clip of excerpts from the documentary “Holes in Heaven” explains potential for HAARP-type ionospheric installations to be used to intentionally cause earthquakes. A science called “tomography” involves beaming power into the ground in order to find the composition of layers beneath the surface of the Earth, and it is explained that if such energy is beamed at the proper strength and frequency it could be used to create earthquakes.
See this clip’s individual video page for a summarized written description of the information it contains.
Support the filmmakers by purchasing this video.
View the entire documentary online.
Drops in the ionosphere are recorded accompanying many earthquakes
A June 5, 2008 BBC article explains that NASA scientists have discovered using satellites that a link exists between ionospheric disturbances at the edge of the atmosphere and recent earthquake activity:
Following are excerpts from the article:
Following are excerpts from the article:
Nasa scientists have said they could be on the verge of a breakthrough in their efforts to forecast earthquakes.
Researchers say they have found a close link between electrical disturbances on the edge of our atmosphere and impending quakes on the ground below.
Just such a signal was spotted in the days leading up to the recent devastating event in China.
They have teamed up with experts in the UK to investigate a possible space-based early warning system.
Many in the scientific community remain deeply sceptical about whether such signals are indeed indicators of an approaching earthquake.
But Minoru Freund, a physicist and director for advanced aerospace materials and devices at Nasa’s Ames Research Center in California, told BBC News: “I do believe that we will be able to establish a clear correlation between certain earthquakes and certain pre-earthquake signals, in an unbiased way.”
On a significant number of occasions, satellites have picked up disturbances in this part of the atmosphere 100-600km above areas that have later been hit by earthquakes.
One of the most important of these is a fluctuation in the density of electrons and other electrically-charged particles in the ionosphere.
One study looked at over 100 earthquakes with magnitudes of 5.0 or larger in Taiwan over several decades. The researchers found that almost all of the earthquakes down to a depth of about 35km were preceded by distinct electrical disturbances in the ionosphere.
The analysis was carried out by Jann-Yeng Liu, from the Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research in Chung-Li, Taiwan.
A satellite warning system could monitor for quake “precursors”
Though full details have yet to be released, the BBC understands that scientists also observed a “huge” signal in the ionosphere before the Magnitude 7.8 earthquake in China on 12 May.
Minoru and his father Friedemann Freund, also from Nasa Ames Research Center, developed the scientific theory behind these earthquake precursors. It boils down to the idea that when rocks are compressed - as when tectonic plates shift - they act like batteries, producing electric currents.
“We now pretty much understand the solid-state physics of these rocks,” Minoru added.
According to their theory, the charge carrier is a “positive hole,” known as a phole, which can travel large distances in laboratory experiments.
When they travel to the surface of the Earth, the surface becomes positively charged. And this charge can be strong enough to affect the ionosphere, causing the disturbances documented by satellites.
When these pholes “recombine” at the surface of the Earth, they enter an excited state. They subsequently “de-excite” and emit mid-infrared light particles, or photons. This may explain the IR observations.
Dr Mike Blanpied, a geophysicist at the US Geological Survey (USGS), who is unconnected with the work told BBC News: “At this point, the connection between the laboratory phenomena and processes at work in the Earth has not been demonstrated and is the subject of research.”
Researchers say they have found a close link between electrical disturbances on the edge of our atmosphere and impending quakes on the ground below.
Just such a signal was spotted in the days leading up to the recent devastating event in China.
They have teamed up with experts in the UK to investigate a possible space-based early warning system.
Many in the scientific community remain deeply sceptical about whether such signals are indeed indicators of an approaching earthquake.
But Minoru Freund, a physicist and director for advanced aerospace materials and devices at Nasa’s Ames Research Center in California, told BBC News: “I do believe that we will be able to establish a clear correlation between certain earthquakes and certain pre-earthquake signals, in an unbiased way.”
On a significant number of occasions, satellites have picked up disturbances in this part of the atmosphere 100-600km above areas that have later been hit by earthquakes.
One of the most important of these is a fluctuation in the density of electrons and other electrically-charged particles in the ionosphere.
One study looked at over 100 earthquakes with magnitudes of 5.0 or larger in Taiwan over several decades. The researchers found that almost all of the earthquakes down to a depth of about 35km were preceded by distinct electrical disturbances in the ionosphere.
The analysis was carried out by Jann-Yeng Liu, from the Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research in Chung-Li, Taiwan.
A satellite warning system could monitor for quake “precursors”
Though full details have yet to be released, the BBC understands that scientists also observed a “huge” signal in the ionosphere before the Magnitude 7.8 earthquake in China on 12 May.
Minoru and his father Friedemann Freund, also from Nasa Ames Research Center, developed the scientific theory behind these earthquake precursors. It boils down to the idea that when rocks are compressed - as when tectonic plates shift - they act like batteries, producing electric currents.
“We now pretty much understand the solid-state physics of these rocks,” Minoru added.
According to their theory, the charge carrier is a “positive hole,” known as a phole, which can travel large distances in laboratory experiments.
When they travel to the surface of the Earth, the surface becomes positively charged. And this charge can be strong enough to affect the ionosphere, causing the disturbances documented by satellites.
When these pholes “recombine” at the surface of the Earth, they enter an excited state. They subsequently “de-excite” and emit mid-infrared light particles, or photons. This may explain the IR observations.
Dr Mike Blanpied, a geophysicist at the US Geological Survey (USGS), who is unconnected with the work told BBC News: “At this point, the connection between the laboratory phenomena and processes at work in the Earth has not been demonstrated and is the subject of research.”
Many studies show ionospheric activity being a precursor to earthquakes
NOTE: This section has been added on May 30, 2021.
Many scientific papers have been published over the past few decades that show characteristic ionospheric activity occurring in the days before many earthquakes happen, such as before the December 26, 2004 earthquake and associated tsunami in Indonesia, and before the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Most of the papers postulate that the ionospheric activity is somehow caused by the earthquakes, and thus they suggest that such measurements could be used as a part of a system to warn that earthquakes are about to occur. However, I think there is also a distinct possibility that the ionospheric activity could actually be the cause of the earthquakes instead, rather than the other way around.
In this article I link to numerous scholarly articles about that issue, quoting relevant information from their written abstracts. Note that the authors of the studies usually seem to be very convinced that a link exists between the ionospheric activity and the earthquakes, however they always seem to assume that the activity is caused by the earthquakes.
[Note: I’m surprised by the large amount of studies that exist documenting that phenomenon, however I still have questions about the matter that I want to find the answers for. In particular:
1. It would be interesting to know how many earthquakes don’t actually exhibit such an ionospheric characteristic prior to happening, as that may be evidence that the ionospheric activity is artificially being induced in the cases when it is detected.
2. I wonder how often such ionospheric anomalies are recorded that don’t actually result in earthquakes. Wouldn’t AI technology be able to analyze the signatures as they are happening to be able to determine their nature based on data from previous events if a link actually existed? Also, why are the supposed predictive capabilities of the ionospheric activity mostly being ignored by the media despite the fact that many studies claim that a correlation exists between it and earthquakes?
3. In a few of the studies, the ionospheric activity is reported to have been recorded many days prior to the earthquake, such as a week or two before or even longer, but apparently not after then; therefore why do the researchers think that a link exists between that activity and the earthquakes in those cases?
4. How are the ionospheric monitoring stations administered / regulated? See this link for examples of scientific monitoring stations that are compromised.]
Scholarly Articles About Ionospheric Earthquake Precursors on the Harvard & Smithsonian “Center for Astrophysics” Website
Following in from the “About” page of the Harvard and Smithsonian “Center for Astrophysics” website:
Following are excerpts from relevant studies on the “Center for Astrophysics” website:
The December 26, 2004 Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami
“Modification of the low-latitude ionosphere before the 26 December 2004 Indonesian earthquake” (September 2006) (link)
“Ionospheric variations before some large earthquakes over Sumatra” (February 2011) (link)
The March 11, 2011 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami
“Anomalous TEC variations associated with the powerful Tohoku earthquake of 11 March 2011” (May 2012) (link)
“A nonlinear background removal method for seismo-ionospheric anomaly analysis under a complex solar activity scenario: A case study of the M9.0 Tohoku earthquake” (July 2012) (link)
“Detecting ionospheric TEC perturbations caused by natural hazards using a global network of GPS receivers: The Tohoku case study” (December 2012) (link)
“The ionospheric anomalies prior to the M9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake” (January 2013) (link)
“Ionospheric anomalies possibly associated with M ? 6.0 earthquakes in the Japan area during 1998-2010: Case studies and statistical study” (June 2011) (link)
Other Sumatra, Indonesia Earthquakes
“Ionospheric disturbances of the 2007 Bengkulu and the 2005 Nias earthquakes, Sumatra, observed with a regional GPS network” (April 2013) (link)
The September 20, 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
“Variations of ionospheric total electron content during the Chi-Chi Earthquake” (April 2001) (link)
The September 25, 2005 Peru Earthquake
“Anomalous modification of the ionospheric total electron content prior to the 26 September 2005 Peru earthquake” (December 2008) (link)
The January 8, 2006 Kythira, Greece Earthquake
“Features of the ionosphere behavior before the Kythira 2006 earthquake” (December 2007) (link)
The September 29, 2009 Somoa Earthquake and Tsunami
“Investigation of VLF and HF waves showing seismo-ionospheric anomalies induced by the 29 September 2009 Samoa earthquake (Mw=8.1)” (May 2010) (link)
The September 24, 2013 Pakistan Earthquake
“Pre-seismic ionospheric anomalies and spatio-temporal analyses of MODIS Land surface temperature and aerosols associated with Sep, 24 2013 Pakistan Earthquake” (April 2020) (link)
The April 1, 2014 Chile Earthquake
“Investigation of GPS-TEC measurements using ANN method indicating seismo-ionospheric anomalies around the time of the Chile (Mw = 8.2) earthquake of 01 April 2014” (November 2014) (link)
The April 25, 2015 Nepal Earthquake
“Potential earthquake precursory pattern from space: The 2015 Nepal event as seen by magnetic Swarm satellites” (March 2017) (link)
The April 16, 2016 Ecuador Earthquake
“Multi precursors analysis associated with the powerful Ecuador (MW = 7.8) earthquake of 16 April 2016 using Swarm satellites data in conjunction with other multi-platform satellite and ground data” (January 2018 ) (link)
The September 8, 2017 Mexico Earthquake
“Analysis of Swarm satellites data showing seismo-ionospheric anomalies around the time of the strong Mexico (Mw = 8.2) earthquake of 08 September 2017” (August 2018) (link)
The November 12, 2017 Iran Earthquake
“Anomalous seismo-LAI variations potentially associated with the 2017 Mw = 7.3 Sarpol-e Zahab (Iran) earthquake from Swarm satellites, GPS-TEC and climatological data” (July 2019) (link)
NOTE: This section has been added on May 30, 2021.

It is shown that certain types of activity is often detected in the Earth’s ionosphere in the days preceding earthquakes. (This image is from an AGU Journal paper detailing the issue.)
Many scientific papers have been published over the past few decades that show characteristic ionospheric activity occurring in the days before many earthquakes happen, such as before the December 26, 2004 earthquake and associated tsunami in Indonesia, and before the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Most of the papers postulate that the ionospheric activity is somehow caused by the earthquakes, and thus they suggest that such measurements could be used as a part of a system to warn that earthquakes are about to occur. However, I think there is also a distinct possibility that the ionospheric activity could actually be the cause of the earthquakes instead, rather than the other way around.
In this article I link to numerous scholarly articles about that issue, quoting relevant information from their written abstracts. Note that the authors of the studies usually seem to be very convinced that a link exists between the ionospheric activity and the earthquakes, however they always seem to assume that the activity is caused by the earthquakes.
[Note: I’m surprised by the large amount of studies that exist documenting that phenomenon, however I still have questions about the matter that I want to find the answers for. In particular:
1. It would be interesting to know how many earthquakes don’t actually exhibit such an ionospheric characteristic prior to happening, as that may be evidence that the ionospheric activity is artificially being induced in the cases when it is detected.
2. I wonder how often such ionospheric anomalies are recorded that don’t actually result in earthquakes. Wouldn’t AI technology be able to analyze the signatures as they are happening to be able to determine their nature based on data from previous events if a link actually existed? Also, why are the supposed predictive capabilities of the ionospheric activity mostly being ignored by the media despite the fact that many studies claim that a correlation exists between it and earthquakes?
3. In a few of the studies, the ionospheric activity is reported to have been recorded many days prior to the earthquake, such as a week or two before or even longer, but apparently not after then; therefore why do the researchers think that a link exists between that activity and the earthquakes in those cases?
4. How are the ionospheric monitoring stations administered / regulated? See this link for examples of scientific monitoring stations that are compromised.]
Scholarly Articles About Ionospheric Earthquake Precursors on the Harvard & Smithsonian “Center for Astrophysics” Website
Following in from the “About” page of the Harvard and Smithsonian “Center for Astrophysics” website:
The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) is a digital library portal for researchers in astronomy and physics, operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under a NASA grant.
The ADS maintains three bibliographic collections containing more than 15 million records covering publications in astronomy and astrophysics, physics, and general science, including all arXiv e-prints. Abstracts and full-text of major astronomy and physics publications are indexed and searchable through the new ADS modern search form as well as a classic search form. A browsable paper form is also available.
The ADS maintains three bibliographic collections containing more than 15 million records covering publications in astronomy and astrophysics, physics, and general science, including all arXiv e-prints. Abstracts and full-text of major astronomy and physics publications are indexed and searchable through the new ADS modern search form as well as a classic search form. A browsable paper form is also available.
Following are excerpts from relevant studies on the “Center for Astrophysics” website:
Jump to parts of this section ..
The December 26, 2004 Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami
The March 11, 2011 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami
Other Sumatra, Indonesia Earthquakes
The September 20, 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
The September 25, 2005 Peru Earthquake
The January 8, 2006 Kythira, Greece Earthquake
The September 29, 2009 Somoa Earthquake and Tsunami
The September 24, 2013 Pakistan Earthquake
The April 1, 2014 Chile Earthquake
The April 25, 2015 Nepal Earthquake
The April 16, 2016 Ecuador Earthquake
The September 8, 2017 Mexico Earthquake
The November 12, 2017 Iran Earthquake
(Scholarly articles about the issue from other sources)
The March 11, 2011 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami
Other Sumatra, Indonesia Earthquakes
The September 20, 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
The September 25, 2005 Peru Earthquake
The January 8, 2006 Kythira, Greece Earthquake
The September 29, 2009 Somoa Earthquake and Tsunami
The September 24, 2013 Pakistan Earthquake
The April 1, 2014 Chile Earthquake
The April 25, 2015 Nepal Earthquake
The April 16, 2016 Ecuador Earthquake
The September 8, 2017 Mexico Earthquake
The November 12, 2017 Iran Earthquake
(Scholarly articles about the issue from other sources)
The December 26, 2004 Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami
“Modification of the low-latitude ionosphere before the 26 December 2004 Indonesian earthquake” (September 2006) (link)
This paper investigates the features of pre-earthquake ionospheric anomalies in the total electron content (TEC) data obtained on the basis of regular GPS observations from the IGS network. For the analysis of the ionospheric effects of the 26 December 2004 Indonesian earthquake, global TEC maps were used. ... Analysis of the TEC maps has shown that modification of the equatorial anomaly occurred a few days before the earthquake. For 2 days prior to the event, a positive effect was observed in the daytime amplification of the equatorial anomaly. ... In previous days, during the evening and night hours (local time), a specific transformation of the TEC distribution had taken place. This modification took the shape of a double-crest structure with a trough near the epicenter, though usually in this time the restored normal latitudinal distribution with a maximum near the magnetic equator is observed. ...
“Ionospheric variations before some large earthquakes over Sumatra” (February 2011) (link)
... The TEC shows the occurrence of positive and negative anomalies detected within a few hours to 6 days before the earthquakes. ... The electron density analysis over the 28 March 2005 earthquake epicenter shows that an equatorial anomaly modification took place a few days before the event. ... The comparison between the TEC and electron density measurements during very quiet geomagnetic conditions is shown to be a useful indicator of a forthcoming earthquake.
The March 11, 2011 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami
“Anomalous TEC variations associated with the powerful Tohoku earthquake of 11 March 2011” (May 2012) (link)
On 11 March 2011 at 14:46:23 LT, the 4th largest earthquake ever recorded with a magnitude of 9.0 occurred near the northeast coast of Honshu in Japan (38.322° N, 142.369° E, Focal depth 29.0 km). In order to acknowledge the capabilities of Total Electron Content (TEC) ionospheric precursor, in this study four methods including mean, median, wavelet transform, and Kalman filter have been applied to detect anomalous TEC variations concerning the Tohoku earthquake. The duration of the TEC time series dataset is 49 days at a time resolution of 2 h. All four methods detected a considerable number of anomalous occurrences during 1 to 10 days prior to the earthquake in a period of high geomagnetic activities. ...
“A nonlinear background removal method for seismo-ionospheric anomaly analysis under a complex solar activity scenario: A case study of the M9.0 Tohoku earthquake” (July 2012) (link)
A precise determination of ionospheric total electron content (TEC) anomaly variations that are likely associated with large earthquakes as observed by global positioning system (GPS) requires the elimination of the ionospheric effect from irregular solar electromagnetic radiation. ... To overcome this constraint, a multiresolution time series processing technique based on wavelet transform applicable to global ionosphere map (GIM) TEC data was used to remove the nonlinear effect from solar radiation for the earthquake that struck Tohoku, Japan, on 11 March, 2011. ... After removing the influence of solar radiation origin in GIM TEC, the analysis results show that the TEC around the forthcoming epicenter and its conjugate were significantly enhanced in the afternoon period of 8 March 2011, 3 days before the earthquake.
“Detecting ionospheric TEC perturbations caused by natural hazards using a global network of GPS receivers: The Tohoku case study” (December 2012) (link)
Recent advances in GPS data processing have demonstrated that ground-based GPS receivers are capable of detecting ionospheric TEC perturbations caused by surface-generated Rayleigh, acoustic and gravity waves. ... In our research, in addition to March 11, 2011 we investigate global ionospheric TEC perturbations a day before and after the event. ... We show that a real-time global TEC monitoring network is able to detect the acoustic and gravity waves generated by the earthquake and tsunami. With additional real-time stations deployed, this new capability has the potential to provide real-time monitoring of TEC perturbations that could potentially serve as a plug-in to enhance existing early warning systems.
“The ionospheric anomalies prior to the M9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake” (January 2013) (link)
... The comparison between the observations and the simulation results shows that only the solar radiation enhancement was not enough to produce the observed significant TEC enhancement. It means that some additional mechanisms, such as the per-earthquake ionospheric disturbance or the geomagnetic activities, may play a significant role in the significant TEC enhancement on March 8. ... It is found that the extreme enhancement was persistently located in the region adjacent to the epicenter and the magnetic conjugate point for a long time of 16 h. In addition, a geomagnetic disturbance with Kp = 4 occurred on March 7. Therefore, the significant TEC enhancement on March 8 might be related to the M9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and the geomagnetic disturbance.
“Ionospheric anomalies possibly associated with M ? 6.0 earthquakes in the Japan area during 1998-2010: Case studies and statistical study” (June 2011) (link)
... Meanwhile, to reduce the effect of strong geomagnetic activities such as geomagnetic storms, the criterion for removing the GIM-TEC data have been adapted; ... Although there are some positive and negative TEC anomalies before and after the four earthquakes, there is a tendency that positive TEC anomalies appear 1-5 days before all the above earthquakes even during the quiet geomagnetic condition. Superposed epoch analyses have been performed for the statistical analysis of TEC anomalies associated with M ? 6.0 earthquakes during the 12-year period of May 1998-May 2010. ...
Other Sumatra, Indonesia Earthquakes
“Ionospheric disturbances of the 2007 Bengkulu and the 2005 Nias earthquakes, Sumatra, observed with a regional GPS network” (April 2013) (link)
We studied ionospheric disturbances associated with the two large earthquakes in Sumatra, Indonesia, namely, the 2007 Bengkulu and the 2005 Nias earthquakes, by measuring the total electron contents (TEC) using a regional network of global positioning system (GPS) receivers. ... This earthquake, which occurred during a period of quiet geomagnetic activity, also showed clear preseismic TEC anomalies similar to those before the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. The positive and negative anomalies started 30-60 min before the earthquake to the north and the south of the fault region, respectively. On the other hand, we did not find any long-term TEC anomalies within 4-5 days before the earthquake. Co- and preseismic ionospheric anomalies of the 2005 Nias earthquake (Mw 8.6) were, however, masked by strong plasma bubble signatures, and we could not even discuss the presence or absence of CIDs and preseismic TEC changes for this earthquake.
The September 20, 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
“Variations of ionospheric total electron content during the Chi-Chi Earthquake” (April 2001) (link)
... The greatest plasma frequency in the ionosphere, foF2, observed by the Chung-Li ionosonde (25.0°N, 121.2°E) reveals three clear precursors at 1, 3, and 4 days prior to the earthquake. ... Results show that the equatorial anomaly crest moves equatorward and its TEC value significantly decreases 1, 3, and 4 days before the earthquake. A comparison between the disturbed and reference (previous 15-day median) days confirms that TEC decreases significantly around the epicenter in the afternoons of these days. ...
The September 25, 2005 Peru Earthquake
“Anomalous modification of the ionospheric total electron content prior to the 26 September 2005 Peru earthquake” (December 2008) (link)
... Analysis of the TEC maps has shown that modification of the equatorial anomaly occurred a few days before the earthquake. In previous days, during the evening and night hours (local time--LT), a specific transformation of the TEC distribution had taken place. ...
The January 8, 2006 Kythira, Greece Earthquake
“Features of the ionosphere behavior before the Kythira 2006 earthquake” (December 2007) (link)
... The favorable circumstance for this analysis was the quiet geomagnetic situation during the period prior to the earthquake. One day before the earthquake, a characteristic anomaly was found out as the day-time significant increase of TEC at the nearest stations, up to the value of 50% relative to the background condition. ...
The September 29, 2009 Somoa Earthquake and Tsunami
“Investigation of VLF and HF waves showing seismo-ionospheric anomalies induced by the 29 September 2009 Samoa earthquake (Mw=8.1)” (May 2010) (link)
... In a previous study we have shown that anomalies in IAP (plasma analyzer) and ISL (Langmuir probe) experiments onboard the DEMETER and also TEC (Total Electron Content) data appear 1 to 5 days before the Samoa earthquake. In this paper we show that the anomalies in the VLF transmitter signal and in the HF range appear with the same time scale. The lack of significant geomagnetic activities indicates that these anomalous behaviors could be regarded as seismo-ionospheric precursors. ...
The September 24, 2013 Pakistan Earthquake
“Pre-seismic ionospheric anomalies and spatio-temporal analyses of MODIS Land surface temperature and aerosols associated with Sep, 24 2013 Pakistan Earthquake” (April 2020) (link)
This study aims to investigate the behaviors of the potential earthquake precursors such as Total Electron Content (TEC), daytime/nighttime Land Surface Temperature (LST) and aerosols before and after the 2013 Mw 7.7 Awaran (Pakistan) earthquake. ... TEC anomalies were identified 3 days (21.09.2013) and 5 days (19.09.2013) before the earthquake. ... Different anomalous days of LST were observed from these three regions of interest. ... Furthermore, considering daytime/nighttime LST values on epicenter and 10 km impact area, we observed a systematic increase culminated near the earthquake event and a decrease after the earthquake. On the contrary, a systematic decrease and then increase of the AOD values were identified. The obtained results showed that TEC, LST and AOD were important potential precursors for Earthquake prediction; however, further developments on methods, data types and statistical analyses are still required.
The April 1, 2014 Chile Earthquake
“Investigation of GPS-TEC measurements using ANN method indicating seismo-ionospheric anomalies around the time of the Chile (Mw = 8.2) earthquake of 01 April 2014” (November 2014) (link)
... potential unusual variations around the time and location of the Chile earthquake have been detected based on the median and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methods. ... striking anomalies in time series of TEC data are observed 4 days before the earthquake at 14:00 and 16:00 UTC. The ANN method detected a number of anomalies, 4 (02:00 and 16:00 UTC) and 13 (24:00 UTC) days preceding the earthquake. The results indicate that the ANN method due to its capability of non linear learning is quite promising and deserves serious attention as a robust predictor tool for seismo-ionospheric anomalies detection.
The April 25, 2015 Nepal Earthquake
“Potential earthquake precursory pattern from space: The 2015 Nepal event as seen by magnetic Swarm satellites” (March 2017) (link)
... Here, taking advantage of measurements provided by the Swarm magnetic satellites, we investigate the possibility to detect some series of pre-earthquake magnetic anomalous signals, likely due to a lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling, that can be a potential earthquake precursory pattern. ... we show that the cumulative number of anomalies follows the same typical power-law behavior of a critical system approaching its critical time, and hence recovers as the typical recovery phase after a large event. The similarity of this behavior with the one obtained from seismic data analysis and the application of the analyses also to another period without significant seismicity do support a lithospheric-linked origin of the observed magnetic anomalies. We suggest that they might be connected to the preparation phase of the Nepal earthquake.
The April 16, 2016 Ecuador Earthquake
“Multi precursors analysis associated with the powerful Ecuador (MW = 7.8) earthquake of 16 April 2016 using Swarm satellites data in conjunction with other multi-platform satellite and ground data” (January 2018 ) (link)
After DEMETER satellite mission (2004-2010), the launch of the Swarm satellites (Alpha (A), Bravo (B) and Charlie (C)) has created a new opportunity in the study of earthquake ionospheric precursors. Nowadays, there is no doubt that multi precursors analysis is a necessary phase to better understand the LAIC (Lithosphere Atmosphere Ionosphere Coupling) mechanism before large earthquakes. ... The Swarm satellites (A, B and C) data analysis indicate the anomalies in time series of electron density variations on 7, 11 and 12 days before the event; the unusual variations in time series of electron temperature on 8 days preceding the earthquake; the analysis of the magnetic field scalar and vectors data show the considerable anomalies 52, 48, 23, 16, 11, 9 and 7 days before the main shock. A striking anomaly is detected in TEC variations on 1 day before earthquake at 9:00 UTC. ... In addition, the AOD variations obtained from MODIS measurements reach the maximum value on 10 days before the earthquake.
The September 8, 2017 Mexico Earthquake
“Analysis of Swarm satellites data showing seismo-ionospheric anomalies around the time of the strong Mexico (Mw = 8.2) earthquake of 08 September 2017” (August 2018) (link)
... This paper presents the results of Swarm satellites (Alpha, Bravo and Charlie) data analysis around the Mexico earthquake epicenter during the period of 01 April to 15 October 2017. The visual inspection of the time series of 6 parameters measured using electric field instrument, absolute and vector field magnetometers on board each Swarm satellite shows a clear anomaly exactly on the earthquake day. ... A very interesting result is the detection of anomalies in different observables of ionosphere from about 130 days before the earthquake. Since the Swarm is currently the only satellite mission that their data can be used to continuously monitor some of the important parameters of the ionosphere, therefore creating a monitoring system of ionosphere based on the Swarm data as an introduction to an earthquake warning system is proposed.
[NOTE: This study is an example of one where I wonder how the researcher was able to deduce that the ionospheric activity had something to do with the earthquake, since it occurred so many days before the earthquake happened.]
[NOTE: This study is an example of one where I wonder how the researcher was able to deduce that the ionospheric activity had something to do with the earthquake, since it occurred so many days before the earthquake happened.]
The November 12, 2017 Iran Earthquake
“Anomalous seismo-LAI variations potentially associated with the 2017 Mw = 7.3 Sarpol-e Zahab (Iran) earthquake from Swarm satellites, GPS-TEC and climatological data” (July 2019) (link)
... The first method detects unusual variations, 9 days before the event, between 21:00 and 22:00 UTC. The other two methods of Kalman filter and Neural Network detect another clear anomaly on 11 days preceding the earthquake at 16:00 UTC. These findings are two of the outstanding results of GPS-TEC precursor analysis. ... Since the variations of the solar and geomagnetic indices follow a normal behaviour during the whole period of the observed ionospheric anomalies between 8 and 11 days before the earthquake, it can be concluded that multi-precursors analysis has an important role to acknowledge the seismo-LAI (Lithospheric-Atmospheric-Ionospheric) anomalies associated to strong earthquakes such as this case.
Scholarly Articles About Ionospheric Earthquake Precursors From Other Sources
Scientific papers about ionospheric precursors to earthquakes can be found on other sources as well, as the following links demonstrate:
“Ionospheric and geomagnetic disturbances caused by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: A revisit” (May 27, 2015) (agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com) (link)
“Modifications of the ionosphere prior to large earthquakes: report from the Ionosphere Precursor Study Group” (March 2016) (SpringerOpen.com) (link)
“Ionospheric precursors of earthquakes and Global Electric Circuit” (March 2014) (ScienceDirect.com) (link)
“Ionospheric precursors to large earthquakes: A case study of the 2011 Japanese Tohoku Earthquake” (September 2013) (ScienceDirect.com) (link)
“Plasma turbulence in the ionosphere prior to earthquakes, some remarks on the DEMETER registrations” (June, 2011) (ScienceDirect.com) (link)
Scientific papers about ionospheric precursors to earthquakes can be found on other sources as well, as the following links demonstrate:
“Ionospheric and geomagnetic disturbances caused by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: A revisit” (May 27, 2015) (agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com) (link)
“Modifications of the ionosphere prior to large earthquakes: report from the Ionosphere Precursor Study Group” (March 2016) (SpringerOpen.com) (link)
“Ionospheric precursors of earthquakes and Global Electric Circuit” (March 2014) (ScienceDirect.com) (link)
“Ionospheric precursors to large earthquakes: A case study of the 2011 Japanese Tohoku Earthquake” (September 2013) (ScienceDirect.com) (link)
“Plasma turbulence in the ionosphere prior to earthquakes, some remarks on the DEMETER registrations” (June, 2011) (ScienceDirect.com) (link)
Excerpts From a Wikipedia Article Detailing Tectonic Weapons
A Wikipedia article explains various tectonic weapon projects, including a declassified secret wartime experiment called “Project Seal” that was conducted off the coast of New Zealand in the 1940’s to attempt to cause destructive tsunamis by detonating explosives underwater; a Soviet project called “Lavina” (meaning “avalanche”) that had a goal of detonating 100 million tons of strategically placed TNT to cause tsunamis on the U.S. Pacific and Atlantic coasts; and it also explains the British development of “earthquake bombs” during World War II.
Following are excerpts from the article (taken May 30, 2021):
The tsunami bomb was an attempt during World War II to develop a tectonic weapon that could create destructive tsunamis. The project commenced after US Navy officer E.A. Gibson noticed small waves generated by explosions used to clear coral reefs. The idea was developed by the United States and New Zealand military in a programme code named Project Seal. The weapons concept was deemed feasible, but the weapons themselves were never fully developed or used. ...
Tests were conducted by Professor Thomas Leech, of the University of Auckland, in Whangaparaoa off the coast of Auckland and off New Caledonia between 1944 and 1945. British and US defence chiefs were eager to see it developed, and it was considered potentially as important as the atomic bomb. It was expected to cause massive damage to coastal cities or coastal defences.
The weapon was only tested using small explosions and never on a full scale. 3,700 test explosions were conducted over a seven-month period. The tests revealed that a single explosion would not produce a tsunami, but concluded that a line of 2,000,000 kg (4,400,000 lb) of explosives about 8 km (5.0 mi) off the coast could create a destructive wave.
Details of the experiments codenamed “Project Seal” were released to the public by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in 1999 and are available at Archives New Zealand in Wellington and at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Archives in San Diego, California.
A 1968 research report sponsored by the US Office of Naval Research addressed this hypothesis of coastal damage due to large explosion-generated waves, and found theoretical and experimental evidence showing it to be relatively inefficient in wave-making potential, with most wave energy dissipated by breaking on the continental shelf before reaching the shore.
Analysis of the declassified documents in 1999 by the University of Waikato suggested the weapon would be viable.
No specific targets for the weapon were identified, but in 2013 New Zealand broadcaster and author Ray Waru suggested coastal fortifications in Japan ahead of an invasion of the Japanese home islands.
Egyptian magazine Al-Osboa claimed that the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami was intentionally caused by a nuclear weapon detonated in a strategic position under the ocean.
Andrei Sakharov was the leader of project Lavina (Avalanche). Its goal was “to detonate 100 million tons of strategically placed TNT, causing waves that would devastate the U.S. Pacific and Atlantic coasts.”
Related weapons development elsewhere
[An] earthquake bomb, or seismic bomb, was a separate but related concept that was separately invented by the British aeronautical engineer Barnes Wallis early in World War II and subsequently developed and used on land against strategic targets in Europe. The earthquake bomb also used the concept of an explosion in a dense medium. It differed somewhat in concept from traditional aircraft-borne bombs, which usually explode at or near the surface, and destroy their target directly by explosive force. By contrast, an earthquake bomb is dropped from very high altitude to gain more speed, and upon impact penetrates and explodes deep underground, causing massive caverns (camouflets) or craters as well as much more severe shockwaves. In this way, they can affect targets that are too massive to be affected by other types of conventional bomb, as well as difficult targets such as bridges and viaducts. Earthquake bombs were used towards the end of World War II for massively reinforced installations (e.g., submarine pens with concrete walls several meters thick, caverns, buried tunnels), and bridges.
A Wikipedia article explains various tectonic weapon projects, including a declassified secret wartime experiment called “Project Seal” that was conducted off the coast of New Zealand in the 1940’s to attempt to cause destructive tsunamis by detonating explosives underwater; a Soviet project called “Lavina” (meaning “avalanche”) that had a goal of detonating 100 million tons of strategically placed TNT to cause tsunamis on the U.S. Pacific and Atlantic coasts; and it also explains the British development of “earthquake bombs” during World War II.
Following are excerpts from the article (taken May 30, 2021):
The tsunami bomb was an attempt during World War II to develop a tectonic weapon that could create destructive tsunamis. The project commenced after US Navy officer E.A. Gibson noticed small waves generated by explosions used to clear coral reefs. The idea was developed by the United States and New Zealand military in a programme code named Project Seal. The weapons concept was deemed feasible, but the weapons themselves were never fully developed or used. ...
Tests were conducted by Professor Thomas Leech, of the University of Auckland, in Whangaparaoa off the coast of Auckland and off New Caledonia between 1944 and 1945. British and US defence chiefs were eager to see it developed, and it was considered potentially as important as the atomic bomb. It was expected to cause massive damage to coastal cities or coastal defences.
The weapon was only tested using small explosions and never on a full scale. 3,700 test explosions were conducted over a seven-month period. The tests revealed that a single explosion would not produce a tsunami, but concluded that a line of 2,000,000 kg (4,400,000 lb) of explosives about 8 km (5.0 mi) off the coast could create a destructive wave.
Details of the experiments codenamed “Project Seal” were released to the public by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in 1999 and are available at Archives New Zealand in Wellington and at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Archives in San Diego, California.
A 1968 research report sponsored by the US Office of Naval Research addressed this hypothesis of coastal damage due to large explosion-generated waves, and found theoretical and experimental evidence showing it to be relatively inefficient in wave-making potential, with most wave energy dissipated by breaking on the continental shelf before reaching the shore.
Analysis of the declassified documents in 1999 by the University of Waikato suggested the weapon would be viable.
No specific targets for the weapon were identified, but in 2013 New Zealand broadcaster and author Ray Waru suggested coastal fortifications in Japan ahead of an invasion of the Japanese home islands.
Egyptian magazine Al-Osboa claimed that the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami was intentionally caused by a nuclear weapon detonated in a strategic position under the ocean.
Andrei Sakharov was the leader of project Lavina (Avalanche). Its goal was “to detonate 100 million tons of strategically placed TNT, causing waves that would devastate the U.S. Pacific and Atlantic coasts.”
Related weapons development elsewhere
[An] earthquake bomb, or seismic bomb, was a separate but related concept that was separately invented by the British aeronautical engineer Barnes Wallis early in World War II and subsequently developed and used on land against strategic targets in Europe. The earthquake bomb also used the concept of an explosion in a dense medium. It differed somewhat in concept from traditional aircraft-borne bombs, which usually explode at or near the surface, and destroy their target directly by explosive force. By contrast, an earthquake bomb is dropped from very high altitude to gain more speed, and upon impact penetrates and explodes deep underground, causing massive caverns (camouflets) or craters as well as much more severe shockwaves. In this way, they can affect targets that are too massive to be affected by other types of conventional bomb, as well as difficult targets such as bridges and viaducts. Earthquake bombs were used towards the end of World War II for massively reinforced installations (e.g., submarine pens with concrete walls several meters thick, caverns, buried tunnels), and bridges.
Other Evidence of the Use of Tectonic Weapons
[Note: May 30, 2021— This information in this section has been updated.]
The U.S. House “Space Preservation Act of 2001” acknowledges tectonic weapons as a danger
Following are excerpts from the U.S. House document “HR 2977 IH”:
[Note: May 30, 2021— This information in this section has been updated.]
The U.S. House “Space Preservation Act of 2001” acknowledges tectonic weapons as a danger
Following are excerpts from the U.S. House document “HR 2977 IH”:
Space Preservation Act of 2001 (Introduced in the House) - HR 2977 IH
107th CONGRESS, 1st Session
To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and to require the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.
(v) laser weapons systems;
(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and
(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.
(C) The term `exotic weapons systems’ includes weapons designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space.
107th CONGRESS, 1st Session
To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and to require the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.
(v) laser weapons systems;
(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and
(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.
(C) The term `exotic weapons systems’ includes weapons designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space.
The 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami
Segment— Tsunami: Caught on Camera
This video clip from the Australian documentary “Tsunami: Caught on Camera” contains footage of the 2004 Indonesian tsunami along with accounts of the individuals who created the videos. This segment shows footage of the initial earthquake, followed by the ensuing tsunami that struck Banda Aceh, Indonesia with narration by a witness Widari Dawam; then the segment shows footage of accounts from survivors of the tsunami striking Thailand. This is clip 2 of 8 from the documentary.
Background Information About the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
Following is from a Wikipedia article about the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami (taken January 10, 2011):
Following is from a Wikipedia article about the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami (taken January 10, 2011):
The [2004 Indian Ocean] earthquake was caused by subduction and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 meters (100 feet) high. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Indonesia was the hardest hit, followed by Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand.
With a magnitude of between 9.1 and 9.3, it is the third largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph. This earthquake had the longest duration of faulting ever observed, between 8.3 and 10 minutes. ...
.. Measured in lives lost, this is one of the ten worst earthquakes in recorded history, as well as the single worst tsunami in history. Indonesia was the worst affected area, with most death toll estimates at around 170,000. However, another report by health minister Fadilah Supari has estimated the death total to be as high as 220,000 in Indonesia alone, giving a total of 280,000 casualties.
Relief agencies report that one-third of the dead appear to be children. This is a result of the high proportion of children in the populations of many of the affected regions and because children were the least able to resist being overcome by the surging waters. Oxfam went on to report that as many as four times more women than men were killed in some regions because they were waiting on the beach for the fishermen to return and looking after their children in the houses.
In addition to the large number of local residents, up to 9,000 foreign tourists (mostly Europeans) enjoying the peak holiday travel season were among the dead or missing, especially people from the Nordic countries. The European nation hardest hit may have been Sweden, whose death toll was 543.
States of emergency were declared in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the Maldives. The United Nations estimated at the outset that the relief operation would be the costliest in human history. Then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan stated that reconstruction would probably take between five and ten years. Governments and non-governmental organisations feared that the final death toll might double as a result of diseases, prompting a massive humanitarian response. In the end, this fear did not materialise.
The [2004 Indian Ocean] earthquake was caused by subduction and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 meters (100 feet) high. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Indonesia was the hardest hit, followed by Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand.
With a magnitude of between 9.1 and 9.3, it is the third largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph. This earthquake had the longest duration of faulting ever observed, between 8.3 and 10 minutes. ...
.. Measured in lives lost, this is one of the ten worst earthquakes in recorded history, as well as the single worst tsunami in history. Indonesia was the worst affected area, with most death toll estimates at around 170,000. However, another report by health minister Fadilah Supari has estimated the death total to be as high as 220,000 in Indonesia alone, giving a total of 280,000 casualties.
Relief agencies report that one-third of the dead appear to be children. This is a result of the high proportion of children in the populations of many of the affected regions and because children were the least able to resist being overcome by the surging waters. Oxfam went on to report that as many as four times more women than men were killed in some regions because they were waiting on the beach for the fishermen to return and looking after their children in the houses.
In addition to the large number of local residents, up to 9,000 foreign tourists (mostly Europeans) enjoying the peak holiday travel season were among the dead or missing, especially people from the Nordic countries. The European nation hardest hit may have been Sweden, whose death toll was 543.
States of emergency were declared in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the Maldives. The United Nations estimated at the outset that the relief operation would be the costliest in human history. Then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan stated that reconstruction would probably take between five and ten years. Governments and non-governmental organisations feared that the final death toll might double as a result of diseases, prompting a massive humanitarian response. In the end, this fear did not materialise.

[Note: May 30, 2021— This section has been updated.]
This image was published on the cover of the influential news magazine The Economist nearly a week before the deadly 2004 Indonesian tsunami that occurred on Christmas Day. The Economist is known for its staunch “serious” reporting, however its information is usually distorted in order to propagate agendas of the political Establishment.
The associated article in the magazine speaks about various “end of time” beliefs, including the born-again Christian belief in a coming “Rapture,” as well as the beliefs of historical societies and UFO cults.
An PrisonPlanet.com article explains that the editor of The Economist is is regular attendee at secretive Bilderberg conferences where the global elite accomplish much of their planning.
Evidence of Foreknowledge of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
[Note: May 30, 2021— This information in this section has been updated.]
A Summary of a GlobalResearch.ca Article: “Foreknowledge of A Natural Disaster”
This December 29, 2004 article by Michael Chossudovsky on the website GlobalResearch.ca explains that the U.S. Military and State Department were given advance warning of the Indian Ocean tsunami, but the people of India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand were not provided with those same warnings.
Following are points made in the article:
— The U.S. Military and the State Department were given advanced warning of the Tsunami, but the people of India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand were not provided with those same warnings.
— The Pacific Warning Center in Hawaii claimed that it did the utmost to contact the Asian countries about the threat, but examinations of the bulletins released show that they had grossly downplayed the danger by stating, “There is no Tsunami Warning or Watch in Effect” (for the Pacific) and not mentioning any threat elsewhere, even though Indonesia is a member of the Pacific Tsunami Warning System along with Thailand and Singapore. See: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO501C.html
— The directors of the Pacific Warning Center claimed that they did not know that the earthquake would generate a deadly seismic wave until it hit Sri Lanka one and a half hours after the earthquake, despite the earthquake being a massive 9.0 on the Richter scale, followed by the initial devastating impact of the tidal waves in Aceh and North Sumatra immediately after the earthquake.
— The U.S. military was immediately fully aware of the seismic wave, because the Navy is on the Pacific Warning Center’s list of contacts.
— The director of the Pacific Tsunami warning center claimed that they did not have any contacts in their address book for anybody in the Sri Lanka area of the world, despite several Indian Ocean Asian countries being members of the Tsunami Warning System.
— The Maine Senator Olympia Snowe submitted a news release about a statement of inquiry that she made about the absence of adequate Tsunami Warnings. See: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=155
— The issue of the lack ocean sensors is a “Red Herring,” because the emergency warning was transmitted in the immediate wake of the earthquake based on seismic data. Information about the disaster could have been sent around the world in a matter of minutes by email, telephone, fax, and satellite television. Organizations such as coastguards, municipalities, local governments, and tourist hotels could have been warned.
The U.S. armed forces were suspiciously prepared to be immediately deployed in the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami
A January 2005 article on the website Reformation.org explains that the U.S. armed forces were suspiciously prepared to be immediately deployed in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
Following are points made in the article:
[Note: The article makes many interesting points, but I don’t agree with everything that it says, in particular I don’t agree with it suggesting that Judaism is somehow the most responsible for the event due to them supposedly being who the global elite actually are. Many of the global elite are Jewish, but it is not a “Jewish” conspiracy since people from all religions are involved. I do think that Israel sometimes engages in harmful activities in a manner similar to how the U.S. does, however.]
— In April of 1997, the American Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen said, “Others are engaging even in an eco type of terrorism, whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanoes remotely, through the use of electromagnetic waves.”
— If the Indian Ocean tsunami that occurred on December 26, 2004 was a man-made event, then it would be the biggest single war crime in global history.
— Irregularities occurred with the reporting the event, where NOAA claimed the location of the epicenter of the earthquake to be located 250 miles away from where it actually happened, and they also initially claimed that the event was a richter 8.0 earthquake and later said it was 9.0, despite the fact that it was more likely actually only a 6.4 magnitude earthquake; indicating that they apparently felt that they needed to inflate the reports of its strength in order to account for the discrepancy of the location that they reported.
— NOAA also claimed that there was a “flexible” peak seismic wave and multiple epicenters, despite the fact that dozens of Indonesian and Indian seismographs recorded only one epicenter; all of which suggests that NOAA manually added information to their reports to match a contrived agenda.
— Indonesians and Indians were disturbed to find that typical earthquake “preamble” activity was entirely missing from their seismograph charts, as well as typical aftershock activity, which is entirely unlike how earthquakes normally behave. Instead, all that was recorded were types of compression waves that suggested an abrupt underground or sub-sea explosion occurred, which appeared similar to waves that were generated by large underground weapons tests in Nevada.
— The Indian government had recently been involved in a type of a “showdown” with the United States, where India refused to pull out of a nuclear coalition that they had with Russia, China, and Brazil at the request of the United States, resulting in the Indian government politely warning the U.S. to stay clear of Indian sovereign territory. After the tsunami, the India Daily published an editorial that publicly questioned if the catastrophe was intentionally caused by the U.S. for that reason.
— Australia’s prime minister John Howard always acts at the covert instructions of the global elite. The media reported on the 27th that the most badly hit region was Sri Lanka, however Howard did not dispatch aid transport planes to that location, but rather he sent them to Aceh, Sumatra, which was also badly hit; however the damage to Sumatra was not yet reported by the media, and the political Establishment had ulterior motives for setting up a base for the reconstruction at that location.
— The Australians were later joined at that location by the curiously well-prepared and equipped U.S. military, however it is doubtful that any of the officers involved really knew what was going on, even though they had been training for a “humanitarian mission” for the entire previous year. The engineer chief Staff Sgt. Julio C. Dominguez was reported as saying, “The Marine Service Support Group has been preparing for a humanitarian mission of this type for about 12 months now, and is more prepared for an actual mission.”
— The Pentagon already had two massive battle groups of 10,000+ soldiers and numerous vessels prepared to sail at an moment’s notice from Hong Kong and Guam, even though it was during the normally chaotic Christmas to New Year period. However, despite the massive armada that was sent, the U.S. Navy did not send the two 1,000 bed hospital ships the “Comfort” and the “Mercy.”
— It would have been an easy task for the global elite to make use of the U.S. military to encase a nuclear warhead in a pressure-resistant housing and sent it to the bottom of the Sumatra Trench, where there is already 10,000 pounds of pressure per square inch. Additionally, the bottom of the trench is very narrow, which would “hem-in” and concentrate the force of the blast, creating a very real chance of moving a tectonic plate.
— There had been no aftershocks recorded after the earthquake happened, which is not at all typical after such an event.
— Plans existed 30 years ago in the U.S. and Russia to attack each other’s coastal cities using underwater “sea bursts” that would cause devastating tsunamis.
— ExxonMobil gas fields in Aceh were very damaged by the event, and Wall Street investors profited from large reconstruction contracts to repair them.
[Note: May 30, 2021— This information in this section has been updated.]
A Summary of a GlobalResearch.ca Article: “Foreknowledge of A Natural Disaster”
This December 29, 2004 article by Michael Chossudovsky on the website GlobalResearch.ca explains that the U.S. Military and State Department were given advance warning of the Indian Ocean tsunami, but the people of India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand were not provided with those same warnings.
Following are points made in the article:
— The U.S. Military and the State Department were given advanced warning of the Tsunami, but the people of India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand were not provided with those same warnings.
— The Pacific Warning Center in Hawaii claimed that it did the utmost to contact the Asian countries about the threat, but examinations of the bulletins released show that they had grossly downplayed the danger by stating, “There is no Tsunami Warning or Watch in Effect” (for the Pacific) and not mentioning any threat elsewhere, even though Indonesia is a member of the Pacific Tsunami Warning System along with Thailand and Singapore. See: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO501C.html
— The directors of the Pacific Warning Center claimed that they did not know that the earthquake would generate a deadly seismic wave until it hit Sri Lanka one and a half hours after the earthquake, despite the earthquake being a massive 9.0 on the Richter scale, followed by the initial devastating impact of the tidal waves in Aceh and North Sumatra immediately after the earthquake.
— The U.S. military was immediately fully aware of the seismic wave, because the Navy is on the Pacific Warning Center’s list of contacts.
— The director of the Pacific Tsunami warning center claimed that they did not have any contacts in their address book for anybody in the Sri Lanka area of the world, despite several Indian Ocean Asian countries being members of the Tsunami Warning System.
— The Maine Senator Olympia Snowe submitted a news release about a statement of inquiry that she made about the absence of adequate Tsunami Warnings. See: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=155
— The issue of the lack ocean sensors is a “Red Herring,” because the emergency warning was transmitted in the immediate wake of the earthquake based on seismic data. Information about the disaster could have been sent around the world in a matter of minutes by email, telephone, fax, and satellite television. Organizations such as coastguards, municipalities, local governments, and tourist hotels could have been warned.
The U.S. armed forces were suspiciously prepared to be immediately deployed in the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami
A January 2005 article on the website Reformation.org explains that the U.S. armed forces were suspiciously prepared to be immediately deployed in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
Following are points made in the article:
[Note: The article makes many interesting points, but I don’t agree with everything that it says, in particular I don’t agree with it suggesting that Judaism is somehow the most responsible for the event due to them supposedly being who the global elite actually are. Many of the global elite are Jewish, but it is not a “Jewish” conspiracy since people from all religions are involved. I do think that Israel sometimes engages in harmful activities in a manner similar to how the U.S. does, however.]
— In April of 1997, the American Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen said, “Others are engaging even in an eco type of terrorism, whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanoes remotely, through the use of electromagnetic waves.”
— If the Indian Ocean tsunami that occurred on December 26, 2004 was a man-made event, then it would be the biggest single war crime in global history.
— Irregularities occurred with the reporting the event, where NOAA claimed the location of the epicenter of the earthquake to be located 250 miles away from where it actually happened, and they also initially claimed that the event was a richter 8.0 earthquake and later said it was 9.0, despite the fact that it was more likely actually only a 6.4 magnitude earthquake; indicating that they apparently felt that they needed to inflate the reports of its strength in order to account for the discrepancy of the location that they reported.
— NOAA also claimed that there was a “flexible” peak seismic wave and multiple epicenters, despite the fact that dozens of Indonesian and Indian seismographs recorded only one epicenter; all of which suggests that NOAA manually added information to their reports to match a contrived agenda.
— Indonesians and Indians were disturbed to find that typical earthquake “preamble” activity was entirely missing from their seismograph charts, as well as typical aftershock activity, which is entirely unlike how earthquakes normally behave. Instead, all that was recorded were types of compression waves that suggested an abrupt underground or sub-sea explosion occurred, which appeared similar to waves that were generated by large underground weapons tests in Nevada.
— The Indian government had recently been involved in a type of a “showdown” with the United States, where India refused to pull out of a nuclear coalition that they had with Russia, China, and Brazil at the request of the United States, resulting in the Indian government politely warning the U.S. to stay clear of Indian sovereign territory. After the tsunami, the India Daily published an editorial that publicly questioned if the catastrophe was intentionally caused by the U.S. for that reason.
— Australia’s prime minister John Howard always acts at the covert instructions of the global elite. The media reported on the 27th that the most badly hit region was Sri Lanka, however Howard did not dispatch aid transport planes to that location, but rather he sent them to Aceh, Sumatra, which was also badly hit; however the damage to Sumatra was not yet reported by the media, and the political Establishment had ulterior motives for setting up a base for the reconstruction at that location.
— The Australians were later joined at that location by the curiously well-prepared and equipped U.S. military, however it is doubtful that any of the officers involved really knew what was going on, even though they had been training for a “humanitarian mission” for the entire previous year. The engineer chief Staff Sgt. Julio C. Dominguez was reported as saying, “The Marine Service Support Group has been preparing for a humanitarian mission of this type for about 12 months now, and is more prepared for an actual mission.”
— The Pentagon already had two massive battle groups of 10,000+ soldiers and numerous vessels prepared to sail at an moment’s notice from Hong Kong and Guam, even though it was during the normally chaotic Christmas to New Year period. However, despite the massive armada that was sent, the U.S. Navy did not send the two 1,000 bed hospital ships the “Comfort” and the “Mercy.”
— It would have been an easy task for the global elite to make use of the U.S. military to encase a nuclear warhead in a pressure-resistant housing and sent it to the bottom of the Sumatra Trench, where there is already 10,000 pounds of pressure per square inch. Additionally, the bottom of the trench is very narrow, which would “hem-in” and concentrate the force of the blast, creating a very real chance of moving a tectonic plate.
— There had been no aftershocks recorded after the earthquake happened, which is not at all typical after such an event.
— Plans existed 30 years ago in the U.S. and Russia to attack each other’s coastal cities using underwater “sea bursts” that would cause devastating tsunamis.
— ExxonMobil gas fields in Aceh were very damaged by the event, and Wall Street investors profited from large reconstruction contracts to repair them.
The 2003 Earthquake in Bam, Iran

Image from Wikipedia.
In 2003 a major earthquake occurred in Bam, Iran, which also happened on Christmas day exactly one year prior to the Indonesian Tsunami even to the hour, resulting in the deaths of 27,000 people and injuring an additional 30,000. Both Iran and Indonesia are Islamic countries.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_Bam_earthquake
Potential for Massive Casualties in an Overdue Tehran, Iran Earthquake
The city of Tehran, Iran which has a population of 13 million people is extremely unprepared for any overdue upcoming earthquakes. The area sits on two major fault lines, and most of the buildings in the region do not fit earthquake-safe building specifications and many are poorly constructed. Any major strike from a strong earthquake could cause one of the largest catastrophes in history.

Tehran is home to over 13 million people.
An April 22, 2010 Reuters article explains that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has asked that 5 million people leave the capital of Iran due to earthquake fears, but the population is continuing to grow and serious enough steps are not being taken.
A June 2010 L.A. Times article explains that some relocation efforts are underway in that city for up to 15,000 government workers, but the efforts are often illogical and many people are opposed to being relocated.
Also see the article $images of Iran.
A Model of Japanese Earthquake Preparedness
A devasting September 1, 1923 Tokyo earthquake left the area in ruins, including the city of Nihombashi as shown above. Lessons learned from such disasters have made Japan the most earthquake-prepared country in the world. Benefits from earthquake-safe construction have been seen in the Japanese earthquake of March 11, 2011, where relatively few people have died from collapsing buildings despite the earthquake being one of the largest in history.
A graphic from the metro.tokyo.jp newspaper describes a ten year plan for converting all Japanese buildings to be earthquake safe.
An excerpt from a Time magazine article describes Japanese earthquake preparedness:
Footage of Tokyo Buildings Swaying During the March 11, 2011 Japanese Earthquake

Nihombashi, Japan, September 1, 1923. It is very likely that this photo represents the extent of damage that Tehran would suffer from its next major earthquake.
A devasting September 1, 1923 Tokyo earthquake left the area in ruins, including the city of Nihombashi as shown above. Lessons learned from such disasters have made Japan the most earthquake-prepared country in the world. Benefits from earthquake-safe construction have been seen in the Japanese earthquake of March 11, 2011, where relatively few people have died from collapsing buildings despite the earthquake being one of the largest in history.
A graphic from the metro.tokyo.jp newspaper describes a ten year plan for converting all Japanese buildings to be earthquake safe.
An excerpt from a Time magazine article describes Japanese earthquake preparedness:
When disaster does hit, as it did today, Japan’s buildings fare relatively well. In 1981 Japan updated its building guidelines with an eye to earthquake science. The devastating Kobe earthquake, which claimed some 5,100 lives, spurred another round of research on earthquake safety and disaster management. In 2000, the country’s building codes were revised again, this time with specific requirements and mandatory checks. Even at the local level, preparedness is a priority: from 1979 to 2009, Shizuoka prefecture alone poured more than $4 billion into improving the safety of hospitals, schools and social welfare facilities. Though Japanese cities often shake, they rarely topple. “This gives me great faith in Japan’s building codes,” said Hong Kong University’s Charles Schencking, a historian who studies earthquakes in Japan.
Footage of Tokyo Buildings Swaying During the March 11, 2011 Japanese Earthquake