News of Interest.TV

Nazi Connections of the Bush Family
Running Time: 13 minutes

This video clip from the Alex Jones film “Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State,” details evidence of how Prescott Bush— the grandfather of George W. Bush, had major ties to Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party.  It is explained that Bush was a partner in the American bank “Brown Brothers Harriman” and he was involved in the Union Banking Corporation, which were actually Nazi money laundering operations that had connections to many individuals and companies that were involved in the workings of the Nazi party, including the IG Farbin Company that operated the Auschwitz death camp, and Fritz Thyssen, who was a key individual in building the Nazi war machine.  Evidence shows how Prescott and his associates were not just passive investors who were hoping to profit from the war, but they were supporters of the Nazi party who proselytized for Hitler and took their instructions directly from Fritz Thyssen.  Even after being warned by the FBI, the Justice Department, and the Treasury Department to cease and desist in their Nazi dealings, they had continued to do business with Fritz Thyssen until 1951 when Mr. Thyssen died in Argentina, at which time the assets of Union Banking Corporation were liquidated, netting the Bush Family $1.5 Million for Prescott’s holdings, which were the beginnings of the Bush family fortune.

The video also speaks about how Prescott Bush, members of the DuPont Family, and J.P. Morgan tried to overthrow the US Government in 1934 by planning to assassinate FDR and put a Hitler-style fascist Government in place.  [Note however that it is shown that the coup attempt was actually a ruse in order to create public support for FDR who was actually deceptively associated with the plotters.  See A Summary of the Secret Society the “Illuminati,” Drawn from the Works of Henry Makow.]

Also explained are direct parallels between Arnold Schwarzenegger’s speech at the 2004 Republican National Convention and Hitler’s speech after the Reichstag fire in Germany, and Karl Rove’s Nazi connections are explained as well.

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