Video Clips From the Documentary ”Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”
updated March 1, 2020

Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism
This article contains video clips examining the historical use of “false flag” terrorism by the global elite— being terrorist acts committed to be blamed on an enemy in order to further long range plans such as creating an excuse for going to war. Various examples of the use of the tactic during the past century are examined, including the London 7/7 attacks, Adolf Hitler’s use of it, Operation Ajax in Iran, Operation Gladio in Europe, the Gulf of Tonkin Attacks, the bombing of Cubana Flight 455, and the attack on the USS Liberty.
From the official website:
Throughout history, criminal elements inside governments have carried out terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them. TERRORSTORM reveals how, in the last hundred years, Western leaders have repeatedly murdered their own citizens while posing as their saviors.
In TERRORSTORM you will discover that September 11th, the attacks of 7/7 in London, and many other terrorist events were self-inflicted wounds. You will witness British Special Forces troops caught in the act of staging terror attacks in Iraq and see official U.S. government documents laying out plans to hijack passenger planes by remote control. You will learn how the Reichstag fire, the Gulf of Tonkin, and the U.S.-backed Iranian coup of 1953 are all interconnected false-flag terror events.
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Terrorstorm— Clip: A History of False Flag Attacks
[Note: March 1, 2020— The links in the video text have been updated.]
This video clip from the Alex Jones documentary “Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism” is a summary of historical examples of governments staging “false flag” operations— being attacks carried out for the purpose of being blamed on another country.
In this clip, six examples of the use of false flag terrorist attacks by the global elite are examined, including Adolf Hitler’s use of the tactic, Operation Ajax in Iran, Operation Gladio in Europe, the Gulf of Tonkin Attacks, the bombing of Cubana Flight 455, and the Attack on the USS Liberty.
Following is a written transcript of the information in the video clip:
Adolph Hitler's Use of False Flag Attacks
One of the best known cases of a false flag Op was carried out by the newly elected Adolph Hitler on February 27, 1933. Nazi documents uncovered at the end of Word War II, as well as testimony during the Nurenburg (SP) trails revealed what many historians already suspected— that Herman Goring had set fire to the “Reichstag,” [which was] the German Parliament Building.
The Nazis then produced their patsy— Marinis Vanderlubbe— an extremely mentally handicapped young man who was found rolling around in an alleyway behind the Reichstag naked. Vanderlubbe was then taken to a Nazi show trial, found guilty and then sentenced to death. He was beheaded on January 10, 1934.
Using the crisis he created to pass laws similar to the USA Patriot Act, Hitler became dictator and set his sights on the world.
By March of 1939, Hitler had already seized Czechoslovakia. Having gained both Austria and Czechoslovakia, Hitler desired to move east against Poland. But he did not want to look like the aggressor. Hitler needed an excuse for attacking Poland. It was Heinrich Himmler who came up with a plan. Thus the operation was code named “Operation Himmler.” On the night of August 31, 1939, the Germans took an unknown prisoner from one of the concentration camps, dressed him in a Polish uniform, took him to the town of Gleiwitz on the German-Polish border, and shot him. The staged scene with the dead prisoner dressed in a Polish uniform was supposed to appear as a Polish attack against a German radio station. German radio, newspapers, and newsreels were flooded with images of what appeared to be a dead Polish soldier who had dared attack to Reich. Now Hitler had his excuse to invade Poland, and the nightmare of World War II had begun.
Operation Ajax
In 1953, the Central Intelligence Agency working in tandem with MI6 overthrew the democratically elected leader of Iran, Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq. Mossadeq had been educated in the West, was pro-America, and had driven Communist forces out of the North of his Country shortly after being elected in 1951. Mossadeq then nationalized the oil fields, and denied British Petroleum a monopoly.
The CIA's own history department at CIA.GOV details how U.S. and British intelligence agents carried out terror attacks, and subsequently blamed them on Mossadeq.
In the late 1990's, large sections of operation AJAX were declassified. The field commander of operation AJAX was none other than the grandson of President Theodore Roosevelt, Kermit Roosevelt. Before his death in 2000, Roosevelt went public to the media, bragging about his patriotism in carrying out terror attacks in Iran and blaming it on the Government.
The provocations included propaganda, demonstrations, bribery, agents of influence and false flag operations. They bombed the home of a prominent religious leader, and blamed it on Mossadeq. They attacked mosques, machine gunned crowds, and then handed out thousands of handbills claiming Mossadeq had done it. The handbills read “Up With Mossadeq, Up With Communism, Down With Allah.” Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq was incarcerated for the duration of his life, and fared better than many of his Ministers, who were executed just days after the successful coup for crimes that the MI6 and CIA had committed. The CIA then formed the dreaded Iranian secret Police, “SAVAK,” and a 25 year rein of terror and torture then commenced.
The operation was seen by Western intelligence agencies as a huge success. The CIA then successfully used the exact same technique in scores of countries to overthrow elected governments and dictators alike.
Operation Gladio
Operation Gladio was an umbrella name for literally hundreds of bombings carried out by Western intelligence agencies and NATO in Italy, Western Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia. From 1947 to 1981, Italian Presidents have gone public admitting Operation Gladio targeted innocent civilians and was to be blamed on leftists and Communists. On November, 22, 1990, The European Parliament had a resolution condemning the activities of Operation Gladio. The former Italian Intelligence Chief has come clean concerning Gladio's actions as well. Many other countries have declassified documents concerning Gladio.
It is part of the public record that [the United States government] and other Western governments targeted trains, busses, schools.. Several times operatives zeroed in on school busses, knowing that images of dead children would get the population angry and ready to relinquish their liberties. A particularly bloody bombing at the central station of Bologna, Italy in the morning of August 2, 1980, which killed 85 people and wounded more than 200, caused some officials to break their silence and begin to expose just a small part of this wicked operation.
[Also view a 1992 BBC video documentary about the subject.]
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident
In the summer of 1964, President Lyndon Baines Johnson needed a pretext to commit the American people to the already expanding covert war in Southeast Asia. In November of 2001 the LBJ Presidential Library and Museum released tapes of phone conversations with the President and then defense secretary Robert Macnemera, where they openly discussed plans to use the staged Gulf of Tonkin incident as a pretext to expand the war.
Then in late 2005 the National Security Agency declassified its own official history of the Gulf of Tonkin, and admitted that intelligence agency officers have deliberately skewed the intelligence and claimed that Vietnamese patrol boats have attacked U.S. destroyers on August 4, 1964, when in reality they had done nothing, even while being fired upon by U.S. forces. Congress then authorized the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. The Tonkin lie paved the way for over 58 thousand American deaths, and over a million and a half dead Vietnamese.
Cubana Flight 455
On October 6, 1976, two time bombs made of C-4 planted on a Douglas DC-8 aircraft exploded, killing all 73 people on board, in the most deadly act of airline terrorism in the Western hemisphere until September 11, 2001. The plane was carrying Olympic athletes from three countries, including gold medal winners from Cuba.
Declassified FBI and CIA documents show the convicted bombers of the flight had been given U.S. visas just days before the attack, and they were in the employ of the U.S. Government.
[Also read a BBC article about the subject.]
The Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty
In the early 1960's, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff L.L. Lemnitzer concocted a plan for false flag operations as a pretext to invade Cuba and for war with the Soviet Union. In Operation Northwoods, they planned to hijack jets by remote control, crash them, and blame the attack on Cuba. There are many other terrorist attacks they planned to carry out that were contained within the document.
On scenario mentioned was the destruction of a U.S. Naval vessel that was to be blamed on a foreign power as a pretext for war with any enemy they picked. President Lyndon Banes Johnson went operational with Northwoods on June 8, 1967, during the Six Day War. During the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab nations, the USS Liberty was sent by Johnson to collect electronic intelligence in the Eastern Mediterranean. The clearly marked U.S. intelligence ship was fourteen miles off the coast of Israel in international waters.
Israeli surveillance aircraft flew low over the ship, and clearly identified it as an American vessel. At 2:00 pm that afternoon, the USS Liberty was attacked by three Mirage-3 fighter bombers. From the onset of the attack, the fighter bombers were jamming U.S. signals. Not only were they jamming U.S. signals specifically, they were also unmarked— the only unmarked aircraft in Israel's arsenal. The fighter bombers strafed the ship with their cannons, and dropped conventional munitions and Napalm on the ship repeatedly from stem to stern.
After the Mirages had done their work, the ship was hit by medium bomber [aircraft], carrying Napalm and other munitions like White Phosphorous. The USS Liberty was then attacked by thee Israeli torpedo boats, bearing Israeli flags. The torpedo gunboats opened fire with high caliber machine guns and launched torpedos. A single torpedo struck the ship, blowing a hole in both sides— entering the ship and leaving a thirty foot exit hole when it exploded. Then the torpedo boats began strafing life rafts in the water— an international war crime.
While all of this was happening, an oversized American flag flew clearly above the ship. The attack on the Liberty went on for hour after hour after hour.
During the entire attack the USS Liberty continually called the Sixth Fleet that was nearby, begging for air support or rescue. Two [nearby] aircraft carriers responded by launching fighter aircraft. Unbelievably, they were then recalled by the White House. Rear Admiral Geiss, commanding the carrier in the sixth fleet, called Washington personally to confirm the recall order. Secretary of Defense McNamera came on the line, and then President Johnson himself told Geiss: “I want that g..damn ship going to the bottom! No help— recall the wings.” Imagine being Admiral Geiss, begging the President to allow you to defend an American ship that is under attack, and being told by him that he wants the ship going to the bottom.
Despite the fact that the U.S. carriers withdrew their help, a Russian spy ship appeared, and witnessed part of the attack. After three hours into the attack, the Israelis withdrew because there were witnesses, allowing the damaged USS Liberty to limp to safety.
Forty years after the attack on the USS LIberty, we know exactly what had happened. I've interviewed former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer. I've interviewed the Admirals that were on the line, who heard what President Johnson had said. I've even talked to the head Jag officer of the Navy who was ordered to falsify the reports and cover up what had really happened.
One of the Iraeli pilots has gone public as well, saying that he refused over his radio to headquarters to attack the ship, saying clearly that it was an American ship in international waters, and an ally. He was ordered under threat of court martial to engage the ship.
In a nutshell, this is what happened: President Johnson had personal control over the ship, parked it in the Mediterranean, made a back-room deal with Israel to attack it with an order to kill all aboard. Then the attack on the ship was to be blamed on Egypt, the U.S. would enter the war, and take over the entire Middle East.
In the aftermath of the attack of the most highly decorated ship in U.S. history, the Captain and his entire crew were told that they would spend the rest of their life in prison or be killed if they told anyone what happened. Captain William L. McGonagle was given the Congressional Medal of Honor in secret and told not to tell anyone that he had won the award.
[Also see the BBC documentary “Dead in the Water— The Sinking of the USS Liberty,” and the documentary “The Loss of Liberty (USS Liberty Coverup).”]
[Note: March 1, 2020— The links in the video text have been updated.]
This video clip from the Alex Jones documentary “Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism” is a summary of historical examples of governments staging “false flag” operations— being attacks carried out for the purpose of being blamed on another country.
In this clip, six examples of the use of false flag terrorist attacks by the global elite are examined, including Adolf Hitler’s use of the tactic, Operation Ajax in Iran, Operation Gladio in Europe, the Gulf of Tonkin Attacks, the bombing of Cubana Flight 455, and the Attack on the USS Liberty.
Following is a written transcript of the information in the video clip:

Nazi troops apprehending Jewish citizens
Adolph Hitler's Use of False Flag Attacks
One of the best known cases of a false flag Op was carried out by the newly elected Adolph Hitler on February 27, 1933. Nazi documents uncovered at the end of Word War II, as well as testimony during the Nurenburg (SP) trails revealed what many historians already suspected— that Herman Goring had set fire to the “Reichstag,” [which was] the German Parliament Building.
The Nazis then produced their patsy— Marinis Vanderlubbe— an extremely mentally handicapped young man who was found rolling around in an alleyway behind the Reichstag naked. Vanderlubbe was then taken to a Nazi show trial, found guilty and then sentenced to death. He was beheaded on January 10, 1934.
Using the crisis he created to pass laws similar to the USA Patriot Act, Hitler became dictator and set his sights on the world.
By March of 1939, Hitler had already seized Czechoslovakia. Having gained both Austria and Czechoslovakia, Hitler desired to move east against Poland. But he did not want to look like the aggressor. Hitler needed an excuse for attacking Poland. It was Heinrich Himmler who came up with a plan. Thus the operation was code named “Operation Himmler.” On the night of August 31, 1939, the Germans took an unknown prisoner from one of the concentration camps, dressed him in a Polish uniform, took him to the town of Gleiwitz on the German-Polish border, and shot him. The staged scene with the dead prisoner dressed in a Polish uniform was supposed to appear as a Polish attack against a German radio station. German radio, newspapers, and newsreels were flooded with images of what appeared to be a dead Polish soldier who had dared attack to Reich. Now Hitler had his excuse to invade Poland, and the nightmare of World War II had begun.

Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq, Time Magazine's 'Man of the Year,' Jan 7, 1952
Operation Ajax
In 1953, the Central Intelligence Agency working in tandem with MI6 overthrew the democratically elected leader of Iran, Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq. Mossadeq had been educated in the West, was pro-America, and had driven Communist forces out of the North of his Country shortly after being elected in 1951. Mossadeq then nationalized the oil fields, and denied British Petroleum a monopoly.
The CIA's own history department at CIA.GOV details how U.S. and British intelligence agents carried out terror attacks, and subsequently blamed them on Mossadeq.
In the late 1990's, large sections of operation AJAX were declassified. The field commander of operation AJAX was none other than the grandson of President Theodore Roosevelt, Kermit Roosevelt. Before his death in 2000, Roosevelt went public to the media, bragging about his patriotism in carrying out terror attacks in Iran and blaming it on the Government.
The provocations included propaganda, demonstrations, bribery, agents of influence and false flag operations. They bombed the home of a prominent religious leader, and blamed it on Mossadeq. They attacked mosques, machine gunned crowds, and then handed out thousands of handbills claiming Mossadeq had done it. The handbills read “Up With Mossadeq, Up With Communism, Down With Allah.” Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq was incarcerated for the duration of his life, and fared better than many of his Ministers, who were executed just days after the successful coup for crimes that the MI6 and CIA had committed. The CIA then formed the dreaded Iranian secret Police, “SAVAK,” and a 25 year rein of terror and torture then commenced.
The operation was seen by Western intelligence agencies as a huge success. The CIA then successfully used the exact same technique in scores of countries to overthrow elected governments and dictators alike.

Operation Gladio
Operation Gladio was an umbrella name for literally hundreds of bombings carried out by Western intelligence agencies and NATO in Italy, Western Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia. From 1947 to 1981, Italian Presidents have gone public admitting Operation Gladio targeted innocent civilians and was to be blamed on leftists and Communists. On November, 22, 1990, The European Parliament had a resolution condemning the activities of Operation Gladio. The former Italian Intelligence Chief has come clean concerning Gladio's actions as well. Many other countries have declassified documents concerning Gladio.
It is part of the public record that [the United States government] and other Western governments targeted trains, busses, schools.. Several times operatives zeroed in on school busses, knowing that images of dead children would get the population angry and ready to relinquish their liberties. A particularly bloody bombing at the central station of Bologna, Italy in the morning of August 2, 1980, which killed 85 people and wounded more than 200, caused some officials to break their silence and begin to expose just a small part of this wicked operation.
[Also view a 1992 BBC video documentary about the subject.]

June 8, 1972: Severely burned chldren running down a road near Trang Bang after a South Vietnamese Air Force napalm attack.
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident
In the summer of 1964, President Lyndon Baines Johnson needed a pretext to commit the American people to the already expanding covert war in Southeast Asia. In November of 2001 the LBJ Presidential Library and Museum released tapes of phone conversations with the President and then defense secretary Robert Macnemera, where they openly discussed plans to use the staged Gulf of Tonkin incident as a pretext to expand the war.
Then in late 2005 the National Security Agency declassified its own official history of the Gulf of Tonkin, and admitted that intelligence agency officers have deliberately skewed the intelligence and claimed that Vietnamese patrol boats have attacked U.S. destroyers on August 4, 1964, when in reality they had done nothing, even while being fired upon by U.S. forces. Congress then authorized the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. The Tonkin lie paved the way for over 58 thousand American deaths, and over a million and a half dead Vietnamese.

CIA agent Luis Posada Carriles
Cubana Flight 455
On October 6, 1976, two time bombs made of C-4 planted on a Douglas DC-8 aircraft exploded, killing all 73 people on board, in the most deadly act of airline terrorism in the Western hemisphere until September 11, 2001. The plane was carrying Olympic athletes from three countries, including gold medal winners from Cuba.
Declassified FBI and CIA documents show the convicted bombers of the flight had been given U.S. visas just days before the attack, and they were in the employ of the U.S. Government.
[Also read a BBC article about the subject.]

The USS Liberty which was attacked by Israeli forces on June 8, 1967.
The Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty
In the early 1960's, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff L.L. Lemnitzer concocted a plan for false flag operations as a pretext to invade Cuba and for war with the Soviet Union. In Operation Northwoods, they planned to hijack jets by remote control, crash them, and blame the attack on Cuba. There are many other terrorist attacks they planned to carry out that were contained within the document.
On scenario mentioned was the destruction of a U.S. Naval vessel that was to be blamed on a foreign power as a pretext for war with any enemy they picked. President Lyndon Banes Johnson went operational with Northwoods on June 8, 1967, during the Six Day War. During the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab nations, the USS Liberty was sent by Johnson to collect electronic intelligence in the Eastern Mediterranean. The clearly marked U.S. intelligence ship was fourteen miles off the coast of Israel in international waters.
Israeli surveillance aircraft flew low over the ship, and clearly identified it as an American vessel. At 2:00 pm that afternoon, the USS Liberty was attacked by three Mirage-3 fighter bombers. From the onset of the attack, the fighter bombers were jamming U.S. signals. Not only were they jamming U.S. signals specifically, they were also unmarked— the only unmarked aircraft in Israel's arsenal. The fighter bombers strafed the ship with their cannons, and dropped conventional munitions and Napalm on the ship repeatedly from stem to stern.
After the Mirages had done their work, the ship was hit by medium bomber [aircraft], carrying Napalm and other munitions like White Phosphorous. The USS Liberty was then attacked by thee Israeli torpedo boats, bearing Israeli flags. The torpedo gunboats opened fire with high caliber machine guns and launched torpedos. A single torpedo struck the ship, blowing a hole in both sides— entering the ship and leaving a thirty foot exit hole when it exploded. Then the torpedo boats began strafing life rafts in the water— an international war crime.
While all of this was happening, an oversized American flag flew clearly above the ship. The attack on the Liberty went on for hour after hour after hour.
During the entire attack the USS Liberty continually called the Sixth Fleet that was nearby, begging for air support or rescue. Two [nearby] aircraft carriers responded by launching fighter aircraft. Unbelievably, they were then recalled by the White House. Rear Admiral Geiss, commanding the carrier in the sixth fleet, called Washington personally to confirm the recall order. Secretary of Defense McNamera came on the line, and then President Johnson himself told Geiss: “I want that g..damn ship going to the bottom! No help— recall the wings.” Imagine being Admiral Geiss, begging the President to allow you to defend an American ship that is under attack, and being told by him that he wants the ship going to the bottom.
Despite the fact that the U.S. carriers withdrew their help, a Russian spy ship appeared, and witnessed part of the attack. After three hours into the attack, the Israelis withdrew because there were witnesses, allowing the damaged USS Liberty to limp to safety.
Forty years after the attack on the USS LIberty, we know exactly what had happened. I've interviewed former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer. I've interviewed the Admirals that were on the line, who heard what President Johnson had said. I've even talked to the head Jag officer of the Navy who was ordered to falsify the reports and cover up what had really happened.
One of the Iraeli pilots has gone public as well, saying that he refused over his radio to headquarters to attack the ship, saying clearly that it was an American ship in international waters, and an ally. He was ordered under threat of court martial to engage the ship.
In a nutshell, this is what happened: President Johnson had personal control over the ship, parked it in the Mediterranean, made a back-room deal with Israel to attack it with an order to kill all aboard. Then the attack on the ship was to be blamed on Egypt, the U.S. would enter the war, and take over the entire Middle East.
In the aftermath of the attack of the most highly decorated ship in U.S. history, the Captain and his entire crew were told that they would spend the rest of their life in prison or be killed if they told anyone what happened. Captain William L. McGonagle was given the Congressional Medal of Honor in secret and told not to tell anyone that he had won the award.
[Also see the BBC documentary “Dead in the Water— The Sinking of the USS Liberty,” and the documentary “The Loss of Liberty (USS Liberty Coverup).”]
Terrorstorm— Clip: The London 7/7 Attacks
This video clip from the Alex Jones documentary “Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism” details overwhelming evidence that terrorist bombings in busses and subways of London, England on July 7, 2005 which killed 56 people and injured over 700 were carried out by England's own security forces as a pretext for reducing the rights of the citizenry and creating support for the occupation of Iraq.
Following are key points mentioned in this clip:
— The London police ordered the bus which was subsequently bombed to leave its normal route and park at a different location in the city— being the only bus out of several hundred in service that morning to have its course diverted in such a way.
— London police later admitted that all four of the bombers on the three trains and bus didn't fit the characteristics of suicide bombers. They bought two-way tickets, they played games of Cricket the night before, and they had good jobs and happy families. One of the alleged suicide bombers was caught on video arguing with the ticket clerk about the price of his pass. Witnesses who were spoken to stated on the record that they believed that the bombers didn't know they had explosives in their backpacks.
— The so-called mastermind of the 7/7 bombings named Haroon Rashid Aswat was a British intelligence asset who was being protected by the MI6 (the British version of the CIA) and was under their control, as explained by former Justice Department prosecutor and FBI terror expert John Loftus on the July 29th edition of Fox News Television's “Dayside” program.
— It was reported that a witness on one of the Tube trains said that he didn't see a man with a rucksack, and after the explosion he saw metal pointing upward from the bottom of the carriage, indicating that the bomb was attached underneath the train.
— A current member of British Parliament who is a former Cabinet Minister in Prime Minister Tony Blair's government named Michael Meacher was sacked in 2003 for raising important questions on the eve of the Iraq war. He explains in an interview for the documentary: "The atrocities of the London bombings where 56 people were killed [on 7/7], it's a very convenient way of ensuring there is fear, ensuring there is control, and ensuring that those who are in the know— of course we cannot tell you because it is all secret— are in a position of extreme power."
— Jean Charles De Menezes was brutally murdered at the Stockwell Tube Station in the London Underground in 2005 by a special army unit of the police. London police were later forced to admit that their initial accounts of what had happened had been grossly distorted to make De Menezes appear to be a hostile threat. Police initially claimed that De Menezes ran from them and was wearing a heavy coat with wires sticking out as he raced onto a train before the officers gunned him down, but the truth is that it was a warm day and he was wearing a light jacket, and police came and cleared out the train car De Menez had calmly boarded and then proceeded to push De Menezes to the floor, squat on him, and kill him execution style with over ten shots to the head. Witnesses said De Menezes looked at them as if he knew them. The authorities claimed that all the surveillance cameras malfunctioned that morning but were later forced to admit otherwise. The British government was so desperate to keep the details of the shooting secret that they went so far as to arrest an ITN television journalist who had gotten a copy of what would normally be a public police report, and government whistleblowers and police have also been suspended or arrested for telling the truth about the matter.
— Israeli Army Radio was reporting that Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been warned not to leave his hotel that morning to attend a meeting less than a hundred yards away from one of the train stations that was bombed. Several weeks later the head of the Mossad (the Israeli version of the CIA) told a major German newspaper that he indeed had issued a warning to Netanyahu at 8:40 A.M., ten minutes before the first blast. Former MI5 agent David Shayler explains that in 1994, the Israeli Embassy in London was bombed, and he saw a document written by a senior MI5 officer that said he believed that Israel had bombed its own Embassy.
— All four of the supposed bomber's identification cards survived unscathed at all four events, and in one case, one of the bomber's ids was found in two separate locations.
— Most people in government are moral individuals who believe they are acting in the best interest of their country, so they need to be tricked into taking part in false flag operations by being told that they are taking part in a exercise. On the morning of the 7/7 attacks in London, there were simultaneous exercises targeting the exact same trains, the exact same bus, the exact same locations at the very same time. Peter Power who was the former spokesman for Scotland Yard told National British Television ITN news on that day about taking part in the drills, and he repeated himself to BBC Radio Five later in the evening.
— In the weeks leading up to the 7/7 attacks, Tony Blair's poll numbers had fallen to the lowest point in his seven year administration, and his labor party was sure to loose the Parliamentary elections. Support for the war was dismal, and despite the bombings which improved his approval ratings and support for the war, he was still only barely able to maintain control over the British House of Commons.
— In the wake of the bombings, Tony Blair's administration descended on the British people with a raft of tyrannical legislation, attacking the press, freedom of assembly, and setting up the conditions needed for a martial law takeover of the nation through the Civil Contingencies Act.
— The bombings took place while word leaders were meeting in Scotland, so Bush and Blair could grandstand and blame the event on Iraq, legitimizing their war. Despite the fact that the G8 Summit was coming to England on July 7, the British Government lowered the terror threat on the London Underground in early June, which conveniently lowered security.
This video clip from the Alex Jones documentary “Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism” details overwhelming evidence that terrorist bombings in busses and subways of London, England on July 7, 2005 which killed 56 people and injured over 700 were carried out by England's own security forces as a pretext for reducing the rights of the citizenry and creating support for the occupation of Iraq.
Following are key points mentioned in this clip:
— The London police ordered the bus which was subsequently bombed to leave its normal route and park at a different location in the city— being the only bus out of several hundred in service that morning to have its course diverted in such a way.
— London police later admitted that all four of the bombers on the three trains and bus didn't fit the characteristics of suicide bombers. They bought two-way tickets, they played games of Cricket the night before, and they had good jobs and happy families. One of the alleged suicide bombers was caught on video arguing with the ticket clerk about the price of his pass. Witnesses who were spoken to stated on the record that they believed that the bombers didn't know they had explosives in their backpacks.
— The so-called mastermind of the 7/7 bombings named Haroon Rashid Aswat was a British intelligence asset who was being protected by the MI6 (the British version of the CIA) and was under their control, as explained by former Justice Department prosecutor and FBI terror expert John Loftus on the July 29th edition of Fox News Television's “Dayside” program.
— It was reported that a witness on one of the Tube trains said that he didn't see a man with a rucksack, and after the explosion he saw metal pointing upward from the bottom of the carriage, indicating that the bomb was attached underneath the train.
— A current member of British Parliament who is a former Cabinet Minister in Prime Minister Tony Blair's government named Michael Meacher was sacked in 2003 for raising important questions on the eve of the Iraq war. He explains in an interview for the documentary: "The atrocities of the London bombings where 56 people were killed [on 7/7], it's a very convenient way of ensuring there is fear, ensuring there is control, and ensuring that those who are in the know— of course we cannot tell you because it is all secret— are in a position of extreme power."
— Jean Charles De Menezes was brutally murdered at the Stockwell Tube Station in the London Underground in 2005 by a special army unit of the police. London police were later forced to admit that their initial accounts of what had happened had been grossly distorted to make De Menezes appear to be a hostile threat. Police initially claimed that De Menezes ran from them and was wearing a heavy coat with wires sticking out as he raced onto a train before the officers gunned him down, but the truth is that it was a warm day and he was wearing a light jacket, and police came and cleared out the train car De Menez had calmly boarded and then proceeded to push De Menezes to the floor, squat on him, and kill him execution style with over ten shots to the head. Witnesses said De Menezes looked at them as if he knew them. The authorities claimed that all the surveillance cameras malfunctioned that morning but were later forced to admit otherwise. The British government was so desperate to keep the details of the shooting secret that they went so far as to arrest an ITN television journalist who had gotten a copy of what would normally be a public police report, and government whistleblowers and police have also been suspended or arrested for telling the truth about the matter.
— Israeli Army Radio was reporting that Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been warned not to leave his hotel that morning to attend a meeting less than a hundred yards away from one of the train stations that was bombed. Several weeks later the head of the Mossad (the Israeli version of the CIA) told a major German newspaper that he indeed had issued a warning to Netanyahu at 8:40 A.M., ten minutes before the first blast. Former MI5 agent David Shayler explains that in 1994, the Israeli Embassy in London was bombed, and he saw a document written by a senior MI5 officer that said he believed that Israel had bombed its own Embassy.
— All four of the supposed bomber's identification cards survived unscathed at all four events, and in one case, one of the bomber's ids was found in two separate locations.
— Most people in government are moral individuals who believe they are acting in the best interest of their country, so they need to be tricked into taking part in false flag operations by being told that they are taking part in a exercise. On the morning of the 7/7 attacks in London, there were simultaneous exercises targeting the exact same trains, the exact same bus, the exact same locations at the very same time. Peter Power who was the former spokesman for Scotland Yard told National British Television ITN news on that day about taking part in the drills, and he repeated himself to BBC Radio Five later in the evening.
— In the weeks leading up to the 7/7 attacks, Tony Blair's poll numbers had fallen to the lowest point in his seven year administration, and his labor party was sure to loose the Parliamentary elections. Support for the war was dismal, and despite the bombings which improved his approval ratings and support for the war, he was still only barely able to maintain control over the British House of Commons.
— In the wake of the bombings, Tony Blair's administration descended on the British people with a raft of tyrannical legislation, attacking the press, freedom of assembly, and setting up the conditions needed for a martial law takeover of the nation through the Civil Contingencies Act.
— The bombings took place while word leaders were meeting in Scotland, so Bush and Blair could grandstand and blame the event on Iraq, legitimizing their war. Despite the fact that the G8 Summit was coming to England on July 7, the British Government lowered the terror threat on the London Underground in early June, which conveniently lowered security.