A Summary of the History of the World, in Videos
by Edward Ulrich, updated January 5, 2023

This article is a directory of historical videos with topics spanning the entire length of history. It contains a variety of videos from various sources, ranging from documentaries to cinema films. Many can be watched online for free, and others can be streamed from commercial services.
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Pre-Human Cosmology
The Stone Age
The Bronze Age (5000 BC — 1200 BC)
The Iron Age (800 BC — 332 BC)
Asian History
The Egyptian Era
The Greek Era
The Roman Era
The European Dark Ages / Medieval Period (410 AD — 1400 AD)
The European Renaissance Period (1300 AD — 1700 AD)
The Post-Renaissance European Period (1700 AD — 1900 AD)
African History
Pre-Columbian American History
Post-Columbian American History
20th Century History
Misc History of Technology
The Stone Age
The Bronze Age (5000 BC — 1200 BC)
The Iron Age (800 BC — 332 BC)
Asian History
The Egyptian Era
The Greek Era
The Roman Era
The European Dark Ages / Medieval Period (410 AD — 1400 AD)
The European Renaissance Period (1300 AD — 1700 AD)
The Post-Renaissance European Period (1700 AD — 1900 AD)
African History
Pre-Columbian American History
Post-Columbian American History
20th Century History
Misc History of Technology
Article Section— Pre-Human Cosmology
[Note: I think it is interesting that many aspects of the theory of evolution can’t be explained as occurring through the process of natural selection, since many abrupt leaps of development exist (as the video “Unlocking the Mystery of Life” explains), but I do think the forces of natural selection are still a factor in evolution nonetheless.]
[Note: I think it is interesting that many aspects of the theory of evolution can’t be explained as occurring through the process of natural selection, since many abrupt leaps of development exist (as the video “Unlocking the Mystery of Life” explains), but I do think the forces of natural selection are still a factor in evolution nonetheless.]

This National Geographic documentary summarizes the history of the Earth, following a time span from when the Earth was first formed up until today.

The documentary film “The Privileged Planet” describes the amazingly finely tuned array of factors necessary for the planet Earth to be able to sustain complex life, showing that the odds of such a combination occurring even in the vastness of the known Universe is essentially impossible.

Most people wouldn’t think to question Darwin’s theory of evolution, however the theory breaks down when traced back far enough in time due to it initially requiring the existence of extremely complicated cell structures that are capable of reproducing themselves and passing on encoded genetic information.
This documentary entitled “Unlocking the Mystery of Life” describes this issue using high quality computer animations. View the trailer on this page, which also contains links to view the documentary on Amazon Streaming and to purchase the video from Illustra media.
This documentary entitled “Unlocking the Mystery of Life” describes this issue using high quality computer animations. View the trailer on this page, which also contains links to view the documentary on Amazon Streaming and to purchase the video from Illustra media.
Article Section— The Stone Age
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

This documentary explains aspects of Neanderthal physiology that made them well-adapted for cold northern climates, evidence of Neanderthals meeting in large groups on an annual basis, evidence of Neanderthal abstract expression, evidence of Neanderthals meeting modern humans starting at about 50,000 years ago, and it explains how Neanderthals became extinct about 40,000 years ago.

This documentary explains the prehistoric history of Neanderthals and humans in Britian.

This well-made documentary presents a portrayal of the stone age Gravettlan Culture in northern Europe during the Ice Age (between 33,000 BC and 17,000 BC), where it depicts a small group of nomads trekking south across Europe. [Note: This video is the most convincing portrayal of Ice Age Europeans that I have seen.]
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Article Section— The Bronze Age (5000 BC — 1200 BC)
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

This BBC Two documentary explains many aspects of the 5,000 year old Stonehenge stones in England.

This documentary details the Nordic Bronze Age that existed in a time period between 1,800 BC—500 BC, also explaining how previously sheep herding people from the Eastern Steppes infiltrated the European continent starting in 3,500 BC, bringing their language, horses, and technology such as wheels and bronze metallurgy. It explains how people in mainland Europe became relatively advanced even before being subjugated by the Romans.

This video explains the discovery of “Otzi,” a man who was found frozen in the Italian Alps that died between 3350 and 3100 BC. The find gave many insights into how people lived at that time.
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Article Section— The Iron Age (800 BC — 332 BC)
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

This History Channel documentary details what happened during the Iron Age between 1,200 BC and 100 AD. Among the topics it explains are the sacking of Mediterranean civilizations by the mysterious “Sea Peoples” bringing an end of the Bronze Age, metalworkers discovering how they could use plentiful iron intead of bronze to make metal, many Chinese inventions being introduced such as cast iron technology and crossbow weapons, and the advent of many modern religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

This video explains the technologies of iron and steel, which are related to each other.

This interesting video shows how an accurate digital reconstruction was made of the “Tollund Man” who was buried in a Danish bog over 2000 years ago.
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Article Section— Asian History
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

This video details the initial cultures that arose in the river valleys of eastern Asia starting in 5,500 BC, which eventually became modern-day China.

Angkor Wat is a large and ornate 900 year old abandoned city of stone temples located deep in the jungles of Cambodia, re-discovered in 1860 by a French explorer. The city is the size of London, and it was larger and in many ways more advanced than any European city at its time. Scholars have been able to decipher its writings due to some of it being written in sanskrit, which has revealed the city’s history. In 1431 the city was sacked by people from Thailand who enslaved many of its residents, which soon led to the area being abandoned. This well-made documentary recreates what the area looked like at the time.

Ban Chiang is an ancient archeological site in northern Thailand that was settled between 3,600 BC and 200 AD. It contains evidence of farming, animal domestication, pottery, and bronze metallurgy, with evidence also showing that they traded with India. The culture had a tradition of burying their dead along with objects, which has helped researchers learn about their culture.
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Article Section— The Egyptian Era
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

This documentary depicts a time period in Egypt starting in 1560 BC, 1000 years after the large pyramids where built, which is known as the rise of the “Golden Age” New Kingdom where there was an explosion of wealth, creativity and power due to expansion and consolidation of the surrounding areas. It is a 2001 PBS “Empires” series, narrated by Keith David.

This documentary explains how a stone tablet was found in 1799 that contains an identical message written in Ancient Greek, Demotic script, and Egyptian hieroglyphics, which has allowed researchers to rediscover the ancient Egyptians languages that were previously lost to the ages.

This 2015 documentary explains the mysterious ancient city of Petra that was carved by the Nabateans into red-rock cliffs of the Jordanian Mountains starting in 500 BC. The carvings consist of massive elaborate city structures such as crypts, shrines, and canal systems, all of which were designed in an odd combination of architectural styles from all over the Mediterranean including in the Greek and Roman Styles. Petra became a major trading center which Rome took control of in the second century, and by the 7th century the city had been abandoned due to a cataclysmic earthquake, with the city’s ruins becoming a hidden secret of the mountains.
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Article Section— The Greek Era
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

This video summarizes the ancient Minoan civilization that arose on the island of Crete. They are considered to be Europe’s first civilization, where they had a peaceful egalitarian existence creating artisan goods and trading with other cultures in the Mediterranean region. They built advanced palace complexes that had indoor plumbing, and they created much artwork.

This video shows a simulated walkthrough of the Acropolis and the Parthenon in ancient Greece, with narration. The video initially flies over the site, and then walks through the area among the inhabitants at the time.

This well-made German ZDF documentary details the life of Alexander the Great, the Greek king who conquered Persia for Greece while he was in his twenties.
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Article Section— The Roman Era
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

This is the opening scene from the Ridley Scott movie “Gladiator.” The movie is fictional, but it is drawn from real stories of historical figures such as Spartacus.

This well-made 2007 History Channel documentary series explains how Roman culture was overthrown by aggressive hordes of Barbarian tribes from northern Europe starting in the fifth millennium AD. It talks about the Vandals who capitalized on the chaotic political environment in Rome during the 400’s and caused a century of misery for the people living there, the Saxons who took over much of Britain starting in 449 AD, the Franks who took over central Europe including what is now France starting in 355 AD, and the Lombards who took over most of the Italian Peninsula starting in the early 500’s. [Note that only season “2” is currently online.]

This video entitled “Zeitgeist Refuted Final Cut” created by Elliot Nesch accurately refutes the points made in the popular “Zeitgeist” documentaries that attempt to claim that Christianity is actually only a rehashed interpretation of many previous sun worshiping religions.
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Article Section— The European Dark Ages / Medieval Period (410 AD — 1400 AD)
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

This 2007 History Channel documentary talks about what happened between the fall of Rome in 410 AD and the Crusades starting in the 1000’s AD. It focuses on the conquests of Clovis to form the Franks and modern France; the rise of Christianity in Europe; the advent of the first bubonic Plague in 542 AD, killing up to 50% of the populations in urban areas of Europe; the invasion of Europe by Muslims in 732 which was rebuffed by Charles Martell in France at the Battle of Tours, saving Europe from becoming Islamic (and his grandson Charlemagne eventually becoming the Emperor of Rome); Charlemagne becoming the first Roman Emperor in 300 years at around the year 800, where he restored much of Europe to Roman control and brought health to the continent such as by instigating the education of the populace; the devastating Viking attacks in Europe between 793 and 950; King Alfred rebuffing the Vikings in southern England in the late 800’s; medieval knights starting to subjugate the populations of Europe starting in the 900’s; and the Crusades being undertaken in 1095.

This video explains the difficult lives of serfs during the Middle Ages. Serfs were similar to being slaves in some respects, where they were required to work for the lords who owned their land by growing food, and they were often required to be soldiers in wars for their kings.

This PBS documentary shows a modern contest to make a working catapult that is capable of breaking castle walls.
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Article Section— The European Renaissance Period (1300 AD — 1700 AD)
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
updated January 5, 2023
The four part PBS miniseries “The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance” documents the rise and 200 year reign of the Italian banking family the Medicis starting in 1389 AD, where they were financial patrons of the most influential artists and scientists of the Renaissance such as Michelangelo and Galileo, with members of their family even ascending to the Papacy, but with their reins as Popes being so notoriously corrupt that they were responsible for triggering the Protestant Reformation.
In this video, Ohio State University history Professor Robert Davis explains the white slave trade that happened in Europe between the years 1500 and 1800, where an estmated 1 to 1.25 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa by slave traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli (with those numbers not including the European people which were enslaved by Morocco and by other raiders and traders of the Mediterranean Sea coast.) Davis also explains that Istanbul’s slave import from the Black Sea may have additionally totaled around 2.5 million from 1450 to 1700.
running time 25 minutes
This video explains “Ivan the Terrible’s” brutal reign in Russia in the 1500’s, where he engaged in decades of pointless wars and employed secret police henchmen who raped and brutalized the populace.
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Article Section— The European Post-Renaissance Period (1700 AD — 1900 AD)
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

This History Channel video details of brutal French Revolution that occurred between 1789 and 1799, where French people revolted and killed many of the French aristocracy including King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette.

This video summarizes many aspects of the industrial revolution that occurred between the 1700’s and early 1900’s.

This History Channel documentary details a variety of events that occurred around the world between the U.S. Civil War and the end of World War I, where technology and industrialization took off on a massive scale.
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Article Section— African History
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

The Nubians have been living in the Sudan area of the horn of Africa in the Nile River Valley for thousands of years, and they were a southern part of the Egyptian Empire. Under their King Piye, northern Egypt was conquered by the Kushites during the third intermediate period that began in the year 1070 BC (known as “The Nubian Dynasty”), with the Kushites ruling Egypt until 656 BC. After that time, they continued to live in the southern region of Egypt, where they built many pyramids and they developed a form a writing called Meroitic Script.
Women had an active role in Kushite society, where they sometimes reigned as queens and fought in battles, such as Amanishakheto who reined in Kush when Rome had already conquered Egypt after the defeat of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra. Amanishakheto refused to pay tribute money to Rome and she declared war against them, sacking Egyptian cities that were under Roman control and leading many battles against the Romans, eventually forcing Rome to recognize the Kingdom of Kush as an independent power in 20 BC.
Women had an active role in Kushite society, where they sometimes reigned as queens and fought in battles, such as Amanishakheto who reined in Kush when Rome had already conquered Egypt after the defeat of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra. Amanishakheto refused to pay tribute money to Rome and she declared war against them, sacking Egyptian cities that were under Roman control and leading many battles against the Romans, eventually forcing Rome to recognize the Kingdom of Kush as an independent power in 20 BC.

This video explains little-known information about Islam’s extensive involvement in the African slave trade.

A relatively recent example of the global elite engaging in genocide is the 1994 massacre in Rwanda that killed 800,000 people, being proven that it was at least intentionally allowed to happen though the withholding of military assistance that those people were made to become acclimated to.
This video documents the widespread Genocide that occured in Rwanda over the course of 100 days starting on April 6, 1994 shortly after the United Nations had pulled its troops out of the country. Despite official warnings and then daily reports emerging of roving bands of militias maiming and exterminating all in their path using hatchets and machetes, President Clinton and the United Nations did nothing to intervene until the violence had run its course and over 800,000 Rwandans had been killed, with many more maimed.
This video documents the widespread Genocide that occured in Rwanda over the course of 100 days starting on April 6, 1994 shortly after the United Nations had pulled its troops out of the country. Despite official warnings and then daily reports emerging of roving bands of militias maiming and exterminating all in their path using hatchets and machetes, President Clinton and the United Nations did nothing to intervene until the violence had run its course and over 800,000 Rwandans had been killed, with many more maimed.
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Article Section— Pre-Columbian American History
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

This is the first part of a well-made series about the Aztec world in the “Fall of Civilizations” documentaries. This episode explains the Aztec civilization at the point in time before it was first contacted by Europeans, recreating what the Aztec world looked like in great detail.

This French documentary explains the rise and fall of a vast network of large ancient Mayan cities, being located in Guatemala with the first city being built in 600 BC, and with all of them being abandoned in the region 1000 years ago.

This interesting 2002 BBC Documentary explains the recent discovery in Peru of Caral, the oldest known South American civilization that predates the Mayan sites in central America by at least a thousand years. It explains that there is no evidence of if being a war-like culture or them performing human sacrifices, but instead it was a prosperous trading hub where people brought fish to its inland location.
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Article Section— Post-Columbian American History
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

This is an excellent documentary series by Stephen Ives and Ken Burns that details the peopling of the Western United States by non-native newcomers starting in 1528 up until the early 1900’s, describing how the United States came to have its current configuration while also explaining how native populations have been displaced and exterminated.

This eight part miniseries by Ric Burns chronicles the history of New York City from the time Manhattan was a wooded wilderness in the year 1600 up until 2001. It is a very well-produced and engrossing documentary, every episode is interesting.

This interesting documentary describes American society immediately after the Civil War in a period known as “Reconstruction” starting in 1863, where in many cases slavery had essentially not ended but rather it continued under the guise of sharecropping and Jim Crow laws until as late as the 1960’s.
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Article Section— 20th Century History
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

The Documentary “Behind the Big News” examines issues of corruption in the mainstream media of the United States, explaining how the powerful and secretive Establishment group The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has had a tremendous influence in biasing news that all mainstream media outlets disseminate. Conflicts of interest exist due to the fact the most major figures in the media are members of the CFR, which is also the most influential organization in formulating the foreign policy of the United States. The CFR has agendas of perpetuating globalist agendas which are often deceptive and little understood by the general public, and it often makes use of its control over the media in order to generate uncritical support for such agendas.

This video is an interview of Dr. Anthony Sutton, a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute, where he explains how the Western political Establishment secretly financed the Communist Soviet Union throughout its existence including during the Vietnam war, as well as supplied Adolph Hitler with technology and raw materials before and during World War II along with the U.S. intentionally avoiding bombing certain German factories.

This article contains video clips from the Alex Jones documentary film “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” that explains the long-term agendas of Establishment groups who secretively control the governments of the world. It explains how the global political elite is in the process of consolidating the countries of the world into a one world government that is run by unelected private bankers, and it explains their agendas of eugenics and world depopulation through the use of genocidal methods.
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Article Section— Misc History of Technology
(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)
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(NOTE: These are a select few videos from this section.)

This interesting video explains evidence of the history of clothing fashion in human history dating back as far as 23,000 BC.

This interesting History Channel documentary talks about the development of all types of engines, including steam engines, sterling engines, electric motors, internal combustion engines, jet engines, rockets, microtechnology and nanotechnology motors, hybrid engines, and hydrogen fuel powered engines.

A man in Michigan named Wally Wallington has discovered how to move and lift 20 ton concrete blocks by hand using only wood, pebbles, counterweights, and human power, which he demonstrates in this video. His techniques could have easily been implemented by the builders of Stonehenge and the Egyptian Pyramids, for example.
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