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Jacob Blake’s shooting was wrong, but nonetheless the police do not have a “homicidal bias” overall

 by Edward Ulrich, August 31, 2020

On August 23, a black man named Jacob Blake was shot in the back seven times by police during an altercation about a domestic dispute after his girlfriend called the police on him in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  The incident was captured with cell phone footage by a neighbor, which led to a public outcry and days of rioting in the city.

A few days later, another video was then released that showed a second angle where Blake was seen being in a scuffle with the police on the ground:

Apparently the police were previously trying to restrain Blake, and they said that they tried to tazer him which didn’t work, and they also said that they found a knife on the floorboard of his car after they shot him.

The cops most likely didn’t know this at the time, but Blake had a warrant out for his arrest for sexual assault of a minor and domestic abuse, and he also brandished an illegally owned gun at a bar a year previously.

Despite the fact that the cops actually did have some reason to be concerned for their safety, I defintitely think the cop was wrong for shooting Blake as he did.  They could have simply continued to have their weapons drawn and pointed at him and yelled at him loudly to lay on the ground, or tried to taser him again.  I think the cops would have been justified in shooting him if he would have then tried to lunge at them after that, but otherwise they were wrong to do so.  Perhaps Blake’s idea was to try to get into the car to attempt to drive away if he didn’t intend to actually try to use the knife.

The police do not have a “homicidal bias” overall

People should realize that people of all races are killed by police in more or less equal proportions when the amount of violent crimes committed by those demographics are figured into the statistics, as all studies show.  The political Establishment has various corrupt ulterior motives for falsely creating a perception that the police have a “homicidal bias” against black people, including to intentionally increase crime in black areas, to create racial animosity towards white people, to federalize local police forces to bring them more under the control of the corrupt political Establishment, as well as to replace police with corrupt Marxist “community patrols.”  The following videos detail many such issues.  See this article and this article for written summaries of the following videos, as well as for additional information.

Running Time: 8 minutes
Most people don’t understand how the political Establishment has been deceiving the public in order to create and heighten racial conflict in the United States.

In this video, Paul Watson of explains statistics that show that people of all races are killed by police in relatively equal proportions in the US, and that the organization Black Lives Matter is created and controlled by the Establishment in order to create racial animosity.

See the video page for a written description of the information in this video.

Running Time: 5 minutes
From the Prager University YouTube video page: “Are the police racist?  Do they disproportionately shoot African-Americans?  Are incidents in places like Ferguson and Baltimore evidence of systemic discrimination?  Heather Mac Donald, a scholar at the Manhattan Institute, explains.”

Heather Mac Donald is the author of the book “The War on Cops.”

See the video page for a written description of the information in this video.

Running Time: 25 minutes

[Note: I often still see the Rodney King incident that happened in 1992 being mentioned by activists, however that situation was distorted by the media in a similar manner as recent events.  The news reports at the time intentionally withheld the full video footage showing that King initially attacked the police officers, which the media strategically hid to create a public impression that King was more of a victim than he actually was in order to cause the riots that happened after the trial.]

(Start watching at 7:45 in the above video to see the important details about the Rodney King incident.)

Also note that despite all of the above information in this section being readily available, the NBA had postponed three of its post-season games to create support for the “Black Lives Matter” organization, and the WNBA also “took a knee” with T-shirts that have images of seven bullet holes in the back of them— all to reinforce false perceptions about police brutality for corrupt leftist motives.

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