News of Interest.TV

Endgame Segment - Battle for the Republic
Running Time: 17 minutes

This video clip from the Alex Jones documentary “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” explains the historical corruption of the Mexican government and the modern agendas of the political elite for enticing Latin Americans to migrate into the United States as a part of a strategy of merging the North American continent in a totalitarian system ruled by the global elite.

[Editor’s note: Updated February 24, 2020— Almost all Latin American immigrants are peaceful and they appreciate the opportunity to live in the United States.  However, the nature of how they have been coming is out of control and dangerous.  I believe that immigrants who are already living in the country should be allowed to stay and continue to receive benefits unless they commit crimes, but it is important that all new illegal immigration is stopped through the implementation of effective barriers, enforcement, and the removal of enticements which encourage new migrants to illegally settle in the country.]

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