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Trump is secretively importing as many as 30,000 mostly unvetted Muslims into the U.S. during 2019

 by Edward Ulrich, September 21, 2018

Donald Trump

On September 17th, 2018, Donald Trump had announced that he has decided to import as many as 30,000 mostly Muslim refugees into the United States during the coming year, making his announcement weeks earlier than has been anticipated.

The United States has been involved in a little known program of importing refugees from regions of the world since the 1980’s, where the refugees are selected by the United Nations and then brought to the United States by nine different “refugee resettlement contractors,” where they are given the full benefits of U.S. citizens and eventually they have the option of becoming U.S. citizens themselves.

The Refugee Resettlement Program has many issues though, where many of the supposed “refugees” are actually economic migrants who are being brought to the U.S. to fulfill Establishment political agendas, while many legitimate refugees such as Christians who are persecuted by Muslims are not chosen to come to the U.S. in any substantial numbers.

Last year Trump admitted over 20,000 Muslims though that program, as well bringing in 16,000 additional “special immigrant visa holders” from Afghanistan, with essentially none of them being adequately vetted. But despite such a high number being brought in, it is a smaller amount than has been admitted by previous presidential administrations.

After Trump made his announcement about the number of refugees that he will be admitting next year, media coverage (such as this Politico article) has been deceptively portraying Trump as being a “cold-hearted hawkish hard-liner” who has “slashed the amount” of the refugees that the United States will be allowing— instead of explaining that Trump has decided to import tens of thousands of mostly unvetted Muslims when actually he had the option of not bringing in any at all.

And if last year is any indication, Trump might bring in many more than 30,000 Muslims under the guise of other programs. The Politico article claims that Trump admitted “only 20,825” refugees last year, but that number doesn’t include the additional 16,000 Afghanistanis that he brought in.

The Politico article says there was a yearly cap of 110,000 refugees under Obama, however Obama set that high number soon before he left office as a political stunt to make whatever amount that Trump chose seem to be dramatically less by comparison. Obama actually admitted an average of about 70,000 per year. See this Refugee Resettlement Watch article explaining that issue.

The Politico article quotes various individuals from the refugee industry such as Church World Services who claimed that Trump is involved in “an all-out attack on vulnerable families seeking to rebuild their lives in safety,” and the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society which said that the decreased numbers shows that the U.S. is “a nation in retreat.”

The Politico article also says “The Trump administration is required by statute to consult with the Senate and House Judiciary committees regarding the proposed ceiling. The Senate meeting has not yet taken place, according to an aide,” however that is a very misleading statement— Trump might be required to “consult” with the Judiciary committees, however the number of refugees admitted is his decision to make alone.

Also see the article The United States has secretively been importing millions of Islamic migrants from overseas for decades for more information about this issue.

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The United States has secretively been importing millions of Islamic migrants from overseas for decades
Trump is secretively importing as many as 30,000 mostly unvetted Muslims into the U.S. during 2019

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