News of Interest.TV

Alex Jones speaks with Susan Swift of The Right to Life League about California’s insane abortion agendas— including legal “abortions” up until 28 days AFTER birth
Running Time: 40 minutes

Alex Jones speaks with Susan Swift, an attorney for The Right to Life League.  Swift explains that California is in the process of implementing outrageous abortion agendas including even allowing “abortions” up until 28 days after birth!  Smith also explains how abortion providers are a “cartel” that heavily profit from selling body parts of aborted fetuses.

Following are points spoken about in the video:

— Swift explains that we are witnessing a “California abortion apocalypse”— where a cartel of about 40 abortion providers have coordinated with California’s governor Gavin Newsom to create 15 specific points of abortion recommendations for legislation, which have mostly gone through already.

— The bill “SB 1142” brings “abortion on demand” 24 hours a day with no limits, where the state will even fly people in from other states for free abortions— where such women will also be reimbursed for lost wages, have hotel accommodations paid for, and even have child care provided for the woman’s other children.

— The bill “AB 2223” is literally an “infanticide bill” which has been passed and it is waiting to be signed.  It will decriminalize abortion for all nine months, and it also legalizes infanticide for 28 days AFTER the child has been born!  It allows for the legalization of “perinatal death” (meaning “death after birth”) as long as it is claimed to be “due to causes that have occurred in-utero,” where the law will protect the mother and whoever assists her from any liability for killing the child during that period.

— Under the previous “Roe vs. Wade” California legislation, women had to at least see a doctor to have a surgical abortion performed, but under the new AB 2223 legislation women aren’t even required to see a doctor for such a procedure, including even during the 28 day period after the birth!

— In addition to women being flown into California at no cost to them to have abortions performed, the abortion providers will be continuing to harvest body parts from the aborted babies to be sold, which is a practice that has previously been exposed in films by the activist David Daleiden.

— Under the bill AB 2223, in most cases nobody will investigate the murder of a child in the first 28 days after birth, as long as the mother claims that the death was necessary because of a previous “botched abortion procedure.”

— Body parts from aborted fetuses are highly sought after by medical researchers and others in the medical industry, where such people pay huge amounts of money for it.  A single baby can be worth between $50,000 and $100,000 for its organs or even much more.  Women often pay a few hundred dollars to have an abortion, but that is an illusion meant to conceal the fact that the abortions are highly profitable for the abortion providers.  The abortion industry doesn’t want people to understand that the aborted children are such a commodity to them, because it would draw attention to how unethical the practice is.

— The California state supreme court has ruled that abortions are a “constitutional right,” however abortions are spiritually unholy, where instead of “liberty and life,” the political Establishment is celebrating “domination, control, and death.”  Claims of abortion being “health care” are a lie, where it instead is the killing of a human being.

— Democrats are becoming more-up front about the fact that some of them believe abortion is a “ritual” that they “celebrate,” for example Satan worshipers consider abortion to be a “sacrament.”

— It is ironic that California has stringent laws about how animals such as livestock must be treated, yet homicidal mistreatment of human babies is allowed and even encouraged.

— Birth control pills cause harm to the reproductive systems of women, and abortion pills are shown to cause harm to the women who take them, where cancer rates are shown to dramatically increase with women who have had numerous abortions.  About 30 women are on record as dying from taking an abortion pill, however the actual number of fatalities is much higher but not reported due to laws that conceal such information.

— Federal law mandates that killing a baby that has already been born must be charged as murder, yet California is pushing ahead with allowing the killing of children up to 28 days after they are born anyway.

— It is shown that human eggs and the eggs of many animals emit a spark of light at the moment when they are fertilized and new DNA forms, which is when the life starts.  All living people are “clumps of cells” as an egg is while it is developing.

— The Supreme Court reversing Roe vs. Wade righted the wrong of the ruling that was previously an assault on the U.S. Constitution, but the abortion industry is very upset about the situation because they are losing a lot of income due to Republican states starting to no longer allow later-term abortions.

— The political Establishment is doing all that it can to convince women to be agreeable to having abortions, because they want to destroy the sacred institution of creating life and motherhood as a part of a wider agenda of attacking all of humanity.

— Many women regret having abortions, and some have been rendered sterile because of them.

— Antifa-type domestic terrorist organizations such as “Jane’s Revenge” have been attacking pro-birth woman’s clinics, including even fire-bombing them.

— California is following the philosophy of politicians such as Senator Elizabeth Warren who has been saying that pro-birth clinics should be shut down, and the state has advanced a bill “AB 2586” that initially referred to pro-life clinics as being “fake.”  Also “consumer alerts” are being issued in the state where pro-life clinics and maternity homes are being sued for “consumer fraud” if they cause delays in a woman getting an abortion.

— A bill “AB 532” has created a new category of “civil rights” called “reproductive decision making,” where employers are not allowed to discriminate against people for their views about abortion— which will undoubtedly be weaponized against pro-life clinics through pro-abortion people bringing lawsuits for not being hired.

The Right to Life League which Swift works with offers free services to pro-life clinics to ensure that they are immune to attacks and stay open, such as by offering them free business and legal advice.

— Many Californians are abandoning that state due to being fed up with its policies, but some courageous people such as Swift are staying to help make a change.

— Majorities of people in polls, including young people, are against late-term abortions, yet the political Establishment is pushing forward with the most extreme abortion agendas anyway.  It is likely that the political Establishment is emboldened against the will of the people in such a manner due to knowing that the elections are rigged in their favor anyway.

— In addition to pushing for as many abortions as possible, the political Establishment is also doing whatever it can to destroy the sanctity of families, such as promoting child transgenderism and pedophilia.

[Note: I can’t comprehend the mentalities of many Californians where they support such agendas.  Most don’t seem to understand or really care about what their government is doing, as long as they know it is being implemented by Democrats.  I think what is happening in that state is primarily the fault of the people who are living there due to their allowing the corrupt politicians to bring such agendas.

Personally I’m opposed to abortion, but I do support the legal availability of abortion pills for early-term abortions (“heartbeat bills” for example), as long as the pills can only legally be taken in the presence of a doctor.  I also support the legality of later-term abortions if there is genuine medical necessity for it.]

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