News of Interest.TV

A Summary of Issues With the 9/11 Attacks

by Edward Ulrich
News of Interest.TV

updated September 11, 2022
Two women clung to the edge of the gaping hole left by the plane shortly before the tower collapsed.

[Note: September 11, 2022— The text of this article has been re-written and updated.]

I witnessed the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks from across the river in Brooklyn, and I was initially surprised when learning about reported irregularities of the event.  However my trust of the media remained intact for some years untill I saw the films 9/11: The Road to Tyranny and 911: Rise of the Police State by Alex Jones, and also the film Loose Change by Dylan Avery, Jason Burmas, and Corey Rowe, after which I increasingly became aware of information that changed my perceptions of politics and the media.

Other good sources of information about the event include the film 9/11 Press for Truth by Globalvision, the film Fabled Enemies by Jason Burmas, Cooperative Research’s Complete 911 Timeline by Paul Thompson, the website Patriots Question 9/11 by Alan Miller, the organization Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth founded by Richard Gage, the website 911 Blogger, and the book 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA, by Webster Griffin Tarpley.

Much evidence shows that the 9/11 attacks had been planned and carried out by the Illuminati global elite who essentially own and control most of the world’s governments, finances, and media.  The elite are implementing an agenda of consolidating the nations of the world, and one of the methods they use is to implement wars as a tool for creating change and gaining power.  They are attempting to bring about a New World Order that will put them in control of the world’s populace in a totalitarian configuration that will never be able to be realistically challenged.

Some people claim that the global elite are “Jewish,” but in fact they are made up of people from all backgrounds and religions.  Freemasonry has a significant role in the Illuminati, however due to the compartmentalized and secretive nature of the organization only a few of the most high ranking members are fully aware of its involvement.

For more information about the Illuminati, see the article A Summary of the Secret Society the “Illuminati,” Drawn from the Works of Henry Makow, and also see the videos The Capitalist Conspiracy, by G. Edward Griffin, and Healing Codes for the Biological Apocolypse, by Len Horowitz.

”The Great Thermate Debate,” by Jonathan H. Cole

Running Time: 14 minutes 30 seconds

This informative video by Jonathan H. Cole shows the incredible cutting power of the incendiary substance known as thermate, and he demonstrates how it was most likely used during the 9/11 attacks to make the buildings fall.  Cole uses actual steel beams that are identical to the ones used in the World Trade Center Buildings, and he is able to instantly cut them at angles using only small amounts of thermate that explodes quickly and quietly in a bright flash.

In the opening part of the video, Cole gives an overview of the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings during the 9/11 attacks, followed by showing excerpts from mainstream television shows that falsely attempt to claim that thermate would be ineffective in cutting steel, and he then proceeds to show his demonstration.

View this video’s YouTube channel.

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