A Summary of the History of the World, in Videos
by Edward Ulrich, updated February 18, 2022
The videos on this page detail the history of technology. It contains technology-related information that does not readily fit into any one of the other specific sections. It is a part of the article “A Summary of the History of the World, in Videos”

This video explains the history of the development of concrete technology, which has been used for thousand of years.

This video explains what writing materials were used by people before the invention of paper, how paper was invented, and how its usage has evolved over time.

This video summarizes the history of humans wearing clothing.

This interesting video explains evidence of the history of clothing fashion in human history dating back as far as 23,000 BC.

This video explains the history of weaving fabric, starting at around 4,000 years ago.

This video demonstrates the traditional method of weaving linen fabric in colonial America. From the video page: “Watch master weaver Melissa Weaver Dunning operate Mount Vernon’s 18th century loom.”

This video demonstrates the traditional method of creating flax fibers for weaving linen cloth in Ireland, starting with the cultivation and harvesting of flax plants, rhetting and drying it, and the various methods of breaking down the fibers to make it useful for weaving cloth.

This video explains that thousand of silkworms are boiled alive in their cocoons for every pound of silk that is produced.

This video explains the traditional and modern methods of how wool is harvested from sheep and spun into fabric.

This video explains all steps in the modern process of creating linen fabric from flax plants that are grown in Europe.

A man in Michigan named Wally Wallington has discovered how to move and lift 20 ton concrete blocks by hand using only wood, pebbles, counterweights, and human power, which he demonstrates in this video. His techniques could have easily been implemented by the builders of Stonehenge and the Egyptian Pyramids, for example.
![“The Invention of Gunpowder — Mankind: The Story of All of Us” [also Venetian banking and the printing Press]](../../_sam_noitv/video_pages/history_summary_vids/technology/gunpowder/_thumbnail_images/gunpowder_small.jpg)
This History Channel documentary is titled as being about “gunpowder,” but in fact it also covers others important developments that happened during the Middle Ages, including the Sahara salt caravans in the 1350’s, the banking families that were established in Venice, Italy in the 1400’s which ultimately financed the Renaissance, and the invention of the printing press in the 1400’s.

This interesting History Channel documentary talks about the development of all types of engines, including steam engines, sterling engines, electric motors, internal combustion engines, jet engines, rockets, microtechnology and nanotechnology motors, hybrid engines, and hydrogen fuel powered engines.

Many seasons of the History Channel “Modern Marvels” series is on Amazon streaming.
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