“The Ultimate Fashion History: Prehistoric Clothing”
This interesting video explains evidence of the history of clothing fashion in human history dating back as far as 23,000 BC.
Following are points from the video:
— The Venus of Willendorf figurine (that was found in Austria from about 23,000 BC) is apparently wearing a hat, and the Venus of Brassempouy (that was found in France from about 23,000 BC) is wearing a headdress.
— The Ice Age Gravettian Culture (from central and northern Europe at around 35,000 BC - 22,000 BC) used shells and teeth as decorative beads on leather clothing, as evident from ornate burials. Gravettian Culture also likely marked the beginning of the use of textiles, where textiles themselves have not been discovered, but imprints from textiles have been found in graves.
— The 12,000-year-old Bradshaw Rock cave painting in Australia depicts people wearing ornate clothing.
— Well-preserved “Bog People” discovered in European peat bogs date back about 6,000 years, where the male bodies are shown to have styled hair where they even used hair gel, they had manicured fingernails, and they wore very recognizable and modern-looking clothing styles.
— The mummified “Otzi the Iceman” who died in northern Italy in 3,300 BC is explained, where he was found being covered in tattoos that correspond with acupuncture pressure points, and he wore very ornately designed and fabricated leather clothing that was likely made by someone else.
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Video: “The Ultimate Fashion History: Prehistoric Clothing” |