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A Bay of Pigs Invasion veteran featured in pro-Biden ads is incorrectly claiming that Democrats are not Socialists and Communists

 by Edward Ulrich, October 23, 2020


I happened to see this Miami Herald article that is propagating Establishment disinformation about the socialist and Communist goals of the Democrats.  It profiles a veteran of the Bay of Pigs invasion that has switched from supporting Trump to supporting Biden, with him now being featured in pro-Biden television ads trying to dissuade Cubans from supporting Trump.

The article opens with the following:

Maybe it’s too late.

Two weeks before Election Day, people already are voting in record numbers.

But finally, somebody with credibility and authority — a Bay of Pigs veteran, no less — is addressing the most damaging accusation by the Donald Trump campaign and the Florida GOP against Joe Biden and down-ballot Democrats.

Democrats are socialists.  Democrats are Communists.

Voting Democrat is a betrayal to the cause of a Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua.


For far too long, Democrats have underestimated the political damage the pounding of these untruths cause, but no more.


The article profiles a Florida businessman Santiago Morales, a Bay of Pigs veteran that served 18 years in Cuban prisons after being captured during the invasion.  He explains that he previously endorsed Trump, but he is now in television ads endorsing Biden against Trump, claiming that Trump’s warnings about socialism and Communism coming from the Democrats are “lies and manipulations.”

He said, “I ask my compatriots, ‘Really, you want four more years of the craziness of this man, of the division he sows?’”  ...  “I know that when I turn my back they call me Communist and say that I was brainwashed in Cuba, but I’m made of Teflon and I know who I am and what I stand for.”

He said that he is “done staying silent” while the nation believes Cuban Americans approve of Trump.  [Note: Cuban Americans and Latinos in Florida do support Trump in large numbers, as this Daily Mail article explains.]

He also said: “No one in my business makes less than $15 an hour.  I pay for the cost of their health insurance and I offer 401(k)s,” ... “And I pay taxes.  I’m happy paying taxes.  The more money I make, the more taxes I should pay.  What Trump gave us [the tax cut for the wealthy] was a piñata.  We didn’t need it.”

The writer of article then claimed that Trump thinks Bay of Pigs veterans are “losers,” due to recent propaganda that is being disseminated by the Establishment media without proof.  (Unfortunately Trump does say divisive things though, however unlike the Democrats his policies are generally opposed to the corrupt political Establishment.)

Another Establishment propaganda piece is also linked to in the article, entitled: “Trump isn’t our savior from socialism, Florida Latinos.  He’s the ‘Caudillo’ we fled.”  Fortunately though, people who have experienced Communism firsthand aren’t easily fooled by such disinformation.

One of the closing statements in the article says: “Win or lose, this Bay of Pigs freedom fighter has already made a difference exposing the GOP fear-mongering with socialism and communism for what it is: a fraud.”

The Truth About the Communist Agendas of the Democrats and the Global Elite

Contrary to the propaganda that the Miami Herald news article is disseminating, the Democrats (at the instructions of the political Establishment) are in fact intent on subverting the United States with Communism, as they have covertly been doing in Latin America for decades.

Democrats covertly subjugated Nicaragua with Communism in the late 1970’s

The book “Nicaragua Betrayed” is the autobiography of the ex-President of Nicaragua Anastasio Somoza, whose pro-American and pro-freedom government was overrun and subjugated by Communist Sandinistas in 1979, and in his book he explains how the Sandinistas were covertly directed by the political Establishment against him and Nicaragua during the Jimmy Carter administration.

Somoza explains how the Carter administration equipped Communist Sandinista militants through Castro’s Cuba against Nicaragua, engaged in nonstop slander attacks by the United States mainstream media against him (the book provides a wealth of evidence exonerating him from such slander), strong-armed adjacent Latin American countries against him, imposed embargoes and sanctions based on fraudulent claims, and infiltrated the churches of Nicaragua with militant Communist Sandinista priests.

The article “The Astonishing Story of Nicaragua’s Anastasio Somoza” summarizes Somoza’s autobiography chapter-by-chapter.  Following is from the introduction page:

Much of the book is dedicated to Somoza describing how it increasingly became apparent to him that the invading Sandinista activity was ultimately the result of covert United States activity through Castro’s Cuba, despite the fact that Somoza’s government was entirely pro-U.S. and modeled after the governmental system of the United States, including having freedom of the press that allowed extremist newspapers to publish articles criticizing him.

Somoza details the final years of his non-stop seemingly impossible successes in dealing with the onslaught of attacks that were ultimately initiated by the global elite— with his successes being due to the overwhelming support of the majority of the people in his country who understood the situation and pulled together to help push back the Communist Sandinistas; however trade embargoes covertly enforced by the U.S. combined with attacks by Sandinista militants pouring in from adjacent countries who were funded by the globalist Establishment eventually overtook the resources of Somoza’s free government, with many heroic and honorable individuals who understood what was at stake fighting until they ran out of ammunition, after which many of them were subsequently tortured and murdered.

In July 1979, Somoza was forced to resign the Presidency and eventually took refuge in Paraguay.  He was assassinated in 1980 near his exile home shortly after his book was published.

The book also has a chapter where Somoza explains in a firsthand account how the Bay of Pigs Invasion was a deliberately failed attempt by the U.S. to unseat Castro.

Current Communist agendas of the Democrats:

World View Weekend: “Marxist Manual Calls For Riots, Burning Down U.S., Ending Police, Prisons & Capitalism”
Brannon Howse of Word View Weekend speaks with Trevor Loudon about the leftist plan that is currently being implemented by the political Establishment detailed in a document called “Burn Down the American Plantation: A Call For Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement,” which is essentially a rehashing of the playbooks of The Weather Underground terrorist organization and The Black Panthers, calling for guerrilla warfare in the streets to facilitate the establishment of Communism in United States.

World View Weekend: “Bernie Sanders’ Marxism Exposed With Guest Trevor Loudon”
Brannon Howse speaks with Trevor Loudon, where Loudon explains the frightening reality of the extreme Communist “Democratic Socialists of America” movement encroaching in American politics and the associated Cultural Marxist agendas that are being propagated with it.  Loudon explains why the upcoming presidential election will be entirely a choice of “Communism vs freedom.”

White House Reds: Communist and Socialist Security Risks Running for President, 2020
This book by Trevor Loudon explains the frightening socialist and Communist agendas of the Democrat candidates running for election in 2020.  Purchase the book at, or purchase the book at Amazon.

World View Weekend: “Communist Flipping Southern States & Joe Biden Admits Working with Communist Front Groups Since 1972”
In this video, Brannon Howse speaks with Trevor Loudon where they discuss the situation of churches in the West being usurped by the leftist political Establishment.

Other information about the Communist agendas of the global elite:

A Summary of the Book “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline”
updated February 17, 2020
The book The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, written by James Perloff in 1988, chronicles American history during most of the 20th century, examining major national and international events occurring during each of the Presidential administrations by focusing on the activities of the Establishment elite running the secretive and powerful political organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Behind the Big News: Clip 2 of 3, How the CFR Controls the American Media
running time 25 minutes
This video segment from the documentary “Behind the Big News” describes how the powerful political organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) controls and distorts information put out by mainstream news sources in order to protect wide ranging Establishment interests and objectives.  Issues explained include the CFR being founded in 1921 by J.P. Morgan, the fact that most major individuals in the news media are members of the organization, and the CFR’s many deceptive globalist objectives.

A Summary of the Book “None Dare Call it Conspiracy”
updated September 13, 2022
”None Dare Call it Conspiracy” by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham is a book of great importance, having upset the ruling Western political Establishment by exposing much of their secretive underlying history and agendas that control the political processes of the United States and much of the rest of the world.  The book was light-years ahead of its time when it was published in 1971.  The information in the book is surprising and it can even seem far-fetched to the uninitiated, however the information is accurate and well documented. 

”The Capitalist Conspiracy” by G. Edward Griffin
running time 50 minutes
This classic 1972 filmstrip presentation by G. Edward Griffin gives an introduction and overview of many key aspects of the New World Order.

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